Greasy's Journal

Nice, good thinking on inside and out, so you don’t accidently put the inside cup down stoned and lose track of it! Thanks for the kind words!

Those little cups are really nifty! Have you repurposed some other packaging for those, or do you purchase them? I like that you can write sharpie on them.

I think you’ve sold me on a label printer man! With all the coin flips and baggies of seeds that looks really helpful, and the fact that you can peel the off and put on other things.

Thanks for the feedback guys!


Oh these are just clear seed starter trays, like this:


I see that now, that’s great! Once you said seed starter tray, my brain saw what it actually was. I guess I’ve never seen a clear one before. That seems like a great way to be able to see if the clones are rooting without having to handle them.


Made some bubble hash this afternoon from trim from the last couple grows I’ve had in the freezer. Didn’t have a ton of plant material, and was probably about half sugar leaves, and half trimmed bud bits. I used three bags, a 25, 73, and 160 which I just used to filter out the gross stuff and tossed the material from. I did four runs, stirring ice in a bucket with the material. It’s starting out real fruity which is not what I usually get from the hash that I’ve made, I’m thinking it could be the Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry and the Goji’s adding that berry smell to this batch. Broke it all up and put it in the freezer, and will try and roll into a little temple ball once dried.

Presses 1-4 with 25 and 73 mixed. Color definitely got lighter as I went on. Might have stirred to hard and gotten more plant material in that first batch.

I just mix it all together in the end anyway

Fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Someday when I have more space I would like to explore making a finer product, but until then this will more than do!


Sieved up the hash after 24 hours in the freezer and popped it back in. It’s got the consistency of sand now. That task was so oddly satisfying. I really enjoyed the process. @BeagleZ’s much larger hash undertaking inspired me this weekend, and have been picking up tips shared in his log!


Hell yeah dude, that looks great! I chopped mine up today too a bit, the Strawberry temple and the trim are still kind of gunked up but the sour grape almost exploded into powder when I touched it. Im hoping that is a good thing LOL it looked pretty good to me, like almost pure white.

Congrats on your pile, good feeling having such a stash o hash isnt it? I didnt realize how satisfying it would be till I was done and looked at the pile :crazy_face:


The best hash makers on here, seem to have really white or pale final products, so sounds like you are heading in the right direction! You did it legit working out in the cold! Very impressive!

When I did this last year, I did it with trim rather than half trim half popcorn buds, and got a much darker product:

This was how it came out in the temple ball

I think this year I’m going to have a much lighter colored overall final product. I sure liked smoking that last ball, down to it’s last gram or so, so it was time!

And yes, it is very satisfying to look at a pile of hash. I dream of being so rich in bud someday to be able to put a whole plant into making hash. The whole quality in, quality out maxim makes sense to me.


Yes, I believe this is the major difference between the SG and the other runs. Benefit to unwanted pollination is I didn’t feel bad doing the whole plant :slight_smile:


Whole lotta hash makin’ going on around these parts recently. Looking good bud!


Absolutely beautiful! I don’t know what has my mouth watering more the bubble hash or the temple ball!


Nice post! I feel you on the seed giveaway extravaganza’s lol but at the end of the day I’m not hating. I’ve participated in a lot of them but recently have found the notifications to be a little overbearing and honestly, I do not need any more seeds lol!

That’s what it’s all about man… bouncing ideas off each other and learning from each other. I feel the same way as you although I get next to ZERO engagement in my threads, which can be a bit of a let down at times but it is what it is. I still like the journaling aspect of this, even if it’s just for myself and a few others, I feel like ultimately someone will eventually read my posts and maybe learn a thing or two from my failed or successful endeavours. Anyway, keep growing. I’ve been enjoying your thread a lot.

Just wanted to add a note about the hash making. Nice work! After trying it myself 3 times now I have to say that all these videos on IG and online make it seem so super complicated when at the end of the day all you really need is some ice, water, a bucket, a paddle and some sieving bags (give or take a few items) to get some decent hash. I’m not out here trying to make 5 star or anything but it’s absolutely fine for heads.


Thanks guys! Appreciate it. I totally agree with @NorthNorthNugs that hash making can be pretty straightforward if you aren’t after the ultimate end product. A couple buckets, a slotted wooden spatula, some bubble bags, and ice are really all you need. Was nice that I already had different sized sieves around for cooking purposes anyway. I was making bubble hash long before I even started growing.

Sorry to hear that you aren’t getting as much engagement as you would like in your thread. I always enjoy your logs, and follow along. I’m pretty lucky here to get a lot of feedback. Only thing I can think of that is helpful in keeping people around is that I’ve had the same journal for a few years, so people haven’t lost track of my grows as I keep changing places? I know I wasn’t aware of your campfire thread for quite a while after you finished up your outdoor one.


Ya I just figured I’d start an “all in one” thread instead of starting smaller threads for indoor/outdoor/seed runs etc… I was kind of inspired by your thread where you put all your exploits in one area. I’ve only just started it a few mths ago so I have a lot of growing to do. Thanks for the insight.


