Greasy's Journal

Those sun ra looking real nice like the structure to them nice and sturdy and a bit beefy


Looks like the Double Dosi did WAAYYY better for you than it did for me. What do you think of her so far?

Interesting youā€™re getting more grape on the T-1000, I felt she was less grape and more funky smelling, but I havenā€™t grow her outā€¦ in I guess about a year now. Thinking of throwing that one outside this summer, it may actually finish here.

What do you think of the Grape Pie compared to T-1000? More grape smell from the pie?

How do you describe the Rudeboi smell? That one was a tough one for me.

The Belts looks awesome, great job with that one. I took mine at 62 days I think, sheā€™s probably done at 57-60.

Looks like youā€™ll have a good little stash of bud coming down soon.

Iā€™m surprised to see how dominate the KLP has been in the T-1000 crosses so far, at least from only observing the growth and leaves. Theyā€™re loving life out there, nice and green looking. Thanks again for testing them out, especially outside, they wonā€™t be pampered like they are indoors.


Could probably work some snips out down the line if you are really interested the next time I flower one out.

They have really thick stalks on em. They are really sturdy plants. I used a fair bit of silica on them in veg to make them more resistant to PM, guess it paid off!

I love her short squat bushy little structure with her tight nugs. Iā€™m hoping she turns out to be pretty indica dom in the effects department. What kind of effects did you get from her? If her smoke turns out to be good, this could be a great little compact plant to keep around. I feel like it would lend itself to being flowered out in my smaller tent.

I guess when I meant funk, I was thinking like the onion scent that Ramblin was mentioning. She has been kind of hard to gauge for me. I feel like different days I get different scents from her. Sheā€™s not grapey like grape juice, but more like wine, so maybe that is the funk you are talking about? Sometimes I get some real sweetness out of her, and others I donā€™t. The Rainbow Belts just smells so much more than everything, that itā€™s challenigng to be able to discern other plants in her radius! Iā€™m sure that when I have everything jarred, Iā€™ll have different opinions on smells because of that!

The grape pie is much sweeter than the T-1000, and more towards the grape juice side of grape. They are overall similar smelling, but the grape pie has 0 funk to it, and is more truly grapey.

I agree with you there. Itā€™s a very strange smelling plant. Itā€™s kinda gross smelling actually, like some old trash in your house with a hint of sourness to it? @Vagabond_Windy you have one going right now, what kind of smells are you getting?

Thanks man! Sheā€™s definitely the furthest along, but Iā€™m going to have to harevest everyone at the same time unfortunately as Iā€™ll need that tent to dry things out, so I donā€™t stink at work! Donā€™t want to be like your girl, smelling like a phat sack! So, sheā€™ll end up probably a little overdone, otherwise I could see her being ready by the end of the week. Iā€™m really hoping her smoke will live up to her appearance and smell. Visually and scent wise it seems like an incredible plant!

Very thin leaves on that one! My neighhbors two GG4 X T1000 are really healthy as well, even being grown in miracle grow soilā€¦ so those plants are tanks! Once they start really flowering Iā€™ll start posting some pics in your log. Since Iā€™ve grown out T-1000 now itā€™ll be fun to try and notice traits further into flower!


I do. Itā€™s at day 58 now. I also agree that itā€™s hard to mail down. Sheā€™s giving off some dog poo smells along with something sweet Dank and kushy.


For real? My first attempt at growing was using MG. Those plants (LA Confidential X Mazar) were never going to thrive. They looked great for the first three weeks and then the leaves started spotting and yellowing at the same time. I never saw a plant die off that quick. Granted, it was my first attempt at growing pot but it wasnā€™t the first time Iā€™ve grown a plant. lol


I just picked up some Panama Red FECO CBD oil, Last week. Made some 7MG gummies with it. Works like a champ for morning and awake CBD.


I bet that cross made some great meds.


Wasnā€™t really my thing effect wise, typical cookie like buzz, gets me semi-stoned, but kinda quick lived. She tasted real good though.

For sure, I got more of the red wine smell in the T-1000. Really came out in the T-1000 dominate cross of GG4. Totally get where youā€™re coming from with that one. I smelled a kinda gunpowder smell, or sulfur or something with her too, trying to rememberā€¦

The grape pie is all sweet though. She didnā€™t have much smell while growing, but I pressed a bunch of that one to rosin and it really does smell very ā€˜pieā€™ like, more sweet dough than candy grape or something though.

haha nice! I thought she smelled savory, but I guess we know now that I like the smell of shit :slight_smile:

Haha! Yeah sheā€™s a stinker, hope she lives up to your expectations effect wise.

Cool, I forgot you gave some to your neighbor too, thatā€™ll be the true test for them, Miracle Grow soil in an inexperienced gardenerā€™s hands:) Those thin leaves definitely stick out on the KLP, weā€™ll see how much of the smell comes through.


Yeah from what yall are saying Im thinking the oniony hoppy taste might be from the savage purpl sfvog x urkle. Though it didnt really come out until dried in the jar - before that was foul with some sweetness. Similar looking tops - frosty similar shaped leaves.


Ran out of likes in here but Iā€™m not surprised cause thereā€™s a ton to like in here. Looking good all around :metal:


Thank you! Appreciate you stopping by. Youā€™ve been here since I started this journal. Do you have a log going right now? I must have missed it if you do?

Sun Raā€™s are looking really good outside right now. Theyā€™ve been absolutely loving all this rain. Getting some real nice pinks and purps on them too!

Sun Ra 1

Sun Ra 2

Sun Ra 3 - hoping this guy actually drops some pollen this go around. Getting a little pale in the lowers so gave him a top dressing of craft blend and will water in some ewc tomorrow


@iamyou_youareme here are my neighbors gg4xt1000. They are looking really healthy despite the miracle grow!

The bushier one has a real strong musky smell coming off it!


Sweet, they do look surprisingly happy for being in the MG soil! I love that outdoors, the plants seem more forgiving to what type of soil theyā€™re in. Will be curious to see if they make it to harvest, but looking on track. Hope they can get the T-1000 dom plant, I seem to like the T-1000 leaner out of the two I grew.

Love those pink lookin pistils on the Sun Raā€¦ and the male is close, should start seeing dust any day nowā€¦


Structure wise the one in the first photo is very similar to what Iā€™m seeing in the T-1000. I am going to secretly feed my neighbors plants, so they can make it all the way to harvest, as Iā€™m sure that soil will run out of food soon.


Lol im imagining you ski masked up at night bringing in top dressing and compost.


I dunno about that; Miracle Growā€™s pretty loaded. I think you shouldnā€™t help your neighbor out (in this specific instance; we should usually try to help our neighbors out haha), just so if the plants do starting getting all gnarly-looking, you can be like,ā€See??? I TOLD you you oughta use a decent soil mix!ā€ haha. ā€œMaybe next time youā€™ll listen to me!ā€


WOW beautiful temple ball!


Iā€™ve had a few now but nothing currently. Iā€™ll have one soon for the London Pound Cake challenge Iā€™m gonna win though :grinning:

Friggin Planta Claus over here :laughing:


I didnā€™t know that there was going to be two winners bro? There would have to be for both of us to win. And I know that Iā€™m taking the bong and 100 Sheelavathi seeds that the winner gets.
You may be able to talk me out of a few of those beans though.


You heard that @MoBilly. Not a bean has touched water and this oneā€™s Floyd Mayweather blowing kisses to the crowd. LMAO