Greasy's Journal

Today was moving day for many of the plants, and everyone was very pleased to get some more space!

Finished drying and trimming the last batch of plants. They were all really easy trimmers this round. Nobody was particularly leafy. A total breeze compared to the Blueberry and the Double Dosi of last round. I really like the way everyone turned out.

Tropicanna Cherries #8. Turkey is no longer her predominate terp. It is now ultra orangey, with some Thanksgiving in the background. It’s still there, but no longer in my face like it was at the end of flower, which is a relief!

T-1000. Really love the smell on this one. It’s gassy, funky, and has this weird smell that I associate with like men’s fresh deoderant that I find in OG’s sometimes. Really looking forward to how this batch will smoke compared to the last.

Rudeboi OG. Ultra gassy smells coming from her, with a touch of doughy savoryness in the background. Really sticky, dense nugs. I always get really high when I smoke the rudeboi, because of the density of the nugs, and how tiny/fine the ground up pieces seem to get, and end up smoking like 30% more weight wise than most strains. It’s a very soothing, relaxing, warm and centered high. Again, looking forward to seeing what some improvement in growht will do to the smoke.

Going to veg this tent for another month or so before flipping. They are loving the extra space. Topped the Bubba and the Pinesoul as they were really getting ahead of the Mac 1 and Afgooey. I’m worried about how I’m going to keep this Pinesoul in check. It’s going to be so much taller than everyone else I think.

Afgooey - Pinesoul
Bubba - Mac 1

Staging ground made some new space for some younger backups

Flowering tent is nearing the end of stretch I think at 18 days in. The GMO took the longest to get going, and has really been shooting up. I think I timed her pretty well to get a fairly even canopy. The Blueberry this round since she had so much veg time stretched probably 40% of her original height which was different than the first two rounds I grew her. Skunk Tangerine look like she needed more veg time unfortunately, but it’ll be nice to see what she can do. Urkle is just trucking along, really appreciating the longer veg time she had, so she isn’t too undersized.


Great looking flower bro. :100: :fire:


Outstanding work. Glad the Turkey terps weakened and improved for ya. The T1000 and Rudeboi look really enticing as well.

Great bud pics as well. That’s something I need to improve on.


Thanks dude! Let’s see what you can do with those strains yourself! Hope you are on the mend these days!


Feeling much better, bit weak yet but I’m no spring chicken. :wink:

Tomorrow I move them to the autopots and in the 3x3.


I tasted a Rudeboi OG that was kind of fruity but quite good. Really enjoyed it but that was 5 years back. Closest thing to that I’ve grown out was Lucky Charms.


If you are interested in giving the one a go I’ve got it backed up, more than happy to share. I think it’s a nice strain for people who aren’t looking for earth shattering highs.

Edit - I was so high earlier from some afternoon tincture that my first version of this post was unintelligible. Happy Friday!


Been a while since I’ve made an update. Plants are all still alive!

Day 40 in the flowering tent:

GMO - Blueberry
Skunk Tangerine - Purple Urkle

GMO sure is one stretchy plant. Did a lot of stem twisting to get her to cooperate. She doesn’t have any stank to her yet, but I’m betting it’s coming soon!

Blueberry doing her thing. Third grow in a row I’ve had this one, and I just really like the end product. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but she does it for me.

Skunk Tangerine really lives up to her name. Smells like intense orange peel already, with a real funky, I don’t want to quite say skunk, but acrid finish. I don’t think she’s been too happy in my set up, as she’s grown the least vigorously, but I’ll grow her again and see if I can improve.

Purple Urkle has some interesting sweet licorice like terps coming in. Very tiny buds. Hoping she’ll purple for me with the cooler days coming along. I’m a little skeptical of how this plant has been around for so long given how slowly she grows. My initial thought is that the T1000 is probably just the better plant to keep around, as the Urkle needs 2x as much veg time as everyone else. I’ll holdout to test her smoke before making any real decisions. She does look like she’ll be a pretty fast finisher at least.

Next tent to flower, got everyone up potted this morning from 2 gallons to 5 gallons. Will take cuttings this week, get everyone backed up, and then flip in a few weeks. The Mac 1 is a very vigorous plant! I’m stoked to flower her out. Pinesoul is gonna be a difficult one to tame it looks like as she wants to shoot up poles. The Bubba is incredibly vigorous, definitely not what you hear about the ultra slow growing Bubba, this plant wants to grow! Afgooey is chugging along. Probably going to be the shortest of the bunch and need a booster seat, but given what Schmarm has been posting in his log, I think I’ll be in for a treat with her

Mac 1 - Pinesoul
Afgooey - Bubba Kush

And then here is my plant torture chamber, where clones get stuck in too small of pots and freak out. I always wondered why so many fellow OGer’s were torturing their plants due to lack of space, and now I’m in the club! I’ve gotta start deciding how to cut some clones loose, but am having a hard time parting ways with anyone. Will pick the next four I want to flower out and just turn them all into cuttings soon.

Hope all you outdoor growers have a happy harvest!


