Greasy's Journal

I think the cooler weather could definitely be the cause. I’m getting low 40’s here. I think it’s also really slowed my male down from dropping pollen. The male is 4.5 weeks in flowering now, and the pods are all fat, but still nothing dropped.

As @minitiger said, it’s SFV OG x Wookie 15, so that is pretty cool there is a similarity. I love Deadhead OG. It’s still regularly available near me, and every so often I’ll grab an ounce to make butter with. Such a great edible heavy stone with that one! Thanks for sharing this picture, pretty neat they have some similarity!


Used your caramel recipe last night - came out pretty good! Still need to chop n wrap em up - great christmas presents!


That’s awesome! Glad it worked out for you. Definitely agree about the gifts. I put together little candy boxes with them


Nice! Yeah perfect for grab bags. Was pretty simple overall - took awhile to gain temps again after boiling started.


Goji OG F2 (Nepali OG x Snow Lotus) - @syzygy Bodhi reproduction
Purple Stem Pheno
Grown: Outdoor

Bud Shots:


Smell and taste:
This pheno is the strongest smelling of the three plants. Bright anise flavors coming out of this one. Spicy and a little bit sweet. And that smell really translates into the flavor of spicy, sweeet anise. It’s like smoking a really complex savory sweet asian soup, kinda weird, but still pleasurable. My tongue will tingle for a while after smoking it. Really unique smell and flavor!

Potency and effects:
This pheno is pretty mild in potency, but with really calming and stimulating effects. I almost feel like it gets me thinking and the creative juices flowing. Kinda weed I’ll smoke where I’ll find myself making lists of things I want to explore or learn more about. Definitely uplifting. I struggle to determine if it’s sativa or indica dominant, and ultimately would just call it a hybrid, that has a bit of both in it. It’s calming, centering, and provides mood enhancing effects, while at the same time being spiritually motivational. Can’t really smoke this before bed or I’ll be up all night brainstorming about who knows what! That being said, it isn’t weed that makes me feel like I need to get up and move. I’m very comfortable on the couch after smoking it, so I’m having a hard time fitting it into a specific category.

The flavor and effects of this strain are very unique and pleasurable, but I didn’t love the way it grew. The bud structure is very loose and leafy, almost foxtaily. Not a nice plant to trim. That being said, it’s great anytime, but before bed weed, and it really nailed it on the flavor, which the other two phenos I grew didn’t. It’s relaxing, uplifting, mood enhancing, but while still maintaining mental acuity and social skills. The kind of weed that if I’m smoking with people that don’t smoke often, I’ll roll a joint of so I know everyone will just have a good time. I like to smoke this kind of weed when I’m out and socializing without getting any weirdness like I can with stronger pot. For some reason I can get a little uneasy or paranoid when consuming out in the world post covid. Didn’t used to bother me, but I really prefer lighter easy going stuff when interacting with strangers these days. I got three similar, but still unique phenos from these f2 seeds, and I plan on growing them again someday, which for me is a strong recommendation, as not all strains are worth growing again.

I’ve cross posted all these reviews onto Syzygy’s log so that they are available with others that have grown them out


Sounds really appropriate for creative endeavors and studying, nice one!
Thank you for sharing!


Damn that’s a good report! Great pics, descriptions, concise and effective. It’s reports like that which make me want to be better about my own. Thanks for sharing!


I just got back home after visiting family for Christmas, and it looks like my Sun Ra’s have finally been pollinated! I had planned on collecting pollen from the male and then selectively pollinating the females, but he wasn’t dropping any pollen before I had to leave for a few days, so I jammed him and the fifth female in the tent while I was gone.

Here is what it looked like when I got back in there. Pretty crowded!

The male is a little odd in comparison to other males that I’ve grown in that it seems like most of his pollen sacks have fallen off before they’ve matured enough to open and spit out pollen.

Thankfully I was able to find pollen spots on some leaves so I know the deed should be done

I’ve now chopped the male down, and will hopefully collect all remaining pollen to freeze for future projects.

Here are the ladies at 39 days flowering. Based on how late the pollination occurred I’m thinking I’m going to have to run them 11/12 weeks to get mature seeds.






And the group now without the male


Looks like the male did his duty!

Interesting about the sacs falling off. It looks like it was further along than the females, and maybe didn’t get as much food, maybe that contributed?

Either way, I doubt you’ll be able to find much bud left with all those seeds you’re about to have :slight_smile:

You should start seeing the pistils turn brownish in the next few days… good luck!


I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. I ran it in used soil from outdoor and realized just now I totally forgot to topdress it at flip. Live and learn!

Speaking of males, since you have bodhi’s mother’s milk cut, do you have any interest in some mm f2s. I have some from the co op project on here and olereynard. Seems like if you found a nice male could be a fun project?


What a great xmas present to come home too. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


A Christmas miracle! God bless us, everyone!


Now that I have three little tents to work with, I feel like I was getting a bit overconfident with my grow skills before just managing a 2x2 and little outdoor garden. Trying to expand my growing into clones, seed making and multiple tents, it’s a little bit like learning to grow all over again. The more plants there are, the more cranky plants there are! I’m enjoying myself, it’s just funny how different size tents and grow lights will affect plants so differently.

