Grease_monkeys garbage can

I just started reading from July’s posts…man…you alright? What a string of shit luck. Hope 2023 treats us all bit better.

Come fuck around and find out in manitoba if you’re looking for a change of pace and scenery. Our weather, as cold as it gets, is actually beautiful. Gorgeous winter days are common. We get more beautiful, sunny days in the summer than anywhere else in the country. Tons of outdoor shit to do…cheap homes and land…lakes fuckin everywhere.


Pure Genius


Haha ya man, its just another day. We have been tossing around ideas of going back to the prairies, never given Manitoba much thought. But I don’t see why not, its gotta be better than saskatchetoon! If I get camp work we can pretty much live anywhere then the girlfriend can focus on her business and ship from wherever she is.


Anyone else having a covid Christmas? Didn’t even get a chance to buy a turkey cause we were supposed to be going to two dinners… I guess ill be throwing ribs on the traeger.


Hope you aren’t too symptomatic, merry Christmas, since you gotta kinda sit this one out buddy.


Day 1 was the worst. Hour into work I got cold and tired as fuck… then felt stoned/drunk. I went home at 3:30 and slept. Im on day 3 now and I got a bit of a sore back and maybe a slightly scratchy throat. The gf tested positive last night and she’s stuffed up (her first time she lost her taste and smell for 3 months)… if it wasn’t for the test I would be carrying on as normal thinking I had a bit of a cold… im only sad cause I get no turkey dinner lol


Hey, best wishes going out to the miss as well then, i hope she gets to enjoy some ribs too​:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :v::christmas_tree:


Too bad you didn’t know someone that raised turkeys :expressionless::roll_eyes:


Lol well fuck. Its too late for that and your birds are like 100 pounds. I’d be eating turkey for months

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I mean usually… They averaged 19lbs this year though… our processors don’t handle anything over 10kg and more so we get our turkey chicks a week later than usual and also get all females

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Also can get covid if you don’t get tested :laughing:


What kind of camp job are ya looking for?

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Im looking at getting my heavy equipment operator certification. Hoping to go play with the big boys toys in the oil sands!


I was gonna say I work up north at a mine and it’s pretty easy to get up there as a contractor. They got some big toys too lol


I’m not picky haha I want away from cars and im too outta shape to ho back to the rigs. Once I get the certification I’ll be looking at mines and oil field

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Figured I’d trim my bush and see how badly it messed it up waiting too long to train… damn she’s a scraggly bitch lol… this plant definetly has the long legs like the first cackleberry I grew. Its trained like shit and still a mess but I don’t care that much. I’ll probably give it a day or 2 to recover than switch to flowering. Hopefully the stems start to harden up soon! Next time I stick to training from the moment I can


It looks so much better, all trimmed up, lol. That’ll fill out nicely!


I didn’t get the branches nearly as equally spaced as the other times lol they’re just kinda tied and tucked and twisted around each other… fuck em if they can’t take a joke


Happy Christmas guys I hope you are having a wonderful day :+1:


Merry Christmas to you too, our day hasn’t even begun. May aswell sleep in cause there’s nowhere to go lol