Greandal’s menagerie…

I like the setup bro!

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Good to see you back at it friend & wow ! What a strain to start off with ~

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Hey there! Good to see you! Thank you :blush: I have had to overhaul my process. No more 6 bean salad. :joy:


You know me! I’m always going for variety. :wink:

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Thanks for checking in man! These are all 6 month plants and I mean to generate seed thus the slow burn :fire:. lol


Well I mean using reg seeds lol. The other tent will be a smorgasbord.

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Ahh. I went regs too this run. I planted 5 seeds and got 5 females! I popped an Uncle Fester’s Skunk to make my 6th. Fingers crossed!
I’ll be back after I feed the critters. :v:


That’s going to be one crazy grow with all those sativas! Are you limiting container size? The Thai were very well behaved, topping out at 3 feet maybe in a 2 gallon pot, and uppotted to 5 gallon when the stretch was almost over, gaining just a tad more height.
The Oaxaca have Tall and shorter plants. The taller plants will get tall no matter what you do. The shorter plants are used to containers and are nice and compact. Look out for a couple male flowers around week 10 with the Oaxaca. Twice i had a few male flowers after going from cfl to hps around week 10, when they outgrow the cfl’s. If you use the same bulb, no issues. Not every plant either. Just one each time, for about one or 2 weeks I had to look the plant over each day. I have to say I’m really glad I kept it though. Such excellent smoke I don’t mind having to deal with such a thing.
The Thai were very stable and were really put to the test, with changing lights, and going indoors to outdoors and back again repeatedly, one time even experiencing a 36-hour light cycle 2/3 the way into flower when my timer failed. Hard to guess whether the Thai or the Oaxacan will be more dominant in the hybrid. I’m excited about both of these. Together they will make beautiful music😁


Oh yes indeed! Everyone goes in 2 gal bags. I don’t have illusions of everyone growing to fruition. Decisions will have to be made, cuttings taken etc. It will be a year before I roll up a cured joint I’m sure.

I admit it’s ambitious, not having approached growing this way before. I have a room to sequester and collect pollen/pollenate sorted out.


You can start flowering those from birth if you want to. I do a 3 week veg cycle but it isn’t necessary. They don’t need big containers at all. Some people finish them in 1 gal pots. @YoBigdaddy does this.
Keep them in small containers as long as possible before you put them in the 2 gallon containers. Basically as soon as the roots fill up the container they are in you can transplant. This will keep the plants size in check. You’ll be surprised how many sativas you can handle this way


I supplied the seeds and I’m a little jealous of your grow LOL!!
I transplanted from 2 gal into 5 gallon this summer a little quicker than normal. The plant literally doubled or tripled in size in about a week


Yeah I’m just starting 12/12 and letting them go. By spring I should have some ready to go outside, that’s the plan anyway.


LOL yes. My experience with the outdoor girls this year taught me the danger of aggressive uppotting with sativas. Past a point you either kill it or get out of the way.

Hopefully I do your seed justice and you just can’t stand me in a few months. :joy:

But seriously, if you’re excited imagine how I feel. Thank you :blush:


Having the Oaxacan growing alongside the cross will be educational. Might be an opportunity…


So your objective is to grow a :evergreen_tree: ! I’m definitely taking a seat!


The earth needs us more now than ever. Plant a tree, and breathe. Keep planting trees! We’re only doing what must be done. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Awesome looking shrubbery @GREANDAL! Hopefully the Jones will see you and try and keep up with you!

Grow 'em big, and grow 'em often. peace


Well hell cuz! This is looking to be a grand grow on your part I’m gonna grab a seat over here on the side and watch! Good growing vibes in the air for ya cuz! :wink: :+1:


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed! A pleasure to hear from you. I haven’t forgotten the Malawi, will probably start some of them too.

How’s things with you?


can’t complain cuz lol I’m still above the daisies! I dropped by to see how you’re doing. I liked that use of the tote! lol Improvise!

Oh and I see you like that Castings method of germination too, glad it does what you need.


Thank you :blush: yeah that’s exactly how it happened. I don’t normally have this many cups simultaneously. :joy:

I’m going to have to get serious and vote the losers off the island as things get tight in here, not something I’m used to.

I’d say so yes. LOL can’t argue with results like that. These were so fresh they caught me with my pants down they rocketed so fast.