Grease_monkeys garbage can

Those crackleberry seeds are less than 50% germ rate for me, whereas most others are 99% germ rate.


Lame lol. I never germ tested em after harvesting. Ill see what happens


Positive vibes my friend! :v:


Now wtf is happening

It looks like the old Ron jack herer died already, it popped out of the seed and started to rise, now its looking like tge roots shrivelling off…

Lol I’m about […] <----- that close to going back to buying weed i got many other projects to waste my time on haha


Hang in there, it looks a little dry.


Watered yesterday, still has some weight to it. I’m talking about the brown crispy on the leaves, wasn’t there last night


From the chart it looks like a Potassium deficiency but that doesn’t make sense this early.
Calcium and magnesium are antagonists of Potassium … did you give them a dose of CalMag?



No cal mag yet. I mean, could be a deficiency ive been ultra light on this one. I mixed up 2 week seedling mix and then diluted it by half. Cause I was scared if burning more plants lol.

I’ll check the ppm of my mix when i get home


I’ve only seen Potassium deficiency show up in flower… which makes me suspicious it’s not…



at that young makes me thing soil or water ph


Maybe grab a new bag of dirt and a 4l jug of distilled water from the store, something is going on and it’s most likely one of those 2 things. Is it the same bag of soil that’s you’ve been using since you started having problems a while back? Maybe a bad batch if dirt? I’ve had that happen


This is a brand new bail of promix hp. The previous was promix somthing else. My water PH at 7 and I ph my mix to the 6s.

I sprayed safers 4 days ago just for precaution. I didn’t do it at lights out, but I had my fan blowing, light turned down to 15 watts and raised it 3 feet above. And the damage doesn’t look like burn cause its spreading into the plant by the day. Today there’s more hurt leaves


I’m wondering if my nutes are shit.

2 jack herers are popping above soil. So I may feed one with diablo, and the other ill use the rest of my AN. I had good results with AN and ive been shit since going to diablo


AN is so watered down its hard to go wrong woth it, ive never used Diablo, but I’ve seen mixed results from great to poor. Now, I generally don’t use my marijuana specific nutes till flower, or a week or 2 before flower. Maybe the odd 3 part half nite feeding, or a general water soluable garden grow mix (like miracle grow, but only in early to mid veg) much cheaper, I can’t afford to use the whole line up from start to finish… and I’m getting great results just switching to them just before flower


I’m going to message diablo and see if im doing somthing wrong. An may be diluted but atleast it gave me a solid stash every few months lol


Lol so because my autoflower appears to be starting flowering at 3.5 weeks its a lighting issue not nutrient issue… hmmmmm lol back to AN I think


Closest im finding on Google is calcium deficiency… should I douse it with calmag and no nutes, or step up my nutes and add calmag


Hey brother, sorry to see you’re in one of those tough seasons of growing… I’ve definitely been there, and I think anyone who grows long enough hits points where they want to just call it. I recently took about a year off because of a series of issues…

I quoted what you said about lighting because I actually think there is something to it. In my experience If the environment isn’t fairly optimal, normal levels of light from newer LEDs can stunt a plant, and if it’s an auto that can mean a fairly small plant going into flower.

According to DP too much light can stunt an auto:

As far as AN nutrients, as much as I don’t really like the company… I use their Sensi base nutrients and think they are solid. If you had success with them before, I’d go back to that just to try and limit the number of things that might be causing the issues you’re seeing.

Also, autos really can be a pain in the ass if you don’t currently have everything dialed in. Can’t control their size, and they are super annoying if you have issues in the first 20 days. If you are after consistent yield, It might be worth considering running photos until you get everything dialed in.

I feel like I’ve rambled a lot here… But the last thing I’ll say is that Real Growers Recharge might help sort out pH and or nutrient deficiencies. I’ve had great experience with it.

Anyways, good luck bro! I hope you get all this sorted out and get to some good harvests going soon.


Thanks for the advice! Typically the conditions in my tent don’t change much, my house has a/c so it remains fairly consistent. As for my light, I typically have it at full blast a few inches above the plants even in veg, this time since I had clones trying to root ive actually had it sitting nearly 2 feet above at about 100 watts (vs 150). I figure just from past grows with the same light I should be safe. And that’s growing photos and autos!

Maybe ill test my theory when the jack herers are big enough to clone, ill take 2 and feed one diablo and the other AN


I just mixed up fresh nutes this is the suggested measurements. Rather I put in 7ml each instead of what was recommended plus 4ml of calmag. I dipped my ppm meter in and it came out to 1100ppm … my water was 35 originally. So I diluted it down to 500ppm. I will see what happens lol