Greandal’s menagerie…

Actually surprisingly good for what I was expecting. The wheat pheno was the strongest, with a pleasant hashy eventually narcotic effect. The single cola one was the tastiest but was more of a cbd effect. I enjoyed what it did for my knees.





The OG are happy

I almost whacked the two jungle-y Black Triangle but they smelled so effing good I couldn’t do it. :joy:


This is an exciting surprise

Didn’t expect to get smokeable bud from this outdoors but it goes to show one shouldn’t give up easily. :joy:


Things getting busy in here.

The remaining OG. no time or room for boys this time.

Bloody Monsters


Black Triangle


Two down. Always hate to kill a plant when they’re doing well but…

Soon much snipping and whatnot as well as automated watering. I think that will be fun.


All your plants are looking strong! Fingers crossed to get a GDP lady!


Thank you! :blush: I’m hopeful. Do you have any idea what the normal m/f ratio for it is?


You are the first person to run this GDP cross! It’s Ken’s GDP clone x Mel’s GDP. I got 2 females out of 5 plants in the Mel’s GDP, and selected the strongest male for the pollination.


Which parents do they resemble? The one in the back here has longer petioles and is maybe 5% longer internodally. Otherwise identical.


Here is a shot from my journal around the same size in veg.
At this point more like the Mel’s GDP. The defining Kens GDP trait in my grow was that that it just wanted to grow horizontally not vertically. Just like a short cabbage with tons of branching. Both parents didn’t have much stretch at all so I would advise vegging them to about the size you want them to be. Maybe 25 percent stretch after flip.


Wow they do favor the Mel don’t they. And yeah that’s what they seem to be doing. So probably don’t bother to top them at all. Thank you :blush:


They do, but that’s not a bad thing! I got some very purple, chunky buds from the Mel’s GDP with that classic grape flavor. The Ken’s GDP was kind of a pain in the ass to grow, but it did make some beautiful frosty, and grape punch smelling buds. I think the ideal blend would be the structure of the Mel’s with a bit of a mix, in terms of terps and frost from the two, keeping the Mel’s bud structure.


These are the first GDP of any kind I’ve grown so it’s all new to me anyway, just curious. The Ken’s looks kinda fussy in that photo.


To be fair to the Ken’s, she had gone through a lot being mailed and all, and was still finding her feet. My real complaint was that she just grew so densely, that I had to do a lot of defoliation, and remove quite a few branches, so that bud sites would get light. Looking forward to seeing what comes! Thanks for growing them!


So I mentioned a while ago I got some octopots. I did get 4 of the 6 gallon size and certainly intend to use them but not until I find something I need lbs of. :joy: Honestly I have so many different things going here, looking for keepers, I will probably use them outside first.

BUT…these little wonders are the perfect size for my 2 gallon bags.

With a little more Chinoiserie we can get 9 in a 5x5 easily and my laziness need not abate.

The remaining Cindy is a girl and the only one showing, and getting mighty thirsty so she gets the first unit. I’ll try my hand at a quickie tutorial on how I’m going about it. It’s all pretty straightforward but it helps to play with your pot material beforehand if you’re doing it after the fact, with an established plant.

The second strapping Cindy male.

The jungle table is almost too tight.

It’s funny how much fun this fast stage of indoor growing is after so much equatorial torture. Not complaining, it’s my own doing and I intend to do much more only better planned. Already have next year’s greenhouse and working on an automated light dep setup.


Looks good.

I’m trying to make a suction system joke but I got nothing.


Functionally this would be teabagging…

You know, the roots, hanging. The way the thing works. Ok. lol


Can’t wait to see it. I am hoping a greenhouse for next year. Keep us posted on what you come up for light dep.

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Whattaya know, 7 days later! Miracles happen every day kids.

Three Monsters and Cindy

This Monster is a girl!

OG’s, GDP and VB

After the THREE males I can hardly contain my glee at a female VB

Five days in the dark and cold don’t seem to have killed the Frankenstein @JohnnyPotseed. They’re greening up.

In the next few days I’ll hook up the reservoirs etc. put everyone on the floor and flip.


One tent done…

These Monsters aren’t kidding.


Things progress!

All three Bloody Monster are girls, one of which looks more like Frankenstein the other two like the hash plant.

The smaller OG is female, the larger yet to show but I’m thinking male.

Two definite female GDP @Greasy! We’re going to get to see something.

This GDP is a marvelous looking male. Sad to see him go.

So with potentially two spots open in this tent I’ll probably move the short VB back in here since they’ll be flowering long after the rest are done.

Edit: BTW I flipped everything Monday.