Greasy's Journal

Wait there’s an actual prize? :open_mouth: I like the confidence though, may the memories of it keep you warm upon your imminent runner up status :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



OK @Slick1 . It’s on like Donkey Kong! lol


Yeah, that’s a pretty good image!

I have been going back and forth on whether or not I should feed them cause of this as well. On one hand I want to see a new grower succeed, but on the other, I gave the plants to them, and they aren’t mine anymore, so I gotta let them streer the ship, and learn for themselves. Guess I’m going to just let it ride and see how it goes. I asked if they wanted any help the other day and was told no, they got it, so we’ll see!

Thank you!


Oh, shit, well…. In that case, fuck your neighbors then haha!!! If they’re gonna be like that, let their plants shrivel up and die haha… Jesus, what first-time grower wouldn’t accept the help of their experienced-grower neighbor? That seems kinda weird…

But I guess if they got it, they got it. “Grow on wit’ yo’ Miracle Grow Self!” haha.


I think for them it was more about curiousity in growing the plant, than wanting to become self sufficient in growing their own. I was also surprised they didn’t want more involvement from me, but what can you do? Someday I’m going to find someone to teach to grow MJ locally, but until then I’ll just keep trying to give plants to newcomers hoping that sooner or later one of them will become as obsessed as we’ve all become. I think it would be a lot of fun to be able to smoke with other growers on the regular.


I find that true with all my hobbies - its tough to find an apprentice ha. Most just want to dabble and not the full rabbit hole.


Sun Ra male is dropping pollen! Gave it a shake, saw the clouds, and then sneezed for a few minutes



Frost/trichomes? The male you found looks good regardless. Very timely and worthy project with the news of the wookie15 dad (and 88g13hp) being retired!


Yeah, he’s getting frosty! I don’t really know how to judge males, just pollen chucking over here.


I wish we lived closer man! You could teach me! I’d call you sensei! It would be like the Karate Kid all over again! Only Danielson and Mr. Miyagi would have the munchies sooooooo bad!
You know, I may be a little higher than normal. I found out about resin. lol


I know that Bodhi says resinous males are something he’s a big fan of and seeks out when selecting males. Structurally that male you found looks really nice (to me) as well. Ultimately it will come down to growing out seeds to evaluate it but seems good so far.


I love your photos of your sun-lit plants! The plants always look like they’re so happy and thriving.


He is pretty, but he also has pistils…

Think i am gonna make seeds for myself and grow em out. The debate about herm males seems to side on don’t use them so these will just be for me. I wonder if the cold temps and weather caused this to show :thinking:


Possibly. It’s been fucking nonstop, I’m over it. Perhaps the amount of water had something to do with it, too? Like, even though the plants didn’t seem to mind all the rain and still looked good, maybe they actually really didn’t like it? Haha.


Yeah, I am starting to see nitrogen deficiency now in all the outdoor plants with all the lower leaves yellowing. Hard to keep them fed with all the water constantly flushing their pots. Hopefully we are moving on from the rain now that it’s about April!

I’m going to let the male do it’s thing and see what I can find. I’ve only flowered out 6 males at this point, and this is the only I’ve grown that has trichromes on it, which is pretty cool. Seems to be very split feelings in the MJ community about whether or not a male that shows intersex tendencies with pistils is valuable or not. I’m curious to see where this goes and pop a few.

Has anyone else grown out males that had trichs before? If so, did you find any gems in the offspring? Additionally, has anyone grown out plants that have had fathers that had intersex tendencies before? This project is just for fun, and I’m not feeling any stress if it doesn’t work out. Let’s see what happens.

edit: Interesting thread here on OG about this: Intersex male? Pics inside


I say try it! Make some seeds and grow them out. I found a clusterfunk male that had pistils but he had great structure and smelled disgusting. I regret not using some of his pollen just to see


Tomorrow is harvest day for all my mature clones. The T-1000, Double Dosidos, Rainbow Belts 2.0, and Blueberry will be harvested at day 74, and the Rudeboi OG and Grape Pie’s will be harvested at Day 63. My whole apartment reeks of bud. I’ve been keeping my work clothes in the truck so that I don’t stink. I think the Rainbow Belts 2.0 is the culprit. I even swapped out my carbon filter for a new one in the tent the RB 2.0 is in before this grow, and the new one failed to contain the scent. I kind of love that, but at the same time, it’s kind of a pain in the ass to have a strain that beats your carbon filter. Pretty funny stuff.

I’m getting tired to taking photos of my plants with a phone camera, as I feel it doesn’t capture the beauty of the plants. Going to try and find an actual camera to shoot my plants with. Got some advice from other OG members and am going to go to a camera store and try and find something used. Figure I can actually talk with someone who knows what’s up, and can just be straight up and tell them I want to take close up photos of bud with this camera, what do you think will work? Should probably wear some of my grateful dead tye dye for that conversation to really drive the point home :partying_face:

T-1000 - Savory and fruity smelling

Rainbow Belts 2.0 - The stinker. Fruity with some gas to it

Double Dosidos - Earthy, sweet, and a little bit acrid at the end. Almost like it smells like not fully composted compost

Blueberry - This plant lives up to it’s namesake. Ultra blueberry terps on her. Wish she wasn’t so damn leafy though!

Grape Pie’s - Grapey and winey. Another one that lives up to it’s name!

Rudbeoi OG - This plant has shifted heavily in it’s smells. It’s now very bready and savory like @iamyou_youareme was saying, but still with a back end of garbage to it


Thanks for the tour. Very nice looking garden you have there.


They look great man! Of course, what would we expect? lol

My BB Muffin x Vintage BB is like that. She is woolly with leaves.


I’ve got a pack of those, guess I’m gonna have to take a look.