Greasy's Journal

I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve found in AK Bean Brains work. He seems to mostly focus on old school strains, and fly’s mostly under the radar. I like that, and decided to support him and pick up a pack of his Purple Hindu Kush Bx4. He used NL1 as the outcross male. I had seen a great outdoor report of the Bx3 by @Klyphman on the AK Bean Brains thread which pushed me over the edge. Reached out to AK directly through email, was able to pay through venmo, and had seeds within a week. Came with a pretty cool freebie too Lemon Tree x Sensi Star! Really easy experience, and it’s nice to be able to buy direct from a breeder.


Oh man that’s awesome you got the phk after seeing @Klyphman beauty of a plant for sure wanna give some of those a run and nice report gotta get into my pack sooner then later and find that blueberry goodness :grin:


Good move, you will not regret it.
Not sure which bx mine are. They are just labeled ‘bx’
If I didn’t still have 1/2 a pack I woulda got more, but instead opted for a recent pickup of Deathstar bx, Big Skunk x Hawaiian Catpiss, Black Domina ibx, and Skunk qabbage/jbad-rks. Also got the Lemon Star as a freebie.

Happy growing @Greasy


Mmmmmm MMMMMmmmmm MMMMM :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Some snaps from 64 days of flower on the BBMxVBB
Terps are holding the BB strong, looking like ill start cutting next week :slight_smile:


Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for continuing to post these updates! Can’t wait for your smoke report, and to see what effects you find!


Nice to hear the flavor really came through - I bet the F2s have a lot of variety in the high if this one was a much heavier indica. I’ll have to stop getting distracted and test out a few of these!
Curious to see how those PHKs turn out for you - I think he uses the same purple hindu kush cut as bob hemphill, which sounds like a really flavorful indica.


I think that’s right, I was really surprised a few weeks back after leaving the jar alone with the heavy high. If it hadn’t been for the flavor, I would have thought I mis-labeled my jar. I’ll just have to grow some more and see what I find! Would love to see you grow some out and hear your thoughts.

Me too! I loved smoking Purple Hindu Kush years ago, hoping to find that strong night time meds. Thinking I’m going to try and do a run at some point of all slow growing, sedative indica strains.


Good idea for sure :wink:. Im still debating which strains to do for something like this.


Sherbert x Wedding Cake- CSI
Grown: Two phenos, indoor and outdoor

Bud Shots:

Outdoor 8 weeks flowering:



Indoor at 10 weeks flowering:



Smell and taste:
A real mix of musky and overripe orange on the scent on this one. Flavor wise, it’s very sweet and lightly orange, with a hint of the musk. After having grown the strain Northern Lights x Orange Grove, which was insanely orange peel flavored, I would really qualify this one as light orange, kind of like how California Orange used to be.

Much less smell than the outdoor, similar smell, but more muted. The flavor is very disappointing to me, which makes sense given the lack of smell. Very muted, lightly sweet, but really nothing particularly interesting on this one.

Potency and effects:
Outdoor: Potency is about average on this one. Wouldn’t call it mellow by any means, but I can smoke quite a bit of it and not get wrecked. It’s the kind of weed, where you smoke more of it and get higher, rather than hitting that ceiling. It’s a very mellow indica high. A little sedative, slows me down, helps me forget about the day and just settle into vegging out. I like to smoke later in the evening, or in the afternoon on a weekend. Ultra chill weed. Almost liked a pumped up GDP.

Indoor: Like the flavor, disappointed in the potency and effects on this pheno. It’s significantly less potent than the outdoor, and overall a really bland, boring high. I feel like I’ve been watching people criticize GSC related strains for this type of effect, but this is my first real experience with it myself. I think I’ve had similar effects from dispensary weed, but didn’t mind it as much, as I didn’t take all the time to grow the weed myself. I’m planning on turning it all into butter, as it still has the mellow indica hybrid effects to it, which I think some form of edible will really help enhance, and make more interesting, or at the very least, allow me to consume large quantities of it at once to get really baked.

I’m really torn on this strain based on the two opposing phenos. The indoor weed has to be some of the most photogenic weed I’ve ever grown. I thought it was going to be stellar, but it’s entirely unremarkable, and kind of a waste of time and space, with the limited amount of indoor growing space I have. The only real upside to it was how easy growing it was, definitely a set it and forget it type plant.In contrast, the outdoor delivered on what I was looking for, after growing one of CSI’s Sherbert fallen soldiers last year. It’s got that sedative, mellowing, slight heaviness, with interesting flavor. I felt like I couldn’t write two reports for this strain because they are basically the exact opposite. I barely made it to 8 weeks before boytris set in outdoors, so I really wouldn’t grow this strain outside again with it’s tight dense buds, and with the inconsistency in phenos, will probably just grow other other CSI freebies instead of this one in the future. Might just go back to my fallen soldiers if I’ve got a hankering for something similar to my outdoor pheno. I think this is the first time I’ve really criticized a strain I’ve grown, and in general feel that I have a pretty easy going palate for weed, if it doesn’t make me paranoid, I tend to enjoy it, but the indoor pheno is by far my least favorite plant I have ever grown. Ultimately, I would not recommend growing this strain.


