Greasy's Journal

Congratulations on the sweets @iamyou_youareme!! Fun giveaway @Greasy

I’ll take this opportunity to shamelessly plug the GD/JGB thread again. All are welcome!

Here’s one of my all timers


Heres a cool china cat rider for ya :crazy_face:. I need to listen to some 74 soon, it’s been awhile. Wall of sound, jazzy dead. Some of my favorites just behind 73 and 72.


Thanks guys. I’ll give them a listen. I always mean to check out the dead thread, just feel like I need time to actively listen to stuff. Always cool when i do though. I’ll stop by!


Just to be the prick that I am, I was gonna guess “Touch of Grey” haha, even though I know that’s way after ‘72. I’m kind of irritated with myself that I got to the “contest” too late to throw my horrible guess into the ring before Iamyou answered correctly haha. I started reading and was like,”Oooh, I’m gonna say ‘Touch of Grey’ just to be a dumbass,” kept reading and was like,”Damn… That joke won’t work now…”


So many great choices on Europe 72. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


@Greasy Have you checked out the ReListen app? It’s the mobile app for
Has everything from Neil Cassidy raps to Soldier Field 95’ No JGB though. I normally take peoples suggested shows there to listen uninterrupted.


Damn man!!! You’ve been busy in the candy shop. Mmmmmm!
I can imagine the wonderful smells in there. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Too funny. It cracks me up how often I hear that song at baseball games. I would have also accepted Hell in a Bucket as a joke answer.

That was why I picked it as a list of songs to pick my favorite. Wouldn’t be too easy!

I haven’t! I’m a rube when it comes to really digging through dead stuff. I tend to just listen to different Dicks Picks, haha! I’m too young to have actually experienced the Jerry Garcia Dead experience. I was born in San Francisco and was taken to all the Speedway Meadow concerts as a child, but only really got to enjoy Rat Dog and Dead and Co as a sentient person. It was fun seeing them out this last tour. I went to the Gorge in Washington to say goodbye this past summer.

Yeah, there is like 5x more candy in my fridge than pictured!

It’s a real problem. I can feel my gut has grown through all the sampling I’ve been doing. I’ve got so much dank caramel that I’ll hook it up! Sampling everything while cooking, I made like 3 extra trays of dank caramel because I kept forgetting I was supposed to be making regular.


I was fortunate enough to get some samples of some established clones recently. Figured I would type up a few of my thoughts on here. I received Triangle Kush, Chem 91, Chem D, and Pinesoul.

Contrary to what I thought would be the case, the Triangle Kush is my favorite. No face sweats or white knuckles for me when smoking this one. In fact, I would just call it all around pleasurable bud. Now I can confirm I’ve gotten some TK leaners for sure in my CSI seeds, as I’ve gotten very similar effects from seed plants before. I found this strain to be most impressive as it really gets effects in the head and the body. Very hazy head and physical stone to it, but not so much so that I feel couchlocked. Almost as though it can be an anytime strain if used in moderation. Excellent smell and flavor coming out the bag as well. It smells like a citrusy cleaner, and tastes like sprite!

Chem D
I would say this is the strongest sample of the bunch. The high is hit or miss for me though. I like that it makes me dumb as a door knob, but sometimes with that stupidity comes some anxiety and confusion that makes me a little uneasy for a while after smoking it. Chems have always affected me this way though, and I’ve never really sought them out because of it. It’s like if I had a great day, I can smoke this weed and just be stupid and happy, but if I had some frustration, this bud can almost amplify that into a sense of uneasiness. I can see how it has stood the test of time as if you are someone that struggles with tolerance, this strain would probably be a good one. It has a real earthy, wet leaves kind of smell going to it. Not getting as much garbage as I would have expected given what I smell out my GMO.

Chem 91
I like this one more than the Chem D, but it still has that same Chem uneasiness going on for me in the same way where it’s not all the time. Some bowls of this stuff and I’m like this is some spectacular weed. Gets me feeling physically and mentally ripped and a thousand miles away, but when consumed in larger amounts can spin me out. If I had more of it, I would probably get better at regulating it, and might find this one to be a nice plant to have around. To be fair, this was the bag that I finished first, so it’s not like I didn’t like it, I just felt like I needed to work through some discomfort with it in the way that I had assumed I would have needed to do with the TK. No picture because I already smoked it!

Great representation of Goji! This cut is stronger than what I got in the f2’s that syzygy made, and is more similar to the Goji I’ve gotten from the dispensary. I think it’s a great find, and I’m glad I’m growing it. I was worried that it might have the flavor and the potency, but would lose the feel good, euphoric sense of well being that I’ve really appreciated in the f2’s I grew. And it does have that. Probably not as much as one of the pheno’s I found in F2’s, but very much an uplifting strain, which I need more of in my garden! Only real dislike I have with this one is that there seems to be a line for me in quantity consumed, where it goes from feel good and euphoric, to just plain stupid, which I don’t really enjoy in my daytime weed, so I have to smoke this one in moderation, or just be prepared to wonder what it is I’m doing or looking for as I find myself just standing in a room and wondering why I’m in there…

In other news, I’ve got a really cranky Skunk Tangerine that got really rootbound and doesn’t want to bounce back for me. She’s got one more week before she’s gonna get swapped out for a smaller Bubba Kush if she doesn’t get it together. It’s not much fun growing out cranky plants. I’ve admittedly mistreated this strain in both grows, but am a little frustrated by how sensitive she is for me. Might just not like my grow set up. She has just stopped growing pretty much whereas everyone else who is cranky is still vegging strong.

