Greandal’s menagerie…

Weather hit you bad?

Not at all really. We got a little bit (.2") of ice and then about 5-6 inches of very light powder.

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Lucky :four_leaf_clover:!

We got about 10” but no ugly stuff.


It’s cold enough it’s loose but it’s pretty grainy. Not quite powder

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Dang dude! I dabbled with it for a bit when I was young. I had a teacher that was very good! (not like a Miyamoto Musashi but he was so precise and when he wanted to be he moved faster than I could follow. I only saw his speed a couple of times. I was amazed.
I was working at muscle memory and building speed from there. The old man got sick so I quit asking for instruction. I was 19 years old when he got too bad off.

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Well that’s a cool surprise! I was wondering since you knew what a bokken was.

Yeah that fluidity that comes with deep awareness is mind blowing. When I first experienced it my perception changed. Until then it was work.

The same thing can be said about my music. After I got to the point where I didn’t have to think about how to make music and just do what I feel, everything changed. And it was muscle memory that allowed that.
Yeah I know he was not near as smooth as he was before he met me. I would loved to have seen him in his 30’s.
I bet that would have blown my mind.

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Hey I’m really sorry about your friend man. Hard on the heart I know. I have one friend like that. I think we only ever have one if we’re lucky.

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Thanks bro.
Dad always said “Even if a man only needed the fingers on one hand to count his true friends, he was a fortunate man.”
Jeff was one of the most trustworthy men I have ever know. He proved it many times. When there was nothing for him to gain and everything to loose, he still had my back.
You can’t ask for more from anyone.


Apical hayride!





Them purdy seeds are worth way more than the penny !!!

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I thought he was advertising the price! I was about to order a dollar’s worth.
Truly worth more than the penny. :v:

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You guys are a laugh riot. :joy:

I’m just like a kid with his first guitar looking at these intended seeds. They ain’t bird food!


Your just showing off. :cry: All my seeds are an accident. sniff sniff…
Of course I would never say that in front of them! That would just be wrong.
So you and your fancy “intended” seeds just have yourselves a grand old time.

Dang, I was going somewhere with that and got lost…
Well, there’s always the next hit.


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Am I that transparent? Yes. Yes I am. lol Not gonna lie it feels like an accomplishment.

These are just the ones off the stalk of the wispy Oaxacan. I’m thinking I might end up with 100+


And you should! :slight_smile:
I can’t wait for my first success like this one.
I am rather :green_heart: envious right now.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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~thank you~ No doubt you will too! :blush:

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Ok so I apologize for being gone so long. But this season is getting off to an auspicious beginning…

Crazy huh? lol