Greandal’s menagerie…


Coming along


Those thin leaves are lovely.


Die anlage ist schön


Thank you :blush:

That’s the 70’s Viet. She has me a little excited. lol


Gewächshaus 50% komplett. Bald abgeschlossen…


I am envious of this development. I often bitch that I wish I had a sunroom and not a balcony.


Been intending to do it for three years. Only now had the time, materials and motivation together simultaneously. LOL

It’s eventually going to be taller, halfway up the wall. Will put a shade sail up to cool it and the house.


I’ve always wanted a conservatory but I think it will have to remain a dream.


My neighbors, even the non smokers are cool with me. They consider me an asset to the neighborhood. Two blocks away however the gentrification is making its aggressive way in my direction. The stiff necked biddies walk through adjacent neighborhoods taking notes and harassing the code enforcement johnnies into abusing people.

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I used to live in a lovely (but sketchy as shit) part of the city. I had a pool and decided it was not prudent to grow in my backyard because water commands attention and I’d always get people poking their heads over the fence because they could hear the trickling.

I had to resort to a shitty and marginally adequate window.

It’s totally different now and I can’t imagine having to fight the newly transplanted nimbys. Their new condo has more rights than my century home…or so they think anyway.

But this is ancient history.


Such is my personality I never avoid an opportunity to fuck with those people. I tell them to keep walking, mind their own business etc.

“what are you growing in there? Why, anything I fucking want to thanks”

One of them, the year we moved in, stopped on her walks three days in a row to “remind” my wife we had “left” the gable windows open. The last time I stepped out from behind the truck and told her I’d close them when I saw fit and asked when I could expect my first mortgage payment to arrive. She uses the other sidewalk now.


Since we’re giving each other clever advice I think you could probably drop 10 pounds.


Something about the useless rage that wells up in them and quickly morphs into humiliation and the need to flee that warms my heart.


People who haven’t heard “no” in far too long are my favorite customers. lol


If you think I’m being rude you’re right and it’s because I’ve identified you as someone I don’t ever want to speak to again.

I was once riding my bicycle on the sidewalk (which is illegal) and I passed two ladies smoking cigarettes. One of them yelled at me “you should ride on the road” and I yelled “smoking shortens your lifespan.”

I consider it a public service.


I call that a “good deed for the day”. LOL


On the other hand, lest I be taken for a total Eastwood, I’ve met everyone that lives on my street. Given them rides, loaned tools, fixed appliances, buried their pets (shhh), keep an eye on their kids til they get home etc. Many of them are getting up there in age and just talking with them on the porch makes our day.

So yeah, if I think you’re alright you most likely will be while in my sight. If not you’ll definitely be in my uh…sight.

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Hey @MoBilly! How are you doing?

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I’m doing better thanks. Life still has me by the short hairs but I’ve got it by the throat so I’ll come through the fight on top.
I’ve taken a day to get my grow space in order. I noticed there were some eggs on one of my plants when I watered this morning so I just took care of what chores had to be done and went to work cleaning. I’m taking a break but there’s more needed.
Honestly man, I’m doing amazingly well physically. The doctors cauterized some nerves and the pain became manageable. I’ve gotten a ton of work done around the place. If I don’t overextend myself in this heat, I’m good.
Dude! I don’t hardly limp right now!
Before you wonder, yeah I know what I’m doing to the knee by working it hard. I’ll take it a little more easy after I get the place set up where everything that needs done can be done with poor health in mind, if you know what I mean. For instance, I raised the milking stand high enough that I can either stand or pull up a taller stool. etc…
I’m also putting in a smaller paddock out behind the house so I can have the goats up closer. I sold the horses so I don’t need to use the field.