Grease_monkeys garbage can

Yea its definetly worth growing again


Loved my ghost rose!

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Your plants are surviving now! Can it really be called the garbage can still? heh heh.


Lol it will remain the garbage can until I have a successful run… if this goes south it will turn into the dumpster fire


The jack herer from @Sasquatch are doing good. 1 cutting has rooted and is established. Atleast one plant is showing pistils, I havnt really checked the other yet ive got a couple solo cups with cuts from both plants trying to make roots. As soon as I have an established copy of each jack I will get to flowering. I havnt decided if I fill flower the clones or the originals yet.

@Jinglepot the 2 blueberry cuts you gave me were looking promising and then they wernt lol. I still have a smidgen of hope cause there’s a bit of green left and a light tug pulls soil as if there are roots there, but we will see

And then finally… I did somthing i probably shouldn’t have but did anyways cause fuck it… I harvested the cackleberry that I put outside to die thst started thriving. Shes now… back inside living in the fridge. Ive been spraying her every 3-4 days alternating between raid and safers. With diatomaceous earth on top of the soil. And she’s already starting to reveg. I WILL GET MY CACKLEBERRY BACK lol


Those Jack Herer clones look like they are in rooting phase!!! Good luck! Can’t wait to see it flower!!!


I love your determination!
Hope it all works out! Loosing strains you want to keep sucks! You got this man. Best of luck!
Let us know how it works out. :facepunch: :+1: :v:


Ewwwwwwwwww, nasty lookin, lol


Lol would you expect anything else?


The two dead things in the party cups look like the last plants I had flowering, after the mites sucked every drop of chlorophyll and life out of them :frowning_face:

Lol no mites for me this time. Just failed clones

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So I seem to be starting to get tiny white nubs on the jack cuttings. Hopefully in a few more days they will turn to roots and I can get goin on making some bud!

If you look back to my previous post and the dirt nasty blueberry clones… well one has rallied, its game on!

And Cackleberry is definitely in reveg mode, I’m getting rounded fresh growth in multiple spots and the one top that was just starting is now turning into a real one.

So far I think my plan will be to flower the 2 jack moms. Ill move the clones and the blueberry into the other half of the tent and Hopefully by the time the jacks are 1/2 to 3/4 done will be able to move cackleberry and blueberry into the flowering side


I’d cut off all that dead stuff on the Blueberry clone


Yeaaaa at some point lol… gonna give it a day or two more growth before I accidentally drop it and it gets chewed on by the cat while trying to clean it up…


I hope you and Jingle pot are all OK. Just seen the news and the devastation down with you guys.

Take care be safe.


The island did pretty good, 1 highway got damaged to Victoria… but that should keep the citiots at bay for awhile. At work we still have no phone or internet due to a mudslide. The mainland got hammered way harder though but thats what happens when you build cities in draine lakes and swamp lands. And as usual the media is doing their part in inciting fear and panic buying!


Glad you didn’t get the full blast, 16 inches of rain in 48 hours is just incredible. They can’t deny climate change any longer.

Someone should get sued for building a town in a dried out lake bed, that’s just completely wrong.

Having lived in the UK where they regularly build sub divisions on flood plains and swamps, one of the first things I check is ground water level and flood plain when buying a house.

NS is OK it only has 4 -5 ft of top soil, after that it’s bed rock, but you still get a lot of water running over the bedrock and washing out the soil lower down causing subsidence.

So long as your basement walls stay solid and water tight alls good.


It is crazy how they drained Sumas lake and created farm land/built houses. All relying on the pumps. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The ironic thing is… the heat wave and the rain that broke records… broke records from the 1930s… if u catch my drift


Nearly a hundred year storm then.

The weather patterns do go in cycles and I don’t believe it’s all man made problems, but it’s definitely getting worse atm and humanity is adding to it for sure.

Plus you have some governments fucking with it using Chem trails and HAARP technology which doesn’t help.