Greasy's Journal

Thanks guys!

On one hand, maybe that’s a good thing for the BB terps, but hopefully once she gets into flower you get a nuggier plant. I’ve only grown out the one F2, and while it was still leafy, it wasn’t nearly as bad as this clone.

@BeagleZ 's BB Muffin also looked to be pretty nuggy as well. Not sure if she’s been sampled yet, but would love to hear your thoughts once you do!


Me too. Might have to drop some myself.


Ya, sooner than later, I’m taking a seed dive tomorrow morning to find those :wink:


Yeaup, sorry @Greasy, been meaning to get into this jar!!
I have sampled a few times, but early on.

I’ll hit her again this evening and share some thoughts later. I can say that the smell from the jar is just like the fresh buds, blueberry through and through

Have zero hesitation, these are fire

@MoBilly , the buds from this particular plant are rock solid


I agree with Windy, go ahead and make some seeds; if they’re just for you, who fucking cares what anybody else thinks about males with pistils? Haha. And even if you share them, as long as you mention, you know,”BTW, the male that made these had some pistils, too,” it’s not a big deal.

Those pics look awesome, looks like the cold weather got them a lil’ purple, huh? Pretty cool-looking.


Agree with @Vagabond_Windy on giving that male a chance. Looks interesting to me & you’re already this far anyways.

Remember lighting is important in photography and outdoors the sun position will yield different quality results. There will be a learning curve with any camera especially with outdoor stuff. I have a lot to learn in this area and am probably going to grow various non-cannabis flowers this year to practice on. Interested to see what you end up going with and hope to learn something following along.


Thanks for the feedback guys. I’m gonna keep it going. One thing I was reading that came from Tom Hill was that a lot of the time these resinous males may actually be sterile, so seeds could be a moot point. One step at a time!

They are really cool looking! It’s gotta be the weather. Check out the pink on the female!

To note all the plants I took photos of were grown indoors, but with my new phone, the light in the tent just washes out the plants, and makes it difficult to see any definition which is why I brought them outside. Hopefully in the future I can just take photos in the tent, and avoid any chance of any hop on bugs while they are doing their photo shoots. This is a great article though. I will try and put more thought as to when I take photos outdoors, as now it’s just when it occurs to me, rather than any strategic thinking.


Ok @Greasy, spent a little time with our girl. Had a few bong hits, and bowl hits.
Again, the smell on this thing is outrageous, glorious even, sweet sweet blueberries.

Firmness and texture are perfect.

On the flavor side, I definitely get the muffin thing but also creamy, like a bran muffin soaked in half and half or something. Getting very little blueberry flavor. Not the flavor bomb I was expecting but it’s still quite young in the jar so we will see what time holds for us.

Regardless of my current palette, it is delightful smoke and I can’t wait to dig thru the rest of the beans! Thank you again!! :pray:

I’ll roll a joint tomorrow and post some pics of the curing buds then.


Interesting. Hope the cure brings out some more flavor. Five of us have now flowered out these F2’s, and I’ve gotten a lot of feedback on the plants smelling of blueberry, but haven’t gotten any smoke reports yet, so I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in! After growing out this Blueberry clone that is so leafy, I would like to just do a pheno hunt in the f2’s and see what I find and maybe come up with my own blueberry scented and flavored keeper.

In other news harvest day is complete, and I’ve got this summers bud up and hanging! I am leaving more leaves on this round hoping for a slower dry. Everyone got washed Jorge Cervantes style in a PM solution. One interesting thing to note was how grapey the grape pie was when wet. I was blown away at the difference in the strenght of smell. Hope she cures up that way!


The Sun Ra male has been chopped. Really only showed a few pistils that I had shown in photos above. I feel he has done his job and the two Sun Ra females are pollinated

Here is the last look at our stud! He seemed to have a very sturdy frame and dense male flower clusters.

Now that he has been cut down, capturing his remaining pollen and drying it out with some dessicants

@BeagleZ or @CrunchBerries do either of you guys have any interest in making a few Sun Ra seeds, assuming the handful of pistils found on the male don’t bother you? I know you both have a Sun Ra cut going now, and would be happy to send a little pollen your way if you were open to immediatley applying it. No stress if you guys are just doing bud runs, but figured I would offer!

The proof of pollination


Just getting caught up in here… been away for a week and still trying to go through all these notifications.

Anyways… that’s rad that the Sun Ra male is frosty looking and dropping pollen, looks like you’ll have plenty. I personally don’t have enough experience with males showing signs of intersex to say how likely it is that the progeny will show intersex as well, but if it’s only for personal exploration and sharing, I think it’s worth exploring.

Looks like harvest went well for you! The Blueberry is leafy, though I did get her to get pretty big clusters when I ran her with nutrients. She could be a heavy feeder and wanted a little more. I bet that one would do really well outdoors actually. Hopefully the smoke is worth it to ya!

Do you think the RB 2.0 was your favorite smelling one outta the bunch?

You did really well with the Double Dosi compared to my run, the nugs look really developed. You keeping that one around?


I feel like I need to give everyone another chance for a healthy grow before I move on. I’m pleased to hear that you got some big clusters on the Blueberry. I purposely kept her feeding light as that had been my experience with BB strains in the past, and maybe that is why she never really bulked for me. I am going to run her outside this summer and in a larger pot to see what she can do. It looks like we found a new place to live, that has a much more private yard area so I should be able to continue growing a few plants outside. Not sure if it’ll be as much sun expsoure as I’ve been used to, but I’ll take what I can get!

The RB 2.0 is definitely my favorite smelling. Tropical and gassy all at the same time. I’m impressed!

If you hadn’t expressed discontent with the dosi, I would probably be pretty excited about her. Her nugs are dense and gorgeous and she was a real easy grower. I think at the very least she’ll get run again outside, but not sure based on your smoke report if she’ll get another spot indoors. Still, want to give everyone a real chance before any culling occurs.


Thank you and thank you! You may (probably) have just improved my chances of a decent harvest on my BM x VBB.
I had been suspecting something like that. They both locked out on me earlier. I flushed them and they perked up but even at 2/3 what I would normally be feeding, neither one is thriving.
So next watering I’ll flush and then go ~ 1/4 - 1/3 for a while and see how they do.
Thanks again.


I’m glad you are aware! I should have told you that when I saw you had popped them. I generally feed plants that have BB genetics 1/2 strength to start, and go from there. I think bringing it down for a bit if they’ve been stressed will really help them. Thanks for growing them!


I’m just glad to have the chance.
Thanks again.


I think a lot of the blueberry nutrient issues are mainly with Nitrogen. They will do the leaf claw if there’s too much N. Other nutrients might not be as picky. They also don’t like being rootbound, and from my experience are slower drinkers and prefer the dry end of the spectrum.


Looking great @Greasy. I’ve got a Blueberry Muffin going as well. I trimmed it the other day and got a great whiff of blueberry muffin for sure. Hope yours comes out fantastic


They taught me that right quick. lol
I have a bad habit of over watering but I’ve learned that these don’t do well unless they are on the dry side. :slight_smile:


Appreciate the offer brother but I think I’m going to hold off on pollinating the SunRa. This is my first time flowering her so not real sure what she has up her sleeves yet. Very very tempting though :crazy_face:

I didnt get back into the BBMxVBB for the bud shots the other day before I left town, sorry. Will get to that tomorrow I’m hoping


Hey bud I really appreciate the offer, but I too am going to decline. I’m still stacking jars( or Grove Bags, haha) at the moment. I need to start scheduling a yearly OP or time for seed making. That male looks super studly though!!