Greasy's Journal

Garden looks really attractive as always and is cool to see you’re still doing interesting stuff with edibles! Getting a smaller dehumidifer for the area I dry in has made a big difference. Should have bought one years / decades ago haha.


Thank you!

That sounds like sage advice. Mind pming the link of the one you use?


Looking so good killing it as always funny how you get thanksgiving terps with the trop cherries haven’t experienced that before until today friend got a sample of some grape cream from bloom seed company that smelled exactly like thanksgiving has a weird herbal taste to it too :joy: not sure I’m a big fan of the terpene


Shave the cat or dip him in a tub of neat hair remover !


Thanks man! Whole new world of thanksgiving terps out there for us all to enjoy! What’s next, Christmas ham and cheesy potatoes terps? Who knows!?

Hahaha, serves you right cat for getting hair on my bud, no more hair for you!


Flowering tent is now on day 9. Plants are starting to stretch out, and they have fully overcome their defoliation from my last update. I’ve always been pretty wary about defoliating too much, but I think I want to try it out more this round, to get more light penetration. Growing in 5 gallon pots I can end up with a lot of larf on the bottom of plants when I don’t really attack them. We’ll see how it goes. Figure I’ll hack at them pretty thoroughly 21 days in again. Still waiting on the GMO to explode. I’ve been doing a lot twisting and pinching to try and keep her in check so far. Got the Urkle already raised up on a plant stand as she isn’t really supposed to stretch at all.

GMO - Blueberry
Skunk Tangerine - Purple Urkle

Veg tent is overflowing. Keeping this many varieties around things get out of hand real fast. Will have anohter tent opening up next week once the last flower is fully dried! Next round will be Mac 1, Afgooey, Bubba Kush, and Pinesoul.


Yeah, this is something I’ve been wondering about for a while now. I mean, from what I understand, isn’t it the light absorbed by the leaves that kind of “power” the flowers? It’s not the flowers getting tons of light that makes them fatter or whatever, right? It’s the leaves, isn’t it?

I keep saying I’m gonna defoliate the fuck outta my plants, but when I start hacking I get all freaked out and feel like I’m chopping off way too much. So I quit… haha.

Plants look good! Haha.


Ive always been skeptical on it too but have noticed some plants where shaded buds ended up looking very light green - and not necessarily super lower buds. So from that it does seem like the buds do need some direct light. I think a happy medium is good for me - giant fans blocking lots of bud sights and air flow get defoliated… but leave enough fans as an energy supply for late flower.


I’ve noticed the same thing for sure. Beyond color, the density seems worse and the trichome quality seems affected as well in those areas. Less sticky buds in the pale green zones. I assume it’s a light penetration issue with artificial lights and probably isn’t as big of a deal with sun grown cannabis.

I like minor pruning & defoliation in controlled environment setups for air flow reasons as well.


I was following somebody’s grow log years ago, can’t remember now who it was or where (probably thcfarmer), but the dude had just a TON of plants, all the same strain, packed into like a 4x4, SOG style. You couldn’t see anything but the tops while they were growing, but when he started chopping he found big, well-developed flowers underneath the canopy. That was kind of the thing that made me go,”Hm.”

He didn’t mention the color of them, though haha. Or if he did, I don’t remember. I’m pretty bad about defoliating and stuff, but I’m about to start trimming six plants. I’ll try to remember to see if I notice any lighter-colored flowers on the lowers.


Yeah that too. It’s mainly been with buds completely covered by a giant fan leaf and close to tent wall.

Yeah it was just lesser quality all around when heavily shaded. I’m sure certain strains treat it differently too - just how some are total larf downstairs and some have nice chunky buds all the way down.


I know the feeling dude! It gets me too!

This is totally what I’ve been experiencing. The light green almost sickly looking lower buds. The BB plant is particuarly bad about that if any branches are covered, they basically aren’t worth growing.

This is what really confuses me! Some plants don’t seem to need the defoliation, and others do. The Double Dosidos plant, which I didn’t love overall, produced rock hard nugs under full shade with all it’s dense little branches. Outdoors is a little different, but last summer 2/3 of my Goji OG’s, which weren’t all that leafy of plants, had golf ball nugs all the way down their stems, barely getting any light. I guess with outdoor the sun rotates so they got more than they would in a tent, but still!

This time around, I’m going to defoliate more than I have been comfortable doing before. I don’t have a lot of extra space for my plants as I grow 4 at a time in 2x2.5’s, so anything I can do to create more light seems like it’s worth giving a shot. I’m not going to strip them naked or anything like I see some growers do, that just creates a sense of panic and discomfort in me, but the branches will be more open than they have been in the past!


I wonder if that’s why those sorta crosses are such popular production plants, even though nobody really seems to be thrilled with the smoke.


I think it would make sense if that were a big part of producers choosing those types of strains. That plant grew like a champ despite it’s lackluster high. It wants for nothing and produces gorgeous frosty buds with lots of smells, so bag appeal through the roof. Too bad the effects just don’t check the box for me. I find smoking that weed to be almost a little depressing, so I only consume it right before bed as it is good sleepytime smoke. Thankfully it tastes great so that makes it fun to smoke.


Regarding defoliating… not every plant and cultivar responds in the same way.
I’ve had a plant where the lower buds were same size as the upper ones even though they were in the shade.
Other times I had smaller buds lower down even when I did defoliate and they got light.
So I’d say trust your gut feeling. If it doesn’t feel right then don’t.


No doubt! GG4 is one that make nice buds all the way down the stem, so did the Sour D cut I had. I do a good bit of pruning, I’m always pulling leaves out when I go in the tent. Nothing crazy, like pulling 75% off at once, but just a few here and there, every time I water. I do keep a look out for leaves blocking light to the lowers, cuz like you others have noticed, the buds do better when they have direct light hitting them (in most cases).


I like that idea behind it, kind of a constant light defoliation rather than a massive stress event. It’s crazy though, the few times I’ve ever taken off like 40% of their leaves, they are peppy the next day. I know I wouldn’t like it if 40% of my appendanges were taken from me.

I’ve only been in my new place for four months, but I’m already slipping on my no plants in the yard. I figured I’ll cautiously start with a little fem Archive Blueberry project to see if I can have my first succesful reversal seed project.

I’ve got two little clones that I sprayed down after two weeks being put outside with a 2 year old bottle of Elite x Elite, and then one additionanl time 5 days after the first application. I am seeing male parts forming!

Plant 1

Plant 2

Here are the two pollen recipients put outside this morning, another cut of Archive Blueberry and Matt Berger Bubba Kush

Here’s hoping I’ll have some viable pollen!


Those sound like some killer beans. Reversing the Blueberry to Bubba and another Blueberry should give you some fun beans to hunt through. Best of luck with them!


Nice man! Hope the pollen shows up. Read that you can try opening the pods yourself if theyre not releasing it.


Thank you!

Good tip! Once they get closer to looking like they’ll release, they’ll be moved into the laundry area. Not sure how much fem pollen really explodes and gets released like a regular male does, but better safe than sorry. Not trying to pollinate any neighbors. If they aren’t dumping pollen, I think I’ll try and open them, and let them dry out, and then run the pollen over a screen. Not a whole lot on the line in terms of the project not being a success, but it’s fun to have something going! I really would like to have backup of this BB in seed form.