Greasy's Journal

These fears are valid, but if one plans properly, I think a high from butter based edibles is as good as it gets, especially if people are into body high. Just gotta dose yourself out properly. For anyone looking to better dose their edibles, this is a neat little dosage calculator: Edible Dosage Calculator [For THC + CBD] - Veriheal

I just assume my average thc input is 20 percent, and I’ve found that 10-20mg doses are a safe amount without fearing being overwhelmed. It’s the eating without dosing or doing the math that is dangerous!


This is why I like cooking with tincture. Once you titrate your dose, you just multiply that per serving that’s how much tincture to use. :nerd_face:


Yeah, for sure, I know people like edibles. I dunno if the canola oil we used got distributed unevenly or what, like maybe I ate a piece of the brownies with more oil in it. My girlfriend at the time was fine; I, however, was not haha.

It seems a little too random to me, like,”How can you be sure the oil/butter/whatever is distributed evenly?” It’s a chance I’d rather not take again and I say that as somebody who’ll eat handfuls of shrooms and ecstasy and do blow and smoke weed and whatever for three days straight and be fine with it.

It was a very heavy experience… haha. Still haven’t shook it, twelve years later. Can’t get the images I was having outta my head haha!


You signed up for the Canada secret Santa? If so someone’s in for a treat .


Thanks for posting that link and your target dosage. Sounds like a safer bet for me than the 300-1000mg people were saying they need to feel anything in my thread haha. Can’t imagine how unpleasant it would be for me eating 1g of thc. Wasn’t there something about some people lack the ability to produce certain digestive enzymes needed to get a full effect from edibles or is that incredibly rare?

Sucks so many of us have had bad experience with edibles but it’s nice to see there are others out there at least.


I think that’s a good question, and I think my solution has just been to really stir and mix the hell out of everything. Longer than you would think. I’ve always worried about the issue you described in concentrated doses of edibles, but after 20 years of making them, I’ve figured out how to avoid that. Still can’t control myself to not nibble too much while making them, but I do feel pretty good about getting doses down based on how much I’ve shared to others.

Fair enough! They can be wild. When I was a teenager I made a whole tray of weed cookies, got drunk, ate them, slept for like 15 hours, and then proceeded to be incredibly high for what I remember being the whole weekend.

It does, that’s why I think making your own out of strains that you know you enjoy consuming is really worthwhile. I don’t like eating edibles I don’t make, as even if they put mg labels on them, it’s really hard to tell how they’ll affect you. No good getting tweaked out for hours when you are just trying to watch a movie or something. I keep my weed all very indica dominant, and I find that helps too. Something about cerebral strains in edible form that can really put me off the deep end.

That’s tough to need 300-1000mg. I’ve known people that can smoke regular amounts of weed and be baked, but really just can’t eat enough edibles to get very high, I wonder if it’s that enzyme you are talking about. I find even 5mg to be a level change, and a very nice way to introduce people to edible weed without much risk of adverse affects. And if you want to be more high, eat more!

I’m in the U.S., and I thought about signing up for the one here, but I didn’t recognize many participants. Would be fun to have the people that hang in the logs we frequent to do one. I feel like there is a certain contingent of rule makers on this site that wouldn’t appreciate seeing a posting of mailing edibles. I’ve been called out before for talking about meeting up with other members and trading our own home grown


I think it’s becoming a bit more except-able that there are so many states and provinces that are legal now.

At least here you can legally ship 30 grams as a gift .


the worst shape I’ve ever been in from an edible was a few years ago.

I was at wits end after several weeks of really bad muscle pain and relentless cramps. so in a bout of terrible decision making, for several days I took to slathering my body with infused coconut oil and alcohol tincture as a topical painkiller. Like so much that I was vaguely green all over haha. Then I took a high dose edible, and I felt pretty good that night.

When I woke up the next morning the high kept increasing for 2 more days. I couldn’t figure out why until I realized I was continuing to absorb and metabolize the oil that was covering my skin. ended up spending a whole afternoon in the bathtub with the shower running to wash all the infused coconut oil off of my skin.

the tincture was evaporating on my skin and basically left me coated in a fine layer of hash, and the infused coconut oil was slowly activing it.

I still take edibles, but I’m realllly careful with skin topicals now. I just never knew that the effect from a topical could be devastatingly potent.

So I’m sharing this story because it’s pretty funny, and also as a warning not to underestimate infusions or topicals.


Haha, yeah, I guess that’d be the obvious solution. Or maybe like a Cuisinart mixer thing, which we actually have here, bought it for my girl because she said she wanted it for her birthday, used it twice, never seen it again. But we have it! Haha.

For sure. It wasn’t necessarily what the visions were, although they were weird: the wave that’s supposed to wash CA into the ocean, which isn’t something that I ever think about or worry about. I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing that’s actually gonna happen haha.

It was just how detailed and vivid they were, like what it would actually be like if a gigantic tidal wave, big enough to wash the state of California into the ocean haha, would be like if it happened right then. Downed power lines, walls of water, the apartment building that I was living in at the time just crumbling, every building crumbling, millions of people being washed away, drowning, whatever.

