Greasy's Journal

Now that is a sane response. I must work on this fine example


Time for another update, time sure is flying by these days. I’m feeling pretty darn overloaded with plants as I’ve been saying for a while now. Guess that’s a good problem for an amateur home grower to have though.

Flower tent Day 76. Will be harvesting the Purple Urkle today now that I have a new drying tent. The old drying tent just turned into a veg tent on me. She was done much earlier, but I just didn’t have it together. Everyone else though still seems to need more time. This will be my longest flowering tent I’ve experienced growing so far.

Group Shot:

Purple Urkle. She lives up to her purple name!

GMO - Smelling like an old garbage can, but sure does have some pretty buds. Trimming this one will be a breeze. Life has really been a lot going on, and I am embarrassed that I never got around to staking her. She’s just a flop monster. I’ll do better next round. Also, looks like she really does need 13 weeks.

Blueberry - Taking her sweet time as well, and flopping all over the place. Might take a break running her for a few cycles, but I do enjoy having her smoke around. Still don’t think I’ve dialed in how to grow her perfectly after three rounds, but I have seen a lot of improvement in nug structure the more I hack away at her undergrowth.

Skunk Triangle - Planning on re-running this one next round, as thrip damage early on really did her in. I’ve seen others on here grow her much better than the tiny little nugs I’ve got going. She does have a fierce acrid orange smell to her though which I think is promising!

New Flower tent flipped today. Stripped everyone of most of their leaves and have been cracking all their branches. Most aggressive I’ve ever trained plants, but hoping to keep them in control. I still think the Pinesoul is likely to over grow the tent, but we’ll see! Little Afgooey is gonna get herself a plant stand momentarily.

Mac 1 - Pinesoul
Afgooey - Bubba Kush

Veg tent - Right around the corner of flip here once I get these transplanted when space in the flowering tent opens up. Based on Schmarms findings on the Banana OG, she’s gonna get kicked out in the yard and replaced with a Pinesoul cut.

Clone tent bringing up the rear. Plants on plants on plants over here! Expecting some new arrivals this week too! The fun keeps on going


I just wanted to jump in and stick my nose in all of them! Looks frosty yummy. The skunk triangle sounds awesome


Lookin good man! Psyched to hear your thoughts on the urkle. You planning on letting the rest of that tent go 12-13 for the gmo and tangerine skunk?


Thanks man!

Yeah, it’s look like they’ll both need the 13 weeks. Blueberry might appreciate it too. Hard to tell if that one is just a plant that will keep throwing white pistils forever, as when I’ve harvested it at 10.5 weeks, the smoke sure seems done, but the plant always has an immature aspect to it where you feel like it could just grow forever.


I harvested an outdoor archive blueberry and made a batch of concentrate. dreamy and cerebral. it was nice to have those meds again. good for migraines and neuropathy pain.


Always cool to see your updates! Very interested to see what you think about the Pinesoul cut, that pheno always sounded really good. Have you had a chance to sample / grow out the Lav Jack that others are growing?


After reading up at breedbay seems like that cut is something special heard it won a bunch of early cups had compassion club patients list it as there favorite amongst lots of killer noteworthy cuts if it’s anything like my jar ruiner pheno( grease’s the jar and lid like crazy and the smell won’t go away) of old soul it’s gotta be something else can’t wait to hear his thoughts too! @syzygy


Oooooh I bet in concentrate form you could get deep in the dreamy aspects! I always love seeing your concentrates. Feel free to drop a pic in if you have one handy.

Me too! I think I’m more excited about that cut than anything else I’m holding right now. I turned the last of your Goji OG F2’s into butter a while back as it had started getting a little harsh to smoke after the one year mark. What I found in your F2’s really made an impression on me.

I have sampled the Nobody’s Nursery cut of the Lavendar Jack. I thought it was nice, but unpopular opinion here, not particularly noteworthy in terms of effects. It’s real calm and mellow, and has nice flavor, but just didn’t hit the spot for me in the way it seems to for others. I had the opportunity to bring it into my stable, but ended up choosing to go with the Bandaid Haze Church cut and Blue Dream instead, as I found those to have effects that resonated more with me.

