Greandal’s menagerie…

I really wish I had an acre or five so I could just drop whole packs.


I want to run the haffa too but space is limited. Probably indoors next fall.

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Yeah tell me about it. I like to say I do the best I can with 12 square feet :joy:


I got a report that one of the Haffas is showing some late nanners. Maybe a big deal for you maybe not, but I would be remiss not to mention it.

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Well hey you’ve got seeds out in the world from that little space. Pretty damn cool imo.

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Thanks man. I’ve made a big left turn into seeds instead of flower to the point where I need to seriously consider my next actions because I need to keep Mrs Foreigner’s jars full.

Not at risk of running out or anything but I need to be smart about it.

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Yes, I asked which I might run a few days ago and you told me that and that someone was running it. Thus my selection.

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Ok good. Just don’t want to throw any curve balls.

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I’m not afraid of a little bit of that. You have to expect some especially with a mashup of equatorial things.

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Agreed. There’s some funky stuff in there which makes it both cool and risky.

But, I’d rather burn the whole line than burn someone with them thus my attempts at absolute transparency. Any questions at all, any, just ask.

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Fear not, I will regale you in due course. Lol

I appreciate your attitude regarding transparency. I do regret the ignorance that drives this terror of intersex in the weedbro culture.

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I think it’s really the only move and just because I made them does not make them good.

I’ve got a line with some…Lebanese in it (if I’m remembering right) which was doing some very weird things like autoflowering full balls at 3 weeks which is just too weird to send out into the world without further testing which isn’t going to happen.

A little intersex is no big deal and I think light leaks are bullshit too. In a small garden with only a few plants one really ugly incident can be a big deal. This doesn’t apply to you I don’t think but it’s something I try to be aware of.

I was working with a Bahia I was excited about but I had to abandon it because it was just too sketchy to live.

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Valid point.

My biggest beef with automatically destroying any plant that shows intersex, especially just at end of life, is what we could be losing out of ignorance. Lots of things can trigger it, what did we do the plant didn’t like? Things to be learned. But such science requires more than a closet for sure.

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Yeah it’s a question of degree really. Nothing is totally clean and bulletproof.

If you start showing male parts at week 2 of flower you’re dead though.

Few late season nanners no big deal.

But I had one in particular, weirdest plant I’ve ever seen, where the buds themselves started turning male and twisting and stretching into strange elongated shapes and throwing balls. It was just fine to finish for some hash but it wasn’t pretty.

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Yeah those unsuccessful variations don’t make it in nature either so nothing lost there. Definitely sucks to feed and house them til you find out though.

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I start way more than I need to combat this as best as possible but sometimes it would be nice to have this information 3 weeks earlier so I could just veg longer and run fewer plants.

But I can’t control everything. Shit happens and I’m not pushing for maximum yield so it’s really not the end of the world it just stings a little when it happens.

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Nursery filling up

Cbg punto rojo

Triple Spice girl by @Foreigner

LPC #75 #2

Friesland in the birthing box, others coming too.



Look at ‘em go!

Looking good.

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Two are up just this morning, I expect number 3 any time.

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Do you tape the clear lids on for stability or a better seal or both?

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