Grease_monkeys garbage can

Happy wife, happy life!


Yea, if I knew the one in sask could be sold or rented fairly easy. I’d go buy it in cash and get to work. But its a small ass town just far enough away from bigger towns with more work that most won’t want the commute. If it was close enough that I could leave my place Friday after work to fix it then I might consider it. But im a 24hr no stops drive away plus a ferry ride lol.

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I wouldn’t want to do that drive and then renovate a house and then drive all the way back.

There’s always a reason for cheap houses, sometimes the reason is compatible for you and you can score a nice house with a bit of work.

It’s a red flag though, you have to do due diligence or you can crap out. We are taking a bit of a risk, mainly because I will be doing most of the work, cant afford to pay someone to do it, and now my body is making life hard this week, but if our new house has stood for 150 years, I don’t think it is going to fall down now, so it can wait a little longer lol.

I can’t rush into doing anything with it anyway, going to give my back and neck a good rest first, look at the house in depth and work out a plan of attack and maybe start that in the new year.

Wife wants to get a structural engineer in to see what walls are supporting the ceiling. Beeing that old they probably all are lol, but we could jam in some nice old beams from a demo job, to keep the ceiling up. I keep seeing some being sold on FB market place now and again.

I think a structural engineer needs plans I don’t think they can tell just by looking though. I doubt they submitted plans to the local Bridgewater building permits people back then lmao.


She has built in training tie downs


Which one is that? Perfect “T” top, lol

Cackleberry X sour strawberry. If I ever get to it I’m going to grow it like the dbhp I grew that was all foot long spears (302 grams)


Shiiiiiiit, that looks so awesome


I’m still smoking it lol


I still havnt gotten around to transplanting, but I am forming the canopy nice and evenly!

And the hindu rope that is supposidly impossible to get to flower, is in full flower mode again lol. I guess people wait years for these things and never see a flower, this one does it every couple months


Plants tend to flower when they fear for their lives


Also, can I get a cutting of that Hindu rope?

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Hahaha yea I can do that. Ive got permission to take a cut lol.

It seems the key is to grow them like weed. It loves the grow lights/schedule and I feed it with my grow nutes lol


That plant is about 3 years growth from cutting size. And growing faster than usual, so its slooow


Awes9me! Tell your old lady thanks! I’ve been after a Hindu rope for some time, it’ll go with my wandering jew something nice. :grin:


I’ve got some fresh wandering jew cuts just rooted if you guys want

you do plan on smoking that ‘hindu rope’, right??


Lol, you just gave me an idea. I’m doing a Hidu Kush run later on… :thinking: something like a Thai stick… :thinking::thinking:


I hear its pretty mellow… almost hashy


She says she already has one… that she forgets to water. Hmmm


Post 1000, yeah!