Grease_monkeys garbage can

Niceeeee. Your plants are looking so much better


Yea they’re turning right around… im just going to stick with AN from now on lol


If you want a great cheap alternative from the local hydro store get some 3 part H.O.G (high output grow) great canadian company and their 3 part is really easy on the plants, it’s my veg and outdoor go to, price point is WAY better than AN

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I dunno man… maybe after a few successful grows. Im scared of fuckin around now lol


Lol, yea, go with what works after your recent luck


Current project, restoring the rubber trim on my cars windows… nothing like priming, filling and sanding 32 year old non replaceable rubber


What does that cost you, and how long does it last, I may start my grow up again just usung my clone and breeding cab. They both are able to be kept light proof, I was thinking about doing small 1 or 2 plant scrog in the clone cab, but cant do small pots with organic living soil, so thinking of using nutes.

I don’t need any weed got loads here, but getting a growing itch I can’t scratch doing other stuff.

I also want to start growing micro greens in the clone cab as well, we have a small farm shop up the rd, and they used to sell micro greens, but their supplier moved, and they cant get any now, so said they would take any spare I have to sell, they shut in November though, so it gives me until May next year to get that up and running.

That will be done in organic soil as they only require 2 weeks of growth before harvesting.


It was 50$ for the 3 pack on amazon… I grew a few plants with it… if you follow the 4ml per liter max recommendation you can get 62 4L milk jugs out of solution out of them


Too expensive for me, just my flower room is 12 gallons per watering, lol. I’d get 5 watering. That’s 10$ a watering


On a 9 week strain, watering an average of 3 times a week that’s 27 watering of 12 gallons each time. That’s $300/month, just for 3 part :grimacing:


Yea… but im in a 2x2 lol not a large room. My first set of AN lasted atleast a year


It’s worth shelling out the extra sheckles. The AN will balance your ph with crazy DTP buffering. So kiss the ph testing goodbye, that’s gotta be worth something.


I still do it just cause, but its pretty consistent


The only time I really have to ph my water is when I use my silica. That shit fucks up my water so much I end up using close to 1/4 cup ph down, it’s fucked how alkaline it is


5 drops of silica to bring down a 5 gal bucket from 7.2 to 6.2 6.4.

If I accidentally squirt to much out the syringe, it’s about 2 table spoons of LABS to get it back lol.


Not sure what you use but silica is an alkaline product. It raises my ph from around 6ph to 8ph

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All my results have been similar using AN, GH, grotec, canna and Emerald harvest products over the years

Yeah I am back to front, 5 drops of silica to get my 5 gal bucket up to or 6.2 6.4 after too much labs drops it to high 4s low 5s, 4 months of not growing can’t remember wtf I was doing lol.

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Haha, that sounds more like it :grin: I was thinking what is this product he’s using, I wont have to ph at all!! Lol, wishful thinking though :wink:

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My tent dwellers seem much happier since going back to advanced nutrients. Im still adding the diablo push aswell. At some point I want to run a side by side comparison of clones grown with and without the push additive.

Ghost rose auto is going on 9 weeks, and smells like crazy but im not sure like what. She’s starting to fill out pretty good

Jack herer : just over 5 weeks
Since going to full strength feedings the jack herer have greened right up and look healthy as can be. They look like they’ll be branchy with tight nodes.