Here is my veg tent. Just transplanted this morning after everyone got fairly rootbound.

Rainbow Belts 2.0 | T-1000
Blueberry | Double Dosidos

And here is the nursery tent. It’s not pretty but I finally got these Rubeboi OG and Grape Pie to root.

@schmarmpit you really called it back in July on this one. I need a new drying tent…


Those clones grew up fast! I’d probably top the RB 2.0, she’s gonna want to stretch a good bit in flower. The other plants are pretty low stretch, the T-1000 will probably stretch the second most out of them.

Yup! It’s like managing your own little nursery… almost like a part time job! Probably the only part time job that I actually want to do :slight_smile:

Your tents are looking great, the clones are gonna take off with the root space. When are you thinking of flipping them?

Maybe, haha! I’m gonna grow that one out and see how much I’m into her, but may want to do a group project down the line. I know there’s already a MM repro going on right now too, so don’t want to step on any toes.


Good tips! I’ll be sure to give the Double Dosidos something to sit on!

Thanks! Since the Sun Ra’s are probably going to be fully seeded now, I think I’m going to kick them outside once I’m seeing signs of pollination. Those poor Sun Ra’s, always being shuffled around. Then I’ll upgrade the clones into the main 2x2 to flower, so I’m thinking 3 weeks til I flip em.

That’s fair. I don’t want to take away anything from the current co-op, but if the cut you have turns out great, it would almost be a separate kind of project as it would be a selection vs. an open pollination. Guess I’m putting the cart before the horse, let’s see what you find first! I just really liked the smoke of the two I grew out last year, and think the strain is worth taking another look at down the road. You must be pretty excited to grow a selection from Bodhi! We are all going to be watching jealously!


Agreed… Also anyone who would get offended or upset and see it as you stepping on their toes are doing it for the wrong reasons anyways. Additional efforts serve as backups in case one project doesn’t turn out well or there are unexpected issues. That said if the strain isn’t a passion of yours there’s no reason to do it if people are already on it


sounds so so good, thats one flavor a love, i even buy anise toothpaste


Yeah, it’s really different than most flavors I’ve grown. It had a distinct licorice/anise smell while growing that really translated. I over dried it a bit unfortunately so it probably could have been better. There seem to be endless flavors out there in weed now that I’m growing my own. I’m loving it!


Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry F2 - AK Bean Brains reproduction
Grown: Outdoor

Bud Shots:



Smell and taste:
Very loud smell and flavor on this strain. By far it’s most outstanding quality. Bright blueberry, with some artificial candy smell. The taste also carries the blueberry smell, but comes with an additional lavender flavor that I wasn’t expecting. I’m almost a little disappointed that it didn’t carry the pure blueberry flavor, and had the added lavender, but it’s still has more than enough blueberry to go around, and thankfully it’s blueberry forward, with a lavender aftertaste.

Potency and effects:
Surprisingly strong, especially for an f2, and a blueberry cross. I’ve found blueberry to be pretty mellow strain in general, but this pheno is not mellow by any means. It needs to be smoked in moderation, or it can kind of ruin your day getting you stuck to the couch and out of it mentally. It’s very different in effects than the mother plant was, as it really seems to be more of an evening strain, whereas the mother was very upbeat and buoyant sativa dominant BB, whereas this pheno is definitely indica dominant. It really changed a ton as it cured, where it started out almost racy, and I wasn’t much of a fan, and stopped smoking it for a while. Recently coming back to it, it’s become a real combo smoke, with a strong body and head high to it. Kinda gets you fucked up if you don’t smoke it lightly.

I’m mostly pleased with how this f2 turned out. The main focus I had in recreating this strain was it’s flavor and smell, and they fully translated from the parents. In terms of growing, it was a fairly slow grower in comparison to the rest of my outdoor garden, and had the lowest yield, but surprisingly enough, probably had the best bag appeal, and was the fastest finisher. She was actually done at 8 weeks, and didn’t need to be harvested early compared to most of my outdoor plants. In terms of the high, I was hoping for a more upbeat, buoyant, sativa hybrid like high to be paired with the really sweet flavored blueberry, as I feel that the blueberry flavor profile really belongs with a more daytime high. I don’t know why, but I really like sweet blueberry flavored weed as a wake and bake strain, and this particular pheno almost makes me want to go back to bed when smoked in the morning. When smoked in moderation, it’s a really pleasurable, full body, full head high experience, but when I smoke a full bowl, it turns me into a vegetable, dumb in the head, and unmotivated in the body, where I find myself just doing the 1000 yard stare totally zoned out! I really like that on occasion, but I find myself avoiding this jar for the most part because it’s just too much for a daily smoke. I plan on growing out a few more of these to see what kind of variation in terms of high that are available. Only growing one my sample size is too small to truly judge the project, but given that I’ve gotten reports of strong blueberry terps from three other growers, I think it’s worth continued exploration, and I’m hoping that as others continue to grow these f2’s they report some lighter effects than this particular pheno.