Grease_monkeys garbage can

We have reverse speed bumps here, they are called pot holes lol. The car is 11 years old and and its all shot on the front end bushes and bearings and suspension at 105,000k. First major work it’s needed other than pads and rotors. The rust is the killer here, all the Asian car manufacturers test there anti corrosion stuff here lol. We had ours done for anti corrosion when it was new, there is no rust on the car other than where paint has chipped and on parts of the axles and lower control arms that just got replaced.


I just watched a video on your car, is this what you’re looking at? Arrows are the direction the bolt goes (looks like 10ish inches.) And the red is circling the nut area.

Does the sqare chunk move at all or is it welded? Its a shitty view but it almost looks like a tin pocket with a nut inside of it that might be spinning inside the pocket?


Yep that’s it. I am not sure about it moving.

I assumed it was welded to that flange, as it’s just a big square lump, which common sense would dictate if you were designing a car to make it easier getting the bolt out, rather than working blind on one side lol but then when was common sence ever used in car designing for the mechanics ease of doing things.

I will see if I can get a spanner on it or get underneath and try and turn it with the impact gun to see what it’s doing. The vid I watched just showed the guy winding the bolt out with a ratchet, maybe the impact was to brutal and the nut is hopefully just spinning, and the thread is not stripped. Now I am looking at the pocket on the nut side without creating a load of pain in my neck being all bent up, it looks like it was designed to get a socket or spanner in there.

You have given me some hope man, thanks for another perspective and taking the time to check it out, very much appreciated. I will give it a go today before starting the other cv boot.

I had a piece of shit PT cruiser, the second car I bought in Canada. That had a similar thing with a nut in 4 mild steel flanges pressed around it holding it in place, for the bolt holding the lower controll arm on through the frame. The same problem happened on that with the nut just spinning. I had to cut a 2 inch hole with a hole cutter in the frame to get a spanner on it, then get a mobile welder to weld the nut to the frame and patch the hole after putting the new one on. At least I have my own welder now, but don’t fancy welding over the top of myself, and there is not much room for wearing a welding helmet lying on the ground under the car, last time I tried that shit I set my jacket on fire lol.

Well I just went out and checked the nuts not moving the bolt is just spinning, the nuts on the inside of the flange so I guess it’s chop time. The shock is in not to bad a condition, it’s not leaking any oil, I just wanted to change it to a bit more of a stronger one as I am using the trailer a lot hauling building materials, and the back end is usually down on the shocks with the weight.

MVI is out from tomorrow so I think I will put the old one back on the other side and hope they don’t notice the bolt is slightly loose lol.

Got to order a new drive shaft end as well now, it’s got a little play, not making any noise but I may as well do it now while it’s off.

I ordered a new car 3 weeks ago, a Toyota Corrola cross hybrid, but got to wait 4 to 8 months before it’s delivered could really do with it now lol.

Strange, that shit doesn’t usually strip lol sounds like you’re stuck hacking it apart. Good luck!

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I stuck some JB weld on the bolt head and put the old shock back on the other side so the back end is level again. The rest is done, used my lazer level to align the wheels, drives and breaks straight and no bearing whine or clonking noises :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol that sounds redneck approved.

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Anyone have experience with growing potatos. Ive got some in a tote of compost that arnt really leafing out theyre like green sticks. Could my compost be too hot? I didn’t add any other dirt in. And the potatos in my raised bed are growing like crazy in comparison


I got bored and dug them out of the tote to put them in the main bed just incase. The green spots were nothing spectacular but there was one in there that had zero leafage but a shit ton of mini potatos starting


Potatoes like cool moist ground, depending on strain they prefer shadey or sunny areas. Too much N and they tops grow big and you get hardly any spuds. I grew some last year in a10 gal pot and fed the Gaia green dry bloom food for weed which was 3. 7. 5. I was surprised when I kept finding potatoes on the surface or out of the pot. They grew so many the top ones kept being forced out if the pot lol.

This year I threw some that were sprouting in the veg draw up the back of the property where the previous owner had a garden. I haven’t seen any tops out the ground yet and that was 6 weeks ago I planted them. We have had hardly any rain this May which maybe why, I can’t get a hose that far up to water them, but the rhubarb is growing like crazy lol. All our brooks have dried up apart from the big one which is just a trickle atm.


Got all my corn seeds. They’re germinating on my modem as we speak. Its going to be a shit show trying to avoid cross pollination. But they’re going in big totes so I can move them as necessary


Nice! I haven’t heard of these varieties before.
It will be cool to see the cross from double red/blue jade. I got my corn in the ground already. Too early but fortunate the weather cooperated. Now I have to deal with those damn ants trying to take em out.


Great minds think alike :wink:

Just put yours and other auto seeds in paper towel, the only consistently warm spot in the house is on the wifi and TV router like you have done lol.


Lol all the electronics these days run too cool or are too thin. The modem flopped on its side works perfect.


Supposidly the double red will turn your hands red while shuckin it. And also makes awesome red corn bread (even though its a sweet corn)

The blue jade is a dwarf variety and only goes 3-4 feet tall.

This year I’m going to try and avoid making crosses lol but knowing my inability to leave shit alone… I may try to make a cross next year just for fun


Hi Folks I decided to stop in and say Hello
I will be around for a bit, Place has picked up since I was last here.
Good to see most are still around.


Long time no see, welcome back!


I see ya been holding down the place
hope all is by you and yours


How are things going?


Lol more so running in circles but close enough


Just checked the seeds all 3 of yours have cracked and have 2 to 3 inch roots already, caught me by surprise lol