Greandal’s menagerie…

Thank you kindly. It’s about half of the plant and it’s been crammed in with three others for too long but she’s coming around. Not much wasted growth which is a pleasant surprise.


Hey Greandal. How are you. Things are looking great. Did you ever get a chance to grow out any of those beans I sent you?

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Most appreciated Mr Foreigner! Sometimes a roll of the dice works out.

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My apologies for needing reminding, which were they? They may be going outside this summer.

Ah ok! Zacateca right? This will go outside with the mexicans this summer. I need to organize my messages. Things have kinda gotten out of hand.


Yes Zacatecas and Zacatecas x Congo I think. It was a couple years ago :slightly_smiling_face:


Also maybe did you send me Loudog seeds after I donated? I’m bad with names haha

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Mea culpa :pray: so many squirrels have crossed my path since then. Age progresses. lol

I did a recent germ test on the Zacatecas x Congo and it was about 50% but the pure Zacatecas was around 90%.

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I don’t recall “loudog” at all. Not familiar with it.

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Oh someone else then. He is an old breeder (creator of Casey Jones ect.) Who is on OG distributing his excellent work in n exchange for donations to a children’s hospital. Great guy.


I did say something about MDS and Oaxaca though. I’ll shoot you some Oaxaca I haven’t grown the MDS yet.


If you get around to it that would be great. But I have lots on my plate now so no rush at all.

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Lol, outside it’s a Triffid.

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Oh yeah she’s feeling better…


It’s looking amazing brother :pray: Seems a little touchy on the nutrient by the looks then? Interesting. If I had to take a guess I’d say you are about half way there lol, though it does look different indoors so it’s a bit hard to say, might be sooner :joy:

The black stem seems to be a very dominant trait , I’ve seen it passed 3 times consecutively down along a completely different outcrossing, it will be interesting to see if it colours up more as it matures… how’s trim jail?

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Unfortunately I had to use the same main reservoir for everything in the tent and the Cindy is notoriously hungry and the gdp liked a higher ec too. I probably could have gotten more out of all three of those if I pushed them more but I didn’t want to ruin this.

We’re at day 62 since flipping.

Cool, I’d be surprised :open_mouth: if it goes past 90 days, maybe even less​:man_shrugging:

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Muuuuch better. So this was sort of an unplanned double test: Light stress and nute stress. No undesirable organs in sight!


Nice, any discernible smells in there yet?

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Yeah it’s smelling good in there. Kinda spicy. I’ll try to give a better description tomorrow. It smells like Southeast Asia to me. lol