Greandal’s menagerie…

Thank you sir! :blush:

Thank you kindly! I’m milking this bit of good fortune for all it’s worth. :joy:

I do have some plans coming up that I’ll try to be organized about.

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Lookin Fantastic friend ! Sorry to say , I may have to chop my outside girl a little early …found some bud rot

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Sorry to hear that! It’s bad this year. Well it’s always bad. lol

Thank you :blush:

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Here comes the rain again…,


Trim jail awaits…


Took me all day to wet trim & wash mine Sunday , and I only had 1

In Hope’s you have a speedy trim day !


Thank you @Crazy1, just doing the lower half of one for now. Getting my wash stuff setup.

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She comes down in the morning.

She’s not quite there but oh my goodness.

The first one has stayed pretty much the same as far as nose. Ambiguous citrus with a little furniture polish/pineapple.

The second is putting out the original lavender thing but the soapy background has become a distinct strong JP4. I literally came out at 5:30 this morning and could’ve sworn I was supposed to get in a helicopter. The mind is fascinating. :joy:


“I’m stuck in cola prison and time keeps dragging on,
But those joints keep a rolling,
until I’m good and stoned.”


It’s a gorgeous day, too nice to work indoors.

Normally I would call this job security. :joy: My friend is not a luthier or even a woodworker though, I give him credit for using a reversible glue even if by accident.

Aliphatic glue, will come off with the heat gun.


Ooooooo look at what came in the mail…

With the arrival of these my plans get underway!

Stay tuned kids…


Damn cuz lol i can’t wait to see how these go for ya!! many good growing vibes in the air for you!
Grow ON!!

edit… Most especially that Malawi Gold lol

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ahem… lol if you plan on doing a seed run on that Malawi Gold…I’d be interested in obtaining a few! lol

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Thank you sir! I’m stoked! Going to take the slow boat to the eastern hemisphere.

Yeah I’m excited about it too. I’m going to seed everything, the Malawi and Oaxacan and MDS if possible. Going to be a long haul, cuttings etc. but I look forward to it. Gonna learn something!

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Yessir you certainly will. These are from rsc and supposedly the real deal afropips. The Oaxacan is from upstate, a 100% Oaxacan pairing from his report, I bet you’d enjoy them too. The MDS is from Lambchopped, his run of the Bodhi if I read it right.


Greandal. Your grow is amazing! I don’t understand why but some of the threads I had set to watch seem to have changed status. How does that even happen?? I’m absolutely POSITIVE I had this thread set to watch.:thinking:
Well I’m back anyway. And I set to watch this time for sure.


Thank you my friend. Been a couple weeks since I posted but nothing missed but instrument repair. :joy:

I am about to start up the fall grow shortly, glad you will be here.

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OH yeah. I’m going to be around for as long as I can. I kinda like the place. :wink:

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Back underground!

I have a lot planned this season, to start with a slow burn :fire: Sativa tent.

Here we have

6 x Oaxacan/Thai from @Upstate
12 x Oaxacan from @Upstate

100% germination. Not surprising, these are all quite fresh and healthy looking. Frankly I had to get off my ass with some alacrity to get them in soil they’re so vigorous.

cloche fermée…

As soon as these are mobile these will follow…