Greandal’s menagerie…

Sometimes shit just happens. With big enough numbers you’re going to run into them and I think it’s more likely genetic than it is your poor light dep. I have a cab that leaks light like a sieve.


Certainly possible, and if so I’ll have plenty of pollen for the future. I was hoping for one. The middle one stinks so good…

It will be a bummer to have made such a good start on the cuttings but practice is good.

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I’ve been praying for males on this round. I got a herm and 2 different plants with auto recessive traits coming out.

One lovely male fortunately but I’m anxious because he just about to drop. Any moment now.


I probably should have just waited and dropped more to start but I was fiending to see them. As it is I know my pollen storage strategy works so it’s not a loss. Should see in a couple weeks.

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the light dep. seemingly worked very fast!

My SE Asians like say Vietblack Snowhigh will show Pollensacks end September (same progressed like yours) !!

Im interested if they now do a reveg like it happend for a Zamaldelica grower… Very interesting…

When did you start and stop the Lightdep?


11 days ago I started. Yesterday was the last day I bothered.

I am convinced now they are true males, using a loupe I can find no female flowers anywhere.

It does seem fast but remember these are mature plants, I think they were ready to go.


Used cat litter will deter just about any plant eater from the animal kingdom. Spread around the perimeter of your plant(s) where you won’t step in it. Coyote pee works great too but must be replenished after a couple rains. Soak a cotton ball and put it in a ziplock And use a stick or something else to keep the bag open so the smell can come out. The bag he protects the cotton ball from the rain. Find it at a hunting store/ archery shop.
Ivory soap works. Hang it in chunks around your plants. I actually don’t like this one due to security concerns. If I ever saw hunks of soap hanging from trees in the woods I would know what was nearby without even seeing it.
Tabasco spray/ hot pepper spray works.
Cat hair/ dog hair works and is slow release Nitrogen.
@MoBilly go for it next year. So easy to do.


@GREANDAL i missed that hermie post. How are the others? Pollen spilling yet?

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I’m considering putting a few outside come Spring.


These are cuttings taken from the three male VB from earlier allowed to flower normally. I wanted to be sure I have enough pollen. lol


Finally getting my act together!

A respite from long flowering things…

3 x Ken’s x MelFrank GDP from @Greasy
3 x OG kush from @Gpaw
4 x Black Triangle F3 from @VAhomegrown
3 x Bloody Monster from @JohnnyPotseed
3 x VB from @slain
3 x C99 by FDM

I have 4 brand new octopots waiting for the best looking gals so this should be a good fall season!

In a month or so I hope to start the next wave.

Cheers everyone!


Good growing vibes sent your way brother. :slight_smile:

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Thank you :blush:

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Hey @MoBilly I meant to say I’m sorry about those Dosi Walker autos you gave me, they damped off and croaked on me or I certainly would have followed through on a journal on them.


Well, I would throw stones but I’ve, just recently, done the same thing with a great friends gifted seeds. So… lol
I guess stuff happens. :slight_smile:
I’m getting ready to drop seeds for my next run. Since I had to cull more males out of that last round of seeds, I can drop a few ahead of schedule.
I thought I had my mind made up until I started reading up on some outstanding genetics I have available. Now I’m scratching my head trying to find a sleeping aid and real good CBD strain.


You’re no stone thrower! ~ducking looking over shoulder~

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You’ve caught me out man. I’ve been known to throw a few stones. It’s a good thing I don’t have a good arm or my brothers would have suffered greatly! lol


Let’s see some purple!


So October 3

3 x gdp, 3 x bloody monster, 3 x c99, 1 x OG kush, 1 x VB, 1 x Black Triangle popped and in soil. I’m pretty sure the rest will pop shortly.