Greasy's Journal

Looking good in here my friend, those t-1000 crosses look great!


Took some photos of the two Sun Ra seeded plants. I think they are looking pretty promising! At least enough so where I think growing them out would be interesting. A whole lot of frost, and both are very stinky. Full on citrus with a little bit of gas to them. Here is a photo dump:

Seeds are getting close!


Awesome! I really liked the gassy / citrus pheno I found. Yours looks nice and frosty as well!


Thank you! I am glad that these two don’t have the fresh cut grass smell to them. I would have been less excited about digging through f2s with a mother plant that had that trait.


Things are coming along here. Hoping to flip the first set of plants in a week or so. Gave everyone a preventative spray of sulfur a few weeks back just in case. Boy does that stuff stink, makes me think twice about using it without an issue in the future.

Main tent

Grape Pie -Rainbow Belts 2.0
Dosidos - Blueberry

Veg tent

Rudeboi OG - Tropicanna Cherries
Purple Urkle- T1000
People aren’t joking when they say Urkle is a slow vegger!

Popped some BB Muffin x Vintage BB f2s, not sure where they are going to go

Harvested the seeded Sun Ra’s. Seeds are looking good, but buds are pretty ragged from seed production and the outdoor elements. Should be interesting to try a few out. Will try a germ test in a few weeks after shucking them.


Lookin good man! Nice and healthy veggers there. Yeah if urkle is anything like the S1 I tried to grow of it - slow as fuck and if you mess up it takes weeks to recover! I think I did a transplant into a bit too wet medium and it didn’t start growing for 2-3 weeks after, and looked beat up after that. I’ve heard it doesn’t like LED lighting too… the S1 definitely didn’t, nanners all over around day 30-40 ish and I tossed it. Or it might have been HPS still and too hot… I forget.


Which one of the veggers is the TC?


I’m caught up again. lol
Your killing it as usual bro. I haven’t been on as much with so much going on at the home front but I try to drop by and catch up when I can.
Looking great in there.


Thankfully she hasn’t been finicky, just slow so far. Topped her, along with everyone else a few days ago, so we’ll see if she keeps plugging along or if that was too much for her. Seems like a tough plant so far. Survived being mailed quite well!

Upper right. Tried to do a little plant diagram by the order I listed them from left to right and top to bottom. Not sure why my photos are uploading sideways… She’s been really vigorous in growth. Growing like a Christmas tree. Took a 6 inch top off her to keep her at the same height as the rest of the group.

Thanks for stopping by. Always good to have you along. I seem to be a little less active myself these days. If anyone has a journal going that I’m not following, give me a tag!


For any folks that have ran both, did the Snow Lotus improve the cut?

just found the thread, this is my first post in your thread. Good evening @Greasy i have a lot of catching up to do


I’m thinking the snow lotus brought the frost the grape flavour still shines through. I’ve only grew growhards cross though so I’m just guessing.
I don’t think I’ve smoked straight snow lotus tough for me distinguishing between the two


This is a good question and one that should be asked of every “breeder” using whatever male. What’s the purpose of your cross? Why, exactly, are you making this hybrid? Does the female you’re making crosses with really need to be “improved”? Or is she good enough on her own?

I know that in Bodhi’s case, his goal is just to get good genetics into the hands of people who may not have access to them. And maybe possibly “improve” them, as well. The Snow Lotus crosses I’ve grown have been hit or miss. Everybody seems to love Goji; I don’t. But the Uplifts I grew were fucking awesome, so…

Good question, though. I don’t have the answer haha!, as I’ve never grown that Grape Pie hybrid.


I ran the seed cross back when they were released, and now I have the Grape Pie cut and will be running it soon. Excited to see the differences! There was a pretty good amount of pheno variety in the cross though.


I’ve got some GP X SL going now, still in Veg but they are vigorous AF! Absolutely loved my grape pie pheno I had, was the only non OG/Kush/Sour I kept around for a while, loved that grape taste, I held her up there with my grape stomper F1 cut as the stomper was more candied blueberry/grape and the pie just grape ontop of funk that lingered on my pallet


Do you guys have any other log you want to chat about this in? I’m not growing any Grape Pie x Snow Lotus.
Edit, I’m just a little cranky today. This is my version of get off my lawn! I’m still pretty young, so I imagine that by my senior years I’m going to be a real curmudgeon! No offense taken on my part, just generally try and keep posts around here related to things I’ve grown or seeds I’ve made.


You’re not? Then why the fuck did it even get brought up? Haha! I didn’t think you were, but just assumed that maybe you’d grown it earlier or something, had some sort of experience with it, since somebody was asking about it on this thread haha…


Got all my seeds shucked. Did pretty well for two little plants with 1000 seeds or so. About 1/4 of the seeds at harvest were white and immature. Thank you @syzygy for donating the pack of Sun Ra’s!!

I think I want to find some testers to grow a few out before mass distribution given the resinous male that threw a few pistils. If anyone is interested in that PM me. Otherwise I think I might post it the bodhi chat thread about it once I’ve germ tested in a bit.


Flipping the Grape Pie, Blueberry, Rainbow Belts 2.0 and Double Dosi tomorrow. Gave them a good top dressing of Malibu compost, couldn’t find oly mountain at either of the nurseries that I shop at, and worm castings. Trying to feed these clones more this round after how skimpy they were last time. Hoping to bring the best out of them!


Sounds good! How’d the Bu’s Blend look? I bought a bag of it a week or two ago and it seemed sorta… dry. I don’t wanna say “sawdust” haha, but almost? Usually it’s pretty moisture-filled haha or whatever. I did space out and grabbed the bag that was on the top of the stack, usually take a bag from the middle of the pile, so that may have had something to do with it, I dunno.

I still used it in a compost tea and the plants exploded afterwards, so it doesn’t seem like there was really any problem, but it was something I noticed.


I am surprised you can get Oly Mountain locally, all I ever see is Malibu’s which is still really great compost but I wouldn’t be opposed to trying something else out either.

Same thing happened to me a week or two ago, got quite a few bags for a new berry patch on my property. Dudes at the store loaded it up for me so I couldn’t tell the bags were so light, but yeah, definitely not as wet as it can be sometimes and definitely no worms in it like usual, however, it was still broken down really well into fine compost. Sometimes those bags of Bu’s are almost borderline anaerobic with how wet they can be.