Grease_monkeys garbage can

Too late, model trains and meth it is lol


I finished making my cross braces, I can’t drill through the metal though, it’s hardened high carbon steel bed frame. I am going to try heating it up and let it cool down and hopefully it will temper it enough to get a drill bit through it :frowning:

I doubt its hardend high carbon, ive drilled into frames before. You need a good bit and a bunch of pressure lol. Are they just supports for the box to sit on?

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Without heat it cracks if you try and bend it. I just bought some new drill bits a couple of months ago, burned one out in 5 minutes even with cutting oil all over it :persevere:

It’s always a struggle when you need something done quickly lol.


This may sound nuts, but when I want to cut through something insane hard, I use the diamond sintered titanium with lots of cooling liquids. I use a steady stream of cool water, but cutting lube should do the trick as well. Speed… lots of speed. Let the speed of your high speed cutting tool, rip through it. Don’t press too hard. I use a 30K rpm tool with a foot pedal to control the speed. Boring… always boring… slowly but surely.


Sounds like a good set up, I don’t want to spend a fortune on tools to drill 16 holes though.

Going round the bro in laws today to use his cutting torch to either soften the metal or burn a hole through it.

He has a pillar bench drill and loads of bits as well, so might try that first, just in case these new drill bits I bought a short while ago are just crap lol.

Lol what exactly are you trying to do that needs 16 holes?

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The spare wheel holder is fixed with 2 big rivets on the top and bottom of the frame at the back and middle, plus 2 more holes to fix the cannister in place. I burned holes with a cutting torch after destroying 2 industrial drills my bro in law had from working on oil rigs. These bed rails are fuck in hard lol.

Lol brutal… I woulda put the spare tire in the box and hose clamped the canister to somthing lol

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Well the spare is going in the box, these cross braces are only to keep the frame from moving around. I don’t think it would pass a safety inspection without them.

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Haha I see… do you guys have yearly inspections out there?

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Every 2 years :frowning:

Lol you’d expect that out of b.c… but we pretty much have nothing but shitboxes

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Ive never had a problem drilling holes in Ford frames. Cutting oil and good quality drill bits. Drill some small pilot holes, and be careful on the rpm speed when drilling the larger holes. If you go balls to the wall your going to burn up your drill bit, and then you won’t be making any progress.


Also… you could have shot it with a rifle… might have been quicker, and more fun


Definitely more fun! Less metal shavings too. :rofl:

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I have no problems drilling the frame, it’s what I am using to replace the spare wheel holder that acts as a brace across the frame near the back end. It’s hardened high carbon steel 1/8 thick bed frame. Not even pressing down to hard on the pillar drill arm either. If I had it in mild steel like the wheel holder it wouldn’t have been a problem.


Sorry I missed that part. If you got access to a gas axe…

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@ReikoX ive finally been able to sample the ghost rose auto. Even though I nearly wrecked it, it turned into pretty good smoke. Smooth, good flavor and smell and a pretty solid buzz too! And it’s only been curing for a week


The ghost rose I grew was very nice as soon as it was dry enough to use. I was really impressed with the flavour and smell.