About 12 years ago, I started my journey and the most helpful threads were the humble growers with smaller groups of followers. Learning from their mistakes and reading honest smoke reports were what inspired me to journal everything online. You never know who it’s going to help :green_heart:


Plants in the “big” tent are 44 days flowering now. They definitely got stunted by all the stripping they experienced in early flower, along with the PM. Buds are significantly smaller than what I would normally expect at this point in the grow, but they have finally started to bulk up a little bit which I’m pleased to see. If I hadn’t had time restrictions, I would have definitely taken the advice I received to put the plants back in veg, and get rid of any issues and get them healthy before flipping back to flower. Good lesson learned there, if you have the time, don’t go into flower with any lingering problems, you’ll just pay for it down the line. On the positive side, they really do smell great!

Double Dosidos. She has the fullest nugs of all my plants. Really stocky little bush with mostly earthy, and a little sweet smell to her

T-1000. Nugs are starting to fill in here, and get some purple to them. Really challenging for me to describe how she smells. She has this freshness to her, that would almost be like cologne or something followed up with some sweetness.

Blueberry. I think she was affected the most of all my plants by the stunting. Some very strange bud development on this one, but she smells spectacular. Just like candied blueberries, so that is a plus! I look forward to growing her under optimal conditions to see her grow properly.

Rainbow Belts 2.0. The star of the tent from what I can tell. She is covered in frost, and has this truly stinky funky tropical thing going on which is awesome! I hope her smoke matches up with her appearance.

The medium tent plants seem to be less stunted than the other tent, as they were basically flipped right when they were stripped of leaves, so timing wise they weren’t nearly as stressed. They are 33 days flowering

Rudeboi OG - Grape Pie
Rudeboi OG - Grape Pie

The Grape Pie is going to be another frost monster. Has a funky grape smell going already.

Outside. It amazes me how plants love the rain. I always think they are going to get oversaturated with water and look unhappy, but then after a week of storms they are perky as can be. Only real issue I can see is that they get the nutrients flushed out so will give them an nice feed to make sure they don’t get hungry.

Sun Ra’s. Got a nice split here, 2 females, and one male. The little one turned out to be the male which is a nice surprise. Usually my largest plants aren’t females

T-1000 hybrids. 2/3 have shown sex, but they haven’t started to stretch yet.


Yeah, I was wondering how those outdoor plants were gonna handle that crazy storm. They look good! I was thinking the cold might’ve affected them more than the rain would’ve, but I guess not haha.


It’s crazy how much these plants can handle. Something about being outside just keeps plants happier even without being properly taken care of. If I gave an indoor plant the amount of water these outdoor ones have received in the past week it would be droop city. I used to set up a tarp greenhouse under my outdoor tables for them when it rained, but got lazy and then saw how little they actually cared. Hopefully we are done with some rain for a bit! I’m ready for some warmer weather and sun.


Heard that! I’m itching for spring and summer… it can’t come soon enough.

Yeah I’m jealous of you SoCal guys being able to throw plants outside whenever and just let them fly, even when you’re getting storms and shit. Those outdoors do look happy though, they seem like they are easiest to care for outside, if you could just get rid of all the pest that feed on them. So far I’ve only had two intersex plants from the T-1000, right before I chopped it, the RudeBoi OG 7 x T1000 was actually showing male! I wish I could have kept it… just to see if it was truly male all the way through, as I’ve read that’s incredibly rare with fem seeds.

That’s so awesome to see that you did so much better with her than I did. She has a real nice legit Girl Scout Cookies smell and taste to her. More Thin Mint tasting than Dosidos to me though, haha!

I just pressed some of that Rainbow Belts 2.0 to rosin and she is stinky for sure… reminds of tropical fruit potpourri or something like that.

Def a frost monster …are you smelling more grape with her? After cure, she actually does smell like, well… grape pie. Haha, who’da thunk?

Awesome update man, glad to see you are doing much better with these clones than I did in my last round… excited to hear your thoughts on all of them once you chop and cure.


Yeah, it’s great for vegging plants, but once flower comes around, the pests will get ya! For a place that is used to very mild weather, we are all up in arms here about this moderate weather we’ve been experiencing. Kinda funny seeing everyone else here on OG suffering through real winter while I’m over here thinking, Man, I shouldn’t have to drive to work when it’s raining, we don’t drive in the rain here!".

That’s wild! I’ve seen CSI say how rarely he’s experienced it in his plants, and he grows real #'s. I’ll be on the lookout for any funny business, but so far so good!

I’m excited about the smoke given the structure of the plant. I equate the stocky, bushy structure to end up with stoney highs? How did you find the high?

I am definitely getting grape from her! Can tell she has some purple at some point in her lineage! It’s not like a sweet, grape juice grape, but more of a wine flavored black and mild kinda thing, has some funk to it’s sweetness. That’s cool she lives up to her namesake!

Thank you! And I’ve got them all backed up now too! My Rudeboi finally rooted today! Now what the heck am I going to do with all these clones!?


Dude, that weather was not “moderate” haha. It was fucking snowing in Burbank yesterday! And there was, like, sideways hail blowing around our neighborhood yesterday, too, second time that’s happened in the last couple days. Trees falling over and huge branches blocking the streets and shit…

If the same thing happens next winter, we’re moving haha!