Greandal’s menagerie…

I don’t want to alarm you but my Honeywell HT900 is better than your Honeywell HT900.

Looking real good.

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do you actually have a smokereport left for the VB?

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Not yet! :laughing: the first three were males you remember. These are the first females I’ve gotten from those seed.

From the look behavior and smells of the males it should be excellent.


did the males re-veg when you ended the lightdep? when did you end it again…?

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No they kept going. I think I stopped mid September.

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Woohoooo!! They are looking great! Really is a shame to see that male go. It’s quite a bush! Great work!

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Thank you :blush:

They’re mighty vigorous, I haven’t had to do much. This is my first go at an open reservoir growing setup, it works obviously but made me nervous. :joy:


Well mine (2) just came out of their packages for this photo op. As well as the two little ceramic heaters I just replaced the milk house heaters with. Much smaller and quieter but put out the same 1500w. We just had an Ollie’s open in town. :joy:

And thank you :blush:

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I have 2 as well. One just died after 3 years of being on 24/7. I will keep buying them forever they are so good.

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These were $17usd each. Unbelievable these days. If they last a year they’ve done excellent service.

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Yeah that’s right in line with what I paid in CDN.

For the low price of X you too can replicate a hurricane.

It’s weird to be impressed by such a trivial piece of gear but it’s an impressive fan.


Yeah that’s a real indictment of cheap ass design practice, something Honeywell surprisingly doesn’t do. It’s not difficult to design an open frame motor and a blade to match it and move air but it takes a little more work (not a lot) to keep everything in a good durability envelope.

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Because pictures are nice…


Girls are getting serious.


Bloody Monsters



Both the remaining OG turned out male which was sad but works out in the long run. The VB will be going for months so are better off together and everything else are predicted within a few weeks of each other. Going to do a seed run shortly too. Turning out to be a busy winter!

Got a new toy.

Haven’t seen any sign of micro deficiencies but have never really done this method of growing, straight liquid, and also thought I might need to foliar feed or fight some bugs.


Gorgeous brother. Super healthy. I bet you can wait to see those in flower? I know I can’t. Great job my man.



I just caught back up bro. The grow is looking stellar. :+1:t5:


I’m looking at the 1st pic, thinking “photoshop joke”
Till I saw the last picture!
Thats the biggest leaf I’ve seen. Wow


Topped two of the monsters.

They’re drinking like crazy now, 5 gallons a day between the two tents.


Very nice!!


Thanks @MoBilly!

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