Greandal’s menagerie…

Unless you specifically go and find a “landrace” or something close to it you’re going to be growing a hybrid that has some sort of indica in it. Many “landrace” Sativas have some sort of Indica in their distant ancestry too. If it takes 9-12 weeks to finish it’s not likely to be as different to grow as these.

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And thank you my friend! :blush:

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I think the most important thing getting these off the ground is vpd which, not coincidentally, is a function of temperature and humidity. Look at an Indica dominant leaf, any of what you’ve got going on there, and they appear more dense and opaque sometimes shiny almost waxy looking. They’re physically adapted to more temperate even cold regions. Afghanistan etc. Temperature and humidity fluctuations have less effect on them than the more tropical varieties. At least in youth.

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So, correct me if I’m wrong, raising and lowering the vdp mimics atmospheric pressures of different land elevations.

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Sorta kinda well not exactly. No. :joy: It’s only possible to find the temperature/humidity that allows the plant to transpire best at this altitude. That’s a necessarily different ratio due to atmospheric pressure but yes, altitude difference is what causes the need to adapt the environment.

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Yes! I understand it now!!,… kinda well not exactly.
I love that!
Yeah I do get it though. It’s a cause and effect sort of thing with several factors involved in recreating the same environment (including the vdp) of whatever elevation/environment the strain originated from.

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By that I mean giving the plant exactly the same temperature and humidity level at this altitude might not be ideal.

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The temperature we can reasonably duplicate and we must actually because the roots are adapted to function in their native soil. The necessary amount of humidity to bring about the vpd that satisfies the plant will vary depending on the difference in elevation between where it comes from and where you grow it.

So nobody’s made a slide rule for it, just gotta find it before they die! :joy:

That’s one of the things the afghan genetics bring to the party, easier to satisfy that way.

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Yeah, I need to give just a little more thought to what I plan to drop next. Thanks bro.

Time for this old man to crash out.
Have a great evening. :wink:

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You too! :v:

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Looking great @GREANDAL!!! Congrats!!

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Thank you! Got a tiger by the tail here. :joy:

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I’m waiting for my air pump to get to me so I can get it started!! Kudos!! Mine (the lid of the container, I mean) is all broken on top, cheap quality plastic. It’ll be worth trying it first and later upgrading to a better one!! Happy cloning and Merry christmas!!

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Merry Christmas to you and yours @Abbbian! I’m going the mister route just because I had a pump given to me. Yeah, normally that’s a rather spendy tote but the local Ace had a sale, less than $10. First time I’ve done this!


Looks like you will be cloning in no time . Looking fantastic friend

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Thank you :blush: I’m stoked! And just in time too, there are already cuttings to be had on at least one of the T/O.

Nice! I’m about to build one myself. :slight_smile:


As usual I’m forced to do it immediately because the plants are ready. They’re farming me! :joy:


@MoBilly, aren’t we just like a family!@? lol! I saw @Floyd’s cloner, got hooked, @G-paS saw it too, made one, and I don’t even know who else, but we’re like cousins, “you got that too!? And it works, right!?” OGrand Family!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: