Grease_monkeys garbage can

Don’t lie, you don’t have any friends.


Well I mean… the homeless guy outside the liquor store doesn’t count?

You said if I gave you weed and smokes we would be friends :frowning:


Still waiting on those smokes


That’s pretty weird don’t think I’ve had weed do that other than make my eyes red .


I’ve had weed that dries my eyes out so bad that that happens. Too dry and it half cooks your eyeballs

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It doesn’t even feel like they are drying out though thats the strange part. Its hard to describe


I dont get it…KILL IT :laughing:

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My eyes will get kind of gummy, they don’t feel dry either, but they get so sore, I can’t look at anything that emits light like a TV or phone. It’s not a pollen hayfever thing as I can get it in winter as well.

I started using an eye lubricant when it gets bad, it helps a bit, but I have to put drops in every couple of hours. It eventually goes away after a couple of weeks. They are sore now but I was using some green earth cleaner yesterday I didn’t wash my hands afterwards, so I think that’s what’s causing the pain this morning as my newest weed hasn’t caused problems so far.


I havnt killed it yet


Busted up some sour blu tooth and found this seed… interesting. Looks like I’ll be doing a full bleaching before the baby goes into the tent


Not much has happend, I tried fimming it and created no new tops, so I topped it lol. Just gave it its first feeding tonight. One of these days ill get it into the tent.


I hate it when I just miss when fimming, you sit there waiting 2 weeks and have nothing to show for it except mutilated leaves lol.

Not sure if topping is more stressful for a plant than fimming, but I came to the conclusion a garaunteed split in branching is better than waiting on a possible one to happen.

Have you decided to stay on the island, or not found anywhere suitable to move to yet :thinking:

We are moving on the 21st, I was looking forward to it but I haven’t been able to walk more than a couple of meters without causing a lot of pain in my left leg.

I had some quotes from moving companies 5,000 to 7,000 so not doing that lol. Spoke to my neighbor, he and his son will load a hire truck for us and unload into a storage unit 10 minutes up the Rd from the new house. We can then move in slowly as it needs the carpets pulling out first and some work doing to it as we live there.

Can’t move into the new place until our buyers money is received which is Friday 21st, so it may not clear the same day for us to pay the sellers of our new place. Which means being homeless for 3 days lol. We will be staying with friends in the area luckily.


Lol thats exactly what I ended getting, just mutilated leaves.

We are putting the move on hold for a bit. The gf just got a new job which should pay quite a bit better. So we are going to discuss again after her she gets some stuff paid off. I’m tired of the island. Its not what it was, now its full of rich pricks and junkies, wages are low and housing prices are still above 500k… plus I fit in alot better with alberta rednecks lol


How far is your move?

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119k door to door 1 hour fifteen minutes with clear traffic.

Its because they would have to load and unload the truck twice as we cant do move out and in on the same day :unamused:

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Ahh ya that makes sense. When we moved from alberta to bc, the gf moved a month early to get established then I loaded my truck up like the Beverly Hill billies and headed out. Not sure how I didn’t lose anything lol.

Worst part is, my dad was in Calgary helping my sister move and he asked me if I could detour down there to help move a couple things… inconvenient but alright I guess. I get there at 8 pm figuring we would get it done and I’d be on my way in a couple hours. Nope we didn’t start until noon the next day, meanwhile all my shit is sitting in my truck on the side of the street. She makes more than enough to hire movers and I didn’t even get a 5$ bill. Never again

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So you have given up on the moving idea then, or like me it takes a couple of years to get organized to do it lol.

I lost the cap off the Litfa jug and it just evaporated and filled the house. Thats my excuse lol.

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Leaning towards the “it takes a couple years to plan” lol.


Although I just found a half fixed fixer upper in sask for around 20g on .3 of an acre… now the gears are turning again lol


I know, it gets adictive when you see the possibilities of some cheap properties because people have no idea how to renovate a house.

I saw an amazing opportunity of a house half way between Kelowna and Vernon, on the left side of the lake. 430,000 you could live in it OK, basement was a grow op though lol, you could still see the hooks in the ceiling and pot rings on the floor. Incredible lake and mountain views. Throw another 100k at it and you would have a million dollar house.

Same reason our new house was so cheap, people didn’t see the possibilities you could have with a little work effort.

I have memorised about 70 properties in NS over the month looking on Zillow every day lol.

The wife would show me a pic and say check this one out, I would say already seen it and then list the problems with it lol.

The one we bought I book marked as a possibility, but I didn’t think the wife would go for it, she wanted fairly new, open plan with a high ceiling, not too much work other than painting and lite modification.

Then 3 weeks later she says what do you think of this one. Total opposite of the interior, age and work level she wanted lol but ticked all the other boxes we were looking for.