Greandal’s menagerie…

Not anymore! :joy: right now it’s coming down an inch an hour.

42.9N here.


I’d be doing it too, but dang that is dedication. :slight_smile:

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@MoBilly You getting a lot of weather?

So far only about .3" of ice and 1/2" of sleet with just a dusting of snow last night. The weather map shows the snow just getting around to us. lol
Probably within the next 30 min.

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You guys aren’t going to get much in this round are you?

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Joking of course. Cricket cricket. lol
You guys will be getting more than I am I think.

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About 6” so far but just snow. It’s tapering off. Predicted 1”/hr overnight

They say there’s going to be around 10" here before it’s all said and done. The main thing is we dodged all that ice.

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Yeah my Oklahoma peeps are having a real good time. lol

We’re set for it. I have enough fuel for the genny to run about a week if need be. That’ll cover the well and part of the house. aka the green room.

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Both generators tested this morning! lol

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The only problem is we live on the far reaches of the county line, farthest from town. When we have outages no amount of calling will get them out here until everyone else is back up.

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That’s one thing I miss. DTE sure ain’t PSO.

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The plan is to build a smaller place out here since the kids have grown. We want it to be off grid as much as possible as a backup to post insanity if you know what I mean.

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I do. Time to put everyone to bed! Take care stay safe.

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You as well my friend. Be safe and warm. :slight_smile: Now back to the movie so my wife will stop giving me the (fake) “eye”. lol
Catch you later. :slight_smile:

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For scale…


Is that a bamboo bokken? Nice. Mine is solid oak. It’s heavier, I’m sure, but it works for me. I’m a pretty big guy. :slight_smile:

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It’s a shinai, also a facsimile of a katana but used in kendo. I train with bokken of course but wouldn’t strike anyone with one unless I REALLY didn’t like them. :joy: This is a cheapo I’d be embarrassed to show up with.

Martial arts have been with me from childhood. I was lucky enough to have a true instructor when I started. Swords have also been, i fought in the sca for a while when I was younger.