Grease_monkeys garbage can

We have replaced ALL our copper with Pex. Our well water ate through and we’ve had multiple floods. Replaced lots of drywall, lol


So we found the leak.

This morning there was water behind the stove, I was seeing fairly regular drips between the drywall and floor. I could hear somthing too. I shut off the hot water and the noise stopped. So I texted the landlord with an update and took off to work.

A few hours later I get a text saying “I dunno what you’re talking about… theres no leak” followed by this

Turns out the company that installed the tub about 5 years ago fucked up a connection and this has most likley been leaking slowly for quite some time. I was talking to my dad about this and he had some choice words about the company that did the work lol I need to find out the story behind this reaction. I don’t think I’ve heard the old man swear that much in the last 5 years… I guess we are related


Jeezuz! H!


Did you send the pic to your landlord of the water spraying out everywhere. Saying yes there is a fucking leak, fix it, lol.


He sent the pic to me lol. He was just messing around.


I was wondering that too :laughing::rofl: like… Tha fuck!? You blind??? :joy::joy:

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I cut the plants down, they went longer than last run but never really filled out aswell. Strange having added the bloom boosters this time. But I might have also burnt them a bit lol


The leaves do look a bit brown and crispy, saves trimming though, they should just break off when you run your hand over them :+1:


Lol thats my thinking too. They look like shit but I don’t care


Doesn’t matter what it looks like when its burning lol.


Cock sucking insurance fucks… our adjuster ghosted us 2 weeks ago. Me, my gf and our broker have been trying to get ahold of him. Today I get a call from his manager. The useless fuck ghosted cause he quit his job. If anyone knows an insurance dick in Calgary named Aaron maclaughlin… kick him in the dick for me


So good news! Our bed showed up today!!!

Except its the wrong fucking matresss lol


:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:… fuck


I hate when this type of shit happens, how long have you got to wait for them to collect that one and get you the right one :thinking:


New one comes next Thursday… but we can use this one till then. Except its basically like laying on a sheet of ply wood so… yea lol

And better yet, our salesman is on vacation for the week. I was joking with the gf that this type of shit only happens to me… she says “nooo no it happens to everyone blah blah blah” … we get to sleep country and the guy we were talking to said on his 10 years selling beds im the 3rd one hes seen this happen to… yea it totally happens to everyone, not just me lol


Amazon once put a mattress that I did not order into my cart.


Better for your back! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So I still havnt trimmed the jack herer… its been “drying” in my tent for i dunno 3 or 4 weeks un checked. The blueberry went too long and when smoked it fucks up your eyes. They just kinda go slightly blurry like you’ve got welders flash or have been up 24 hrs. Kind of weird, kind of undesirable. So anyways…

I’ve started one of the cackleberry X sour strawberry fem seeds I made. I’m going to do it like I did dragonblood and just manifold the shit out of 1 single plant and see if I can beat my previous record of 300 grams. I’ll be using advanced nutrients 3 part, overdrive, big bud and push.


I have had the same thing with a couple of strains. Sometimes my eyes get very dry and sore, not sure if it’s the smoke getting in my eyes or the effect of the weed opening the blood vessels up in my eyes and changing their shape and making things blurry.


Not too sure, I was going to get some visene and see if it makes a difference. I gave some to a buddy and the same thing happens to him