This wraps up all my reports from my Summer Outdoor 2022 grow season. I am really happy with the plants I grew this year. As usual I battled caterpillars, boytris, and powdery mildew, but ended up with four different strains of very good weed that sets me up with quite a surplus, and can allow me to pursue seed making projects in addition to growing for personal use. Even though I know my indoor is better overall, I still smoke my outdoor like 50% of the time. Part of that is due to I have so much of it, but it also is just a little different than the indoor. I can’t quite describe how or why, but there is a real brightness to the effects of weed grown outdoors, or maybe it’s just me reflecting on all the work I put into it. Either way, I will keep growing outdoors at it as long as I live somewhere that permits it. Thanks for following along!


It’s been a blast my friend. :slight_smile: Always enjoyed stopping by to catch up. :slight_smile:


How come you say that? It sounds like the outdoor-grown Sherbert x Wedding Cake turned out better than the indoor-grown. Or smokes better, anyway. I’m just curious, not accusing you of anything haha.

I’ve read plenty of things about how sun-grown weed is just… I dunno… Better, whatever that means, even if it doesn’t look all crystal-y and “photogenic” and shit. Makes sense to me. I’m dying to grow some outdoor plants, pretty envious that you can do it in your front yard haha. Or anywhere, really. We’ve got way too many lights in both the front yard and the backyard to pull it off…


Good question! A few reasons. My indoor smokes smoother, pretty much always does, and can have better flavor. I think it’s because I abuse my buds fighting the caterpillars and boytris outdoors. They get sprayed with BT weekly up until the end, and I’m always digging through them looking for the first signs of an issue. I do admit appearance is also something I appreciate with the indoor too, but I think it’s the smoothness of smoke that makes me vote for my outdoor in terms of quality. I’ve been smoking @Meesh s outdoor from this summer and I aspire to be able to get such high quality smoke from outdoor. The weed she grew is exceptional! Big fatty dense nugs full of flavor that I would put up against any indoor. I just don’t grow in the ground like she does, or have the badass setup with insecticidal netting! Someday I’ll really grow some outdoor, until then just be growing little ones in my front yard :rofl:

Yeah, I really can’t believe it works as well as it does year in year out. You would be surprised about lighting. My upstairs neighbors have balcony and front stair lights they leave on all night and I haven’t had a herm yet! Something about being outside makes them way more resistant to light. Maybe put an extra female in the yard this summer and see what happens?


Killer work brother!!!. Top Notch!!! :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire: :peace_symbol:


The sun does something that just can’t be replicated with artificial light. I do know that certain terpenes won’t present without sunlight as well.


Yeah, I might. I remember a seed run of elgalloblanco’s a couple years ago that he did in the back yard, string lights hanging all over the place and they didn’t seem to be an issue. Maybe I’ll try it.

I just found a random weed plant growing in the planter by the pool, no idea where it came from. The same thing happened two years ago, no idea where that one came from, either. I let it get pretty massive before I finally chopped it down, but I chopped it early in spring, before it started flowering, obviously. Maybe I’ll just let this new one keep growing all the way through until next fall and let’s see what happens… haha.


Wow! I let one of my winter volunteers grow and it budded around February and was tiny when it was finished cuz it was just too cold. I’m surprised yours got big in the winter and spring.


Next time you get a surplus of females, in the rare occasion that happens, once it has a good veg put it outdoors. I’m vegging a few plants now that I’ll put out at the end of the month, Last year when I did that, they didn’t even start flowering immediately, but vegged another month or so, and then finished up end of may. If they get a solid amount of time to veg, I’ve been able to get up to an oz out of winter/spring plants. Kind of fun to be able to sample a new strain that way before committing to growing more.

Like Meesh says, they don’t often fare that well when they veg outdoors this time of year. They just grow so slowly and will start flowering at like a foot tall. Pretty cool you had one that broke the mold and got big! Sounds like you just gotta let it ride!


No, that one from two years ago probably started around this same time. Honestly, I’m not too sure when it started or where it came from haha. I remember I noticed it around March of… 2021? 2020? I dunno. Or maybe February of one of those years haha.

Anyway, I just let it go for a while and it exploded, but it never flowered or anything. The one that’s growing now is really only on like maybe its second or third set of leaves at the moment. I didn’t really look too closely at it or anything this afternoon, saw it when I was moving my succulents outta the rain and back into the sun and was kinda just like,”Oh, how weird, another weed plant is growing there…” haha. Maybe I’ll take a closer look at it tomorrow. It has some fat-ass leaves already, that’s for sure. No idea what it might be. I don’t tend to grow things that have fat leaves if I can help it. No clue how it happened at all.

Maybe I threw some seeds I was uninterested in in the planter a couple years ago when I was drunk or something and forgot about it. I really don’t know haha.

Haha, yeah, maybe that’ll happen. One day…

37 seeds planted between October 1 and November 1, 17 fried up because of the weird soil mix I was using. Of the 20 remaining plants, I ended up with six females. I keep veering between bitterness and amusement haha. But yeah, if I ever end up with a surplus of females, maybe I’ll plant one outside. It seems like a plant just keeps showing up outside every year or two anyway, so maybe I’ll just let this one go and see what happens. I really doubt it’d survive the brutally hot summers here (which I can’t wait for haha, totally over this cold weather), but yeah, let’s see what happens.

Mystery Plant… haha.