Pinesoul! Pinesoul! Pinesoul! I think if you chant loudly enough, and maybe shoot me a PM, it could find it’s way to you :slight_smile:


Very interesting! Sounds like my experience w/ my Lav Jacks. Didn’t expect it to have effects like that, was expecting something more like my cedar sunra.


Is that picture before or after you did some training? Haha. Those plants are gonna get huge! I like it!

I think that’s the thing I enjoy about it the most. Super-pleasant. I always think of Goji as being the same way, calm and mellow, but I like the calmness and mellowness of the Lavender Jack a lot more. I think it’s pretty stony, though, too, just not all “stoooonyyyyy, maaaaaan” haha. It does put my head in a really good place, very comfortable, which is important to me. Obviously haha.

That was kind of the “deal-sealer” for me, as far as, like, me thinking that I may wanna get a cut of that one is concerned. The sample I got tastes really, really fucking good. That coupled with the super-enjoyable high is definitely making me be like,”Shit, okay… Am I gonna bring a clone in?”

Anyway… Plants look good! Haha…


That’s after! Things got away from me this round. Thankfully with gorilla grow tents you can buy extension kits, so I just bought one of those to add an extra foot of headroom. I’m gonna need it!

It is very relaxing and calming stuff, but it’s the kind of weed where 45 minutes after smoking it, I’m like did I even smoke before? It’s like it’s so chill, I can’t even tell I’m stoned, which is what I think confuses me about it. If it’s gonna be mellow I want it to be uplifting, otherwise I just want to be more damn stoned!

You should give it a try. Cloning is just another aspect of the growing repertoire that is a good skill to have. I’m trying to round all the bases to where I’m competent in cloning and seed making. We know you won’t, but we will be there for you if you do!


Haha I will too clone! I’m gonna (try to) clone the stuff I have growing now in a couple weeks, kinda wanna wait and see if I can do it successfully before I look into that Lavender Jack. I did it once before, years ago, with the Goji and Mountain Temples I was growing at the time and a few of them were growing roots after about a week, but I trashed them. I dunno why.

Really? I feel it for a decent length of time. Long enough for me to feel satisfied for two hours or so, anyway, which is kinda my “baseline” or whatever. Anything longer than that is just bonus and anything shorter than that means it SUCKS! haha.

Who knows?

Haha, yeah, I get that, makes sense. Maybe I need to sit with it for a day or two straight. I’ve been having a really hard time lately just smoking only one thing for a long enough amount of time for me to feel comfortable coming to any definitive conclusions about any of the stuff that I haven’t written reports for yet.


I want to clarify that it’s not that the effects are short lived, but that they are so mellow that I just want more after 45 minutes. I’m in full agreement with you about the length of time on being high. I’ve found the church cut to go the full two hours for me which I dug. I think the length of high is what confused me for so long about GSC and hybrid strains and why people hated them. I think the stone on those varieties can be great, but often it’s so short lived where you end up chasing it. I really do think the forum cut of GSC has great effects, just don’t last for shit. My problem in the past was I liked to smoke so frequently I never really noticed how short lived they were, whereas now days I smoke less frequently and want a longer high. Don’t have time these days to be smoking all damn day!


Yeah, I understood what you were saying haha, definitely know that type of high myself, where you’ve smoked something and then 45 minutes later you wanna smoke something else, kind of just an “unsatisfying” high. That hasn’t been my experience with that Lavender Jack, though.

“Everybody’s cannabinoid receptors are different!” haha.

Re GSC etc: I just don’t like the high of those plants. It’s been a long time since I smoked it or any of the derivatives, but it was never the length of stoniness that I found unsatisfying; it was just the way they made me feel.


I was hoping the first cut / mother that minitiger takes on was going to be GSC.


I see him more as a Runtz kinda guy


I don’t know I hear that elusive Hershey squirt pheno be calling his name @Greasy :joy:


Yeah, anything with a Z in the beginning or end of its name, I’m down. Or, shoot, man, even in the middle of its name, I don’t care. If there’s a Z in the name, you KNOW it’s good.


I just remembered I’m growing four Zaps right now. Fuck…