Flowering tent is at day 53. Some buds are starting to chunk up a little bit more which is lovely to see. I’ve unfortunately gotten a mild case of thrips during flower, and have been keeping them at bay with weekly sprays of Dr. Zymes. The product seems to do a reasonable job at keeping the population in check, but doesn’t fully solve the problem, so continuous spraying is necessary. This run has definitely been affected. I didn’t catch it sooner because I’ve been using sulfur as my IPM pre flower, and the little white splotch marks that thrips create blended in to sulfur residue. I’ve gotta be better about not playing around with yard plants and then going in the tents, as I’m guessing that’s how this happened. No panic at least as I’ve dealt with thrips plenty in the past. Anyway, here are the plants:

GMO - Blueberry
Skunk Tangerine - Urkle

GMO smells half sweet and half like garbage. Very interesting combo there. Buds are really starting to fill in now, but I’ve been told she needs a minimum of 11 weeks by Farmer Joe, and can easily go 13.

Skunk Tangerine took the thrips the worst, and will need to be run again to see what she can really do.
Raunchy orange peel terps coming from this one. Very unique.

Blueberry is doing her thing. Smells great as usual. Buds also a little less thick at this point and time compared to last run, so probably affected by the thrips as well.

Urkle has kept to her name, and is purpling for me. Very slow growing plant with tiny little nugs, but they sure are pretty. Very sweet smells coming off her. I’m skeptical of holding onto a plant that grows this slowly, but want to give her the proper smoke test before making any decisions. I like the T1000 so much though, that it’s gonna be a hard sell to keep her.

Given my thrips situation, I can’t flip my next tent to flower until the current run is finished. While sulfur has been working at killing off any thrips, my tents all have open vents and are next to one another, so I gotta keep everyone in veg until I harvest. Thinking my main tent needs at minimum 3 weeks to finish and probably 4. This is problematic though for my Pinesoul cut, as she is getting too big. I’ve been trying to super crop her to slow down her growth, but it seems to really just be invigorating her more. I’ve only got 11 inches of headroom left for her, and with another month of veg I think I have to unfortunately cull her, and replace her with a smaller plant. I’ve got a Banana OG that would do nicely, just a little bummed cause I want to smoke that pinesoul. Haven’t made a final decision, but the bigger she gets the more I feel like I’m backed into a corner with her given that she will probably stretch 2-3x

Mac 1 - Pinesoul
Afgooey - Bubba

Pretty sad culling a plant this mature, might just throw her outside .

Anyway, thanks for following along. Lesson learned for me that I’ve gotta pay closer attention to the plants, but it’ll all work out. Onward through the fog!


So sorry to hear about the thrip problem I get them often here it’s a bit expensive but amblyseius cucumeris eat the shit out of some thrips if you ever looked into that option everything is looking real nice that gmo is going to be a frost monster already I can tell I’ve had to toss a few big plants is always rough always love your updates much love and happy growing @Greasy also planted a few of the gmo x mendo breath I got from you early this year for outdoor this winter will let you know how they turn out :call_me_hand:


Just cut off her head! Chop her down to here and keep rolling.

The Banana OG is also a stretcher, like TK or many OGs. So you may end up in the same spot anyways.


I did look into that, but the more I read was that they they take about 3 weeks to go into full effect, which given my timeline, wouldn’t really do much for me. I think if I were in early flower I would give that a go. Thanks for the rec and the compliment!

That’s cool, it’ll be fun to compare how our plants turn out!

I’ve been thinking that too, but was wondering since I already cut off all her lower sucker branches, if I would end up with very few budding branches. There are quite a few lowers, so I think I’ll give this a go to try out as I’ve got a couple weeks to play around with anyway. This plant is really vigorous, and seems to respond well to heavy training.

Yeah, I’ve been hacking away at the Banana OG for a while now keeping it such a confined space. I’ve got it shaped like a nice little bush now! I’ll keep her on deck as backup, but ideally the Pinesoul will fit in. Appreciate the advice as always!


…and what a BEAUTIFUL little bush she is!


Have you considered maybe spraying every three days? That would probably get rid of the thrips altogether, but I’m not sure if Dr. Zymes is supposed to only be used once a week or what.

I was gonna suggest the same thing.

Yeah, I think she’ll be fine, especially since she’ll be vegged for a few weeks after you chop her in half. Maybe she won’t yield as much as she would if you didn’t do that, but she’s still gonna yield something haha.


If you cut the top off that plant and veg for a couple three more weeks she’ll explode .


I have tried the 3x a week approach. That’s actually what they recommend for initial treatment and then weekly after. I’ve done the 3x twice, but it seems to burn the plants a bit with that frequent application. My shower has been full of weed plants the past few weeks!

Gonna give it a go, as I’ve got the time, so why not experiment.

That’s my worry!!! It’ll be fun to see how it goes.

Thanks everyone for your input!


Hack job completed


Looks good so did the top give you a pile of clones? Or did you just toss it.


You gotta clone it! This could be why I’m always overpopulated


I just tossed it, as I already have her rooted and backed up. I think having so many plants at once has been more challenging than I thought. First instinct was to definitely to clone em all, but since I’ve got bugs around, just trying to get rid of any excess plant material around.