Greandal’s menagerie…

These things have been around for years, I’ve even known about them and how to go about it just never HAD to have one. But now oooooo now I gotta have one stat. I blame OG. :joy:

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OG causing trouble in the hood!! lol!
It’s funny I’m really low on my finances, yet I had to acquire that pump! Somehow I know it’s for my ladies’ benefit!! And I do it!!

Say that again!! :rofl:

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I gotta say though, I’m sure they work and I understand why people buy them but good grief what some charge for functionally identical units. Whatever the market will bear!

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Well, if they do a job way better and easier than other means, why not!! One only stands to gain from it!! Not sure I follow you but it’s a perfect way to safeguard propagation, especially in terms of personal use…

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I’m saying $89 seems like a lot of money (something similar on Amaz) to me knowing what goes into it but not everyone is mechanically/technically inclined.

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yo mean water and air!! lol!! :flushed: totally agree, and some plastic, rubber, porous stones, and an air pump!! Got it!! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m all the way talking diy!!

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What takes me an hour might take someone else a day. Vice versa if we’re talking ugly math. :joy:

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Well, I may be slow but seriously persistent@!@ Crazily obsessive when it comes to my own ways of acquiring knowledge of something!! :expressionless:

Actually not slow, fast and anxious in everything I do, except times I trip!!! lol!


I’m with you there. When I was younger it was nbd to drop about 2am and go hiking with friends. You know, for 12 hours. :joy:

Now I have one or two old friends spend the weekend and play music with some shrooms and I’m good.


Well this was fun!

And not a moment too soon…


Goodness! Pistils!


And the girls go doot doodoot, doodoot doot doodoot doot :notes:


:notes:“One of your own kind, stick to your own kind…” :notes:


So a reasonable dance card develops!

4 confirmed females

One definite male

Nothing else formed enough to tell. Nothing showing on the T/O yet I can see.


Another look at the T/O and I have 2 definite males


First cuttings, from T/O. Wish me luck! :joy:

And from one Oaxacan female


Good luck man. You got this all dinked out. :slight_smile:


Thanks my friend! Best laid plans and all that. :joy:


So things are busting out all over…

Two femme T/O

And the “boy” I thought I had is actually a girl, will undergo surgery in the morning.

I don’t find this that unusual having read intersex traits are more prevalent in Thai varieties. Hey @Upstate is it worth trying with this one?


I always at least try. Female/ male parts together in the bud are no good. Yeah, the Thai is unworked by Westerners for now. That’s something I will have to take care of in the future.
The Freaker’s are putting together a group buy for Snowhigh Mexican varieties. Need 8 people, $100 each. Interested?

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