I used to eat edibles all the time and was fine with them, but that was it. No more. I’m not a big worrier haha and I don’t wanna consume anything that has the slightest possibility to make me worry, especially if it’s about something as improbable as massive tidal waves washing entire swaths of the country into the water haha.

I definitely chuckled reading it. “Note to self: don’t rub a shitload of topicals all over my body.”


lol, this made me crack up… though it’s more of what I experience on psychedelics. I can’t ever go into the bathroom while I’m tripping… I’ll start looking in the mirror and thinking I look all weird and then start questioning all life’s decisions.

That toffee looks delicious to me though… bring it on, the more weed butter, the better :). I can’t really get that high from edibles… now a gram of mushrooms, that’s a different story!


I’ve always had the lowest tolerance for all drugs. I’ve spent a long time building up my weed tolerance, but that’s probably why for such a frequent, multiple times a day, consumer I can consistently get so high. I’m a lucky guy that way. But, I always get floored when I do other things like MDMA or mushrooms. I always take 1/3 of what everyone else does, and end up more fucked up! Feel you on the no bathrooms though, that shit always weirds me out looking in the mirror.


Do you switch up what you’re blazing all the time? I’ve read that alternating cultivars and never getting into one thing for more than a few days in a row kind of keeps your “tolerance” relatively low. That’s actually why I always try to grow things with as disparate genetics as I can each round. I have no idea if it actually works, though haha.


I do. I grow a lot of smaller plants in my 2x2’s so that I have 6+ strains on hand at all times, and will only smoke them once per day generally, just rotating across different types depending on time of day and effects I’m going for.

I’m with mini on this one, too funny. Good tip to put out there, as you never know who may fall into the same trap!


With the last harvest out of the way, I finally got some time to take care of my plants! Did some transplanting, and added in the height addition to the Gorilla Grow tent. It’s kind of a pain in the ass to get the add on right, but it sure is a nice feature to be able to keep adding a foot at a time. I really needed it this round!

Flowering ladies at day 17 of flower. My plants are pretty big for me this round!

Mac 1 - Pinesoul
Afgooey - Bubba

The training on the Pinesoul really paid off. Cracking all those stems kept her stretch down. You can really see the carnage on all the stems up close and how wavy and lumpy they are. Quite a few branches had to be taped back together as I’m learning the technique. Pretty cool how you can fully snap a branch, and then tape it back together and it keeps on growing just fine.

I think the top quarter of her was getting too much light the past week or so, as she is way yellow and a little purple up top, and nice colored green in her bottom half.

One interesting thing to note about the Mac 1 is that it has incredibly sticky resin when you pluck off leaves. It’s not as strong as pine sap or anything, but it has a lighter version of that stickiness to it. Thought that was unique

My vegging plants were kept in 3/4 gallon of soil for way too long. Got them into 2 gallons today until I can get some more soil mixed. They were growing into the light and getting real crispy. Might take me a little longer than I had thought to get them flowering. Turns out you can get a plant pretty big in very little soil.

And in the clone tent, I’ve got some new cuts in, including my all time favorite strain TAHOE OG!!! I’ve been buying that stuff whenever it’s available at the dispensary forever. First pack of quality seeds I purchased were from CSI, Tahoe OG x Bubba Kush. Can’t wait to flower that one out! Also trying my hand at some more sativa dominant plants with the Bandaid Haze Church cut, and the Santa Cruz Blue Dream. Should be great to have those flowered before summer!


Oh, sweet! I love Tahoe, too, been a long time since I blazed any. That’ll be fun to watch grow for sure.

Again, sweet! Haha. I’m assuming those are the same plants we got samples of, yeah? That’s cool if they are, really dug those.

I blazed a half j of that BAH Church the other night and had a totally different experience than previous sessions, kinda got a little weirdly introspective and also very, very dumb. My girl even commented on it, all like,”What’s wrong with you?!?” haha.

Still great weed, though.


This is great to hear I’m growing a few Tahoe og x thunder gun express(Panama gold x black triangle remix) sounded like a fun cross to me


Agreed, Tahoe OG sounds real promising! Hope it lives up to how you remember it! Blue Dream sounds great as well…

Can’t wait to see what you make of the Pinesoul.


It’s the good stuff! Never know til you grow it, but this is the cut that Farmer Joe is selling, and from what I’ve seen of others growing it on OG, it looks just like the buds I get of it at the dispensary locally, so I’m very hopeful!

They are. I liked em so much I had to get my hands on the plants themselves!


Doc, right? I wanted that one sooooo bad, but I think they were relegated to that “Vault Treasures” list by the time I got on board, cost a little more than I wanted to pay.

Okay. I wanted to ask where it came from, but I didn’t wanna force you to out an OG member haha. Anyway, sounds good! I’m stoked for you.


Yeah there from doc d got a 2 females had 5 going 1 stalled out after it’s first leaflets and 1 got killed in a accident and 1 male I’m going to run clones of females next round if you want I’ll send you a few seeds the pack came pretty heavy like 20 seeds I’d send 5 seeds so you could try for a female if interested @minitiger