Greasy's Journal

Thankfully mine was pretty moist, with a nice texture. I did however pick through them to get to the bottom bags, as the top ones did seem a little dried out. No worms though!

Our formerly organic grow shop, bought out by grow generation which is a crying shame, does bulk orders from buildasoil every once in a while, and I can get it that way. They are a little put off with BAS now though, as BAS didn’t quite get their labeling done correctly, so now the store is sitting on a bunch of product that they can’t sell, and BAS doesn’t want back, so who know’s if that relationship will continue.


Oh yeah, corporations definitely hate that haha. There is a GrowGeneration in my neck of the woods as well although I typically like to hit up the smaller, locally owned grow shop but if they run out of Malibu’s (which is one of the main reasons for me to go there), they always have to wait a few weeks before they get another pallet in, I think I need to tell them the whole thing about ordering something before you run out completely so you don’t lose out on sales… Anyway, surprisingly the locally owned grow shop sells their Malibu’s for a few bucks less a bag compared to GrowGeneration.


I’ve seen a ton of variation in height & smell in the 3 packs I went through. To me it seems like it would probably be more interesting to start with an F2 of a gassy + citrus / cedar smelling pheno to possibly narrow it down a bit. One of those was citrus/gassy right? Hopefully we get to see some people grow those out. It was really cool of you to make F2s as well as good timing with the announcement of the W15 retirement!


They both were gassy and citrusy! Would have been hard to tell them apart really in the apperance of the buds or smell. The only noticeable differences they had, was one looked a little more sativa in structure, with slightly thinner stems, and less of a bush structure. That was #2.

I’ve been early smoking the seed shuck from both, and here is my early description: Very frosty bright green buds. Citrus and fuel smell and flavor. More gas than citrus. High is calming, and centering. Provides an internal warmth. Mentally slower, but still clear. Mild physical body high.


Yeah, that surprised me, as well haha.

So true. That’s weirded me out a few times, but I feel like I’d rather have it be too wet than too dry. I’m probably gonna top dress with that bag I bought when I transplant into the seven-gallons; maybe this dryer batch will be better for keeping fungus gnats away.

I’ve never heard of this place, but I just checked it out. The closest one to me is, uh, not very close haha, but I may make the drive in the future anyway. They’re selling a cubic foot of Coast of Maine for like fifteen bucks right now, which is twenty bucks cheaper than I’m paying for Bu’s at my local place. I’m not sure how I feel about paying for some compost shipped all the way from Maine, but twenty bucks is twenty bucks haha.

I think it’s totally ridiculous that there aren’t any decent organic grow places here in LA. I always have to drive around and get one thing here, another thing there… It’s all fucking places that cater to hydro growers. The one place where I can get most of what I need in one stop’s prices have gotten outta control in the last year or two, so, yeah, maybe I’ll check out that GrowGeneration place the next time I need to buy a few things.


Man, looking like you’re getting things dialed this round, nice and green in there. Definitely time to flip, clear the lowers, and then keep on top of the top dresses. Best of luck on this round!

Seems to be the case with both Malibu and Oly. I’ve gotten better batches of both. Probably depends on how long they sit there, or maybe where they’re distributed from?


Hope so! Trying to keep making improvements. Lowers cleared and the plants are looking like they are very happy to have been flipped and fed! My grape pie (front left)is much healthier than last time, and I took off a lot more sucker branches on the Blueberry (back right), so I am hoping they will both see some improvement this go around.


Thanks for the gdp beans, I just cracked the jar at 8 weeks or so. As I break up the sticky buds, we are getting a unique aroma. Partner says it smells like skunk farts and ferns. Never heard that one, to me it just stinks real bad, in a good way. Gonna hit a spliff now, thanks again :v:


I’m still smoking on mine and it’s become my wife’s favorite in the evening. :+1:


Definitely a nice smoke I tested some short cure last week should be even better a month from now.
She sure puts out the buds too got a couple of large freezer bags off 3 plants .


Yeah, I just finished my smoke, and I am flyin’


Glad you both found some smoke you enjoyed from those seeds! I found the ones I ran to be fairly mellow indica smoke that gets you stoned, but leaves you feeling euphoric. I had a couple that were really grapey and purple, and some others with some strange funky terps that thankfully mellowed out the longer they cured.
@Cartwright did you get any bud shots you could share?

I don’t believe I sent you any of the GDP seeds I made, but great you’ve been finding good things in GDP in your grows!


I will take a pic and put it up when I hit the jar again.


Not sure where I’d got the gdp seeds from someone from the site sent me a pack . I had 7 sprout I had 3 males flowered out the females kept a couple clones of 2 different plants . Thought I’d cloned them but looks like I may have to reveg one of them .


I’m moving ahead with trying to find some testers for the Sun Ra F2’s I’ve recently harevested. I put together a little thread for it: Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread


I could use some help from the brain trust here today. I sent a fellow grower on here some rooted cuttings, and they reported to me that using a scope, they saw mite eggs on the plants. I’m trying to verify this myself. I’m having a really difficult time using a scope, so this is what I get from my loupe.

Are these little white dots mite eggs? If they are, they are on all of my plants, but I’m not sure if that is just what the underside of a leaf should look like, as I didn’t try this before I had a problem.

If I do have mites, what would be some tell tale signs? In the past I’ve noticed them at a full blown infestation, where I can see webbings, and destruction on the leaves. At this point, I’m not seeing any tell tale signs on my plants, but may just not know what I’m looking for.


You should see live mites if those are eggs!


I don’t see any live or dead mites which would have to be there if those were eggs.


No shit neither


Sorry just saw what you said @ShiskaberrySavior ! Slow on the draw today.