Greasy's Journal

Easiest to spot the black crap they leave behind I find .


Yes they crap five times what they weigh in a day.


Thank you for chiming in! Iā€™m going over leaves with a 30x loupe, Iā€™m not seeing any black flecks or adult mites. At the same time, I trust that that the recipient of my plants saw something, so trying to find it myself.


Speckling of the leaves. Blotchy, yellowish/chlorotic patterns inbetween the veins. Populations rapidly increase in hot & dry conditions.

If those white specks were mite eggs like others Iā€™d assume youā€™d at least see a few mites nearby. They look irregularly shaped in your photo so probably just related to transpiration? If you arenā€™t seeing any hiding along the leaf veins or on the leaves youā€™re examining then youā€™re probably OKā€¦ They donā€™t move that

mites next to an egg

shows density of mites relative to egg spacing


I agree with the rest. Doesnā€™t look like mite eggs, and no mites to be seen. Looks like regular trichome heads to me. I have some old cuts that are just covered with them under the leaf.

Everything you sent me was completely clean.


I totally agree, they are small resin glands.

@Greasy what strain is this? if itā€™s the sun ra (sfv kush hybrid) or gdp, that would be very consistent with what I would expext from an og type hybrid or granddaddy purp.

The real old OG kush in san francisco grew almost all of its resin on the undersides of the leaves. the tops of the leaves were dark and waxy with very few tiny resin glands, and the undersides of the leaves would be so thickly caked in white resin that the edges would curl. (because as all the resin glands grew in, the surface area of the crystals on the underside would be larger than the surface area of the top, causing the edges to lift and curl over.)


Thank you both for your feedback. Just got home from a long weekend away, and have been frantically going over my plants. Weā€™ve been using a scope and loupe to check over the remaining clones that I have, and havenā€™t been able to find any evidence of any mites, alive or dead. Iā€™ll keep my eye out, and spray everything that isnā€™t in flower with spinosad as a precaution nevertheless.

The strain that Iā€™ve been sharing the photos of, and the one called into question was my cutting of T-1000. So definitely a purple and og hybrid. Iā€™m glad to hear this is common, as my heart sure sank when I first started looking. I am very level headed in general in life, but with my MJ plants, not as much. I can get all worked up over potential issues. I appreciate everyone here chiming and helping me keep my calm.


Well guys, Iā€™ve got some bad news. I am infested. Not with mites, but root aphids, and badly. All my mature plants have them to some degree, and a few are absolutely disgusting. Gonna cull everybody, and just get those damn bugs out of my house!!! So gross!!!

Good on the other grower for seeing the problem. Took me a while to find it, but I did. Too bad trash day was today, I donā€™t even want these things on my property in a trash can for the next week.


Oh no! Not quite sure those are root aphidsā€¦ but maybeā€¦ those look rounder and more oval shaped than the root aphids I had. Maybe theyā€™re some sort of orb mite? Got any more pics?

The younger ones should be paler yellowish. The adults get greener with some red spotting on them.
The root aphid will be all over the root specifically and not much in the soilā€¦ are you finding any attached directly to roots?

Maybe these:

Those were the ones on my plants, definitely greener/red looking.


They are a few different colors. Some are pale and others are brownish red


Iā€™m thinking those are some sort of soil mite, not sure if it worth trashing everything over those. Pretty sure Iā€™ve seen them in my organic grows before. Hoping someone else can chime in to confirmā€¦


Looks familiar, I know I have had them and my plants never suffered.
Could be totally harmless, for all we know the plants will be fine and make it to the end of flower.
Are your plants even showing any signs of distress yet?
If not then LITFA.

Never do anything out of fear.
First relax, look at the big picture.
Insects come and go in small waves, with life cycles that are only days or weeks.
Theyā€™re like mushrooms, one moment theyā€™re there, you go for a piss and theyā€™re gone.


Iā€™ve definitely seen reddish mites in my worm bin before, but the amount of them that are around the root base has me pretty alarmed. They are so creepy, Iā€™m not sure I want a bug population like that in my house, you know?


It could be that they suck some of the carbohydrates from the root area, but then something must also come back out of their bodies, so even if they do suck on the plant, they will feed it with their excrement you see? And then they die and their dead bodies fertilize your soil too.
Everything helps everything in the long run.
They show up because they are a benefit in some way, everything in nature is of some benefit, the moment a species stops being a benefit they go extinct.


I hear and understand what youā€™re saying @Rogue but if they were my plants I would be mixing up some peroxide and water and giving those critters a little feeding. That one picture made me squeamish.


DE? Just toss a handful at these fuckers and see if it grinds them to paste.


yup, definitely gross, but thereā€™s probably that many microscopic skin mites on your face right now you donā€™t wanna think about either :joy: Unless you notice them forming wings and flying around and confirm theyā€™re root aphids, Iā€™d just try to get the numbers in control. If youā€™ve recently top dressed with compost, theyā€™re probably just eating all that up. The numbers might die back down, or you could try to treat them with something. Also, if theyā€™re not crawling out of the pots and you donā€™t see them in the tents anywhere, and you arenā€™t noticing damage to the plantsā€¦ Iā€™d personally just let 'em ride for a bitā€¦


I bet if you sprinkled a handful of Mosquito Bits on the soil and watered it in you would see a drop in numbers.

Not gonna hurt anything to do that. My stomach turned upside down seeing them all milling around in the soil. I top dressed with earthworm castings and Malibu compost last weekend, so it could definitely be that. Guess Iā€™ll stay in a holding pattern


Are your plants displaying any symptoms? I still think itā€™s resin glands under the leaf and unrelated to those soil critters.