Greandal’s menagerie…

They’re growing nice cuz!


Ok this is getting out of hand…:joy:

Just kidding!

One T/O and one Oaxacan are obviously putting out branches faster than the others. None of these have seen more than 12/12 and we’re at day 27.

See anything familiar @Upstate?


I see those big containers full of soil😁 how big are those containers? I would be transplanting into 1/2 or 1 gallon next if I were you…if you go big the plants will too😉
These are all looking happy and healthy and you’re doings doing a great job. If you are worried they won’t get big in small containers have no fear. These will jump up to 18 inches in 2 weeks in 1/2 gallon. They haven’t even hit their stretch yet. That’s coming soon too.
However, if you wants em big, I’ll sit back and enjoy the show!
Sure looks like you have a Silversides pheno


Don’t you love it when things get out of hand like that !
Looks like they are coming along great friend !


“Objects in iPhone camera are smaller than they appear” :joy:

I miss my old iPhone with its reasonably flat field. This one is a damn funhouse mirror. :clown_face: It’s like accuracy was about #12 on the design stipulation list.

These are “2 gal” bags, about 8” in diameter. They’re sitting on a 24”x 48” table which along with the spherical distortion makes them look like powder bags for an 8” gun.

I will take your advice and go with 1/2 gal nursery pots first. After looking at @SkunkHunt101’s T/O I think it’s prudent.


I certainly can’t complain! Thank you :blush:

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Dam brother. You got it going on over there. Great stuff. Looking forward to seeing this all come to fruition. I’ll be here for a while if ya don’t mind.

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Welcome! Thank you :blush:

New shoes for the girls…


Yeah So I will be checking in on your work, the summer sativa plants were beautiful, such huge fan leaves, wonderful buds, must be the best smoke! Enjoy!

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Thank you kindly. I couldn’t resist the desire to let them go.

And yeah, it’s nice smoke!

Not the racy sort at all but uplifting and a little cerebral.


Always a nail biter but everyone looks alright

The T/O are getting busy


Those little gals just wanna grow for ya cuz! They’re looking great! Good growing vibes in the air cuz

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Thank you @JohnnyPotseed They have me rather excited.

I’m being optimistic calling them girls at this point but optimism is a requirement for growing anything. :joy:


lol Oh so very true cuz…very true indeed! I never say the word (whispers) ‘boy’ around all my girls in the rooms!! :rofl: :wink: :+1: :pray:

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I actually need a boy or two from both types But I’m pretty sure that’s going to happen.


Whew! After a couple hours of intense work this morning everyone looks happy.

The special one and another I think may be compact

I’m really happy with this soil so I thought I’d share.

As you can see it’s not very hot and surprisingly airy for a standard potting soil. Everything I have going now is in this. I have yet to feed anything and probably won’t have to for a while with these Sativas. I did add about 1 cup of ground dried banana peels and myco when I first filled the 2 gal bags and the soil had been moist and “cooking” for probably 75-90 days beforehand so it was already alive before any planting.

These plants are “slow growing” in relative terms and at this age have rather delicate roots. Also, they are not very tolerant of excess moisture at the roots. With that in mind I don’t “water them in” at transplant. I have the soil hydrated and today I actually heated it up to ambient in the tent beforehand. Coaxed them from their cups into warm moist soil and covered loosely, not packed. In a few days they’ll get a little water but never to runoff.

Quite a bit different than the hybrid sausage stuffing lots of us are used to! :joy:

Edit: That’s one cup of ground banana peels PER BAG of soil.

AND I have discovered 75 degrees is not a good low point, 78 to 82 with 60ish RH is the current sweet spot.


I would call that an understatement. :slight_smile: Their looking strong and healthy. If that’s “alright”, I want to see the ones you say are “doing great”!
Kidding aside, they look real good bro. :v:

I guess a straight sativa is generally that way? I’m going to be running one in with my others next run. :thinking: That temp may not work for the others and I only have one sativa in the list. I may have to rethink that.

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Not necessarily, it has more to do with the climate it’s parents were adapted to than whether it’s Sativa or not. There are Sativas that are grown in colder parts of the planet that are fairly hardy that way. These are close to if not actually landrace and a hybrid of the one with another (Thai). one from equatorial Mexico where it’s hot all the time the other a mix of that and a Thai, which depending on where in Thailand it’s from, it’s hot all the time and humid.

The Oaxacan is actually fairly cold hardy reportedly but not for a long while yet I don’t think.


Thanks. That makes perfect sense.

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