The younger growth is getting a little better, but the plant is still really cranky

To be fair to the Skunk Tangerine, everyone got mad in smaller pots, but she seemed to take it the worst. Gonna have to cut the head off the GMO like I did the Pinesoul this last round to make sure she fits in the tent!

GMO - T1000
Pinesoul - Skunk Tangerine


Very interested to hear that the TK is the favorite and that your reaction to it was different from other reports out there. Awesome reviews as always.


Just goes to show you, you can’t believe everything you read about weed on the internet! We all have such different reactions to strains. I also believe the TK was taken around 65 days, which may be earlier than what others grow her to. Based on what I found, an earlier harvest could be a good thing! I’m really not into face sweats.


I’m outta likes, but excellent write ups on all those samples!

I often feel the way you do about the Chems being hit or miss. I like the 91 more than the D (and you’re right, def thought there’d be more funk in there). I don’t get quite uneasiness from them, but it’s like the effect is either really good, or just meh. The Chem 91 is more consistent, and it does “work” every time, I just feel like it can be underwhelming sometimes. I am thankful to have the TK and Chem91 in rotation though, it’s nice to bounce between smoking/vaping the two.

I’ve enjoyed the Pinesoul more than the Goji F1s I grew, it’s pretty clear and uplifting for me too. There may be a line of over-indulgence with her, I haven’t really pushed it. I thought the taste would come through a little more, she’s kind of underwhelming there, for as piney as she smells live. It could be that I didn’t nail the dry/cure with that one too.

The TK is good but I think it could be great, if the grower did a better job growing her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Do you have a copy of her?


The samples are very much appreciated, and are a real treat.

I also wonder if I’m having some of these negative effects come out more as I’ve really been challenging myself physically the past few months, trying to get into a new level of fitness, and some weeks I have this exhausted, almost sadness about me that is coming from being physically depleted, and then weed that isn’t just pure pleasure can kind of amplify that. I think if I were to have sampled this stuff over the summer I might have found it to be more pleasurable. Getting fit sucks haha. I just want to smoke weed all day and eat limitless candy, but it turns out at this point in my surfing career, fitness is the only thing that’s going to take me any further in the sport, so I’m working at it.

I think she tastes pretty good, but compared to the TK she doesn’t shine as much just because that one has so much flavor. About to get my first smoke of the day in with her now. Delicious.

I don’t have a copy of her. I am admittedly drowning in clones right now, but someday I would like to try her out. Before this sample I have passed on her, but my mind has been changed. I sure am wrong about a lot…


Wonderful write ups been loving hearing peoples thoughts on those cuts seems like the triangle is a real hit pretty sure based off reading a bunch of peoples thoughts and reports I think got a tk leaner in a Hel (dogwalker og x black triangle f2(tk leaning dad) that I tested for stanknugzz here on og really nice super strong functional head high with a bit of body but not sedative crazy complex terps on it

Only chem that I can say I’ve tried is the #4 other then crosses with chem in them wanna try that 91 sometime after hearing a bunch on it

Glad to see you like the pinesoul im stoked to have her in the garden got both cuts started to grow out now :grin: love some good functional daytime smoke, I found that similar thing with the high on my pinesoul leaner of old soul great functional weed with a bowl or two but larger quantities would have me a bit spacey/daydreamy can’t wait to smell that pinesoul in flower :drooling_face:


I dunno how old you are, but age may have something to do with that. I know that I can’t lift weights now, in my very-late-40’s, the same way I could in my early thirties. The whole routine has had to change, it’s really fucking annoying haha. But necessary. Like, there is no way at all that I can work out now the way I used to. I’ve tried haha! and something inevitably gets fucked up, like my shoulders feel tweaked or I have some weird soreness that won’t go away in some random muscle that I never even thought about before.

I’ve gotten to the point now where I’m just like,”Alright… Okay… I accept it… I have to go a little easier, no matter how much I don’t want to…”

Anyway… Nice reports for sure. Like everybody else said, you’re kind of making me reconsider the TK stuff I have.

Hahaha… Me, either.


Love your reviews @Greasy . :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Gotta say, that skunk tangerine is a finicky bitch. She’s so slow and needy. I think only a couple sets of leaves have grown out looking okay so far.

Here’s a bud of that vintage blueberry x BBM I saved a cut of. A sample since it’s just been 2 weeks into cure.

I’m liking her much more this grow. Sweet up front, and an excellent baked goods back end. The smoke from the cashed bowl was even pleasant. 🤷
Gonna keep her around longer. :pray:


Cool to know you’ve had a similar experience!

Yeah, I’m getting closer and closer to 40… I didn’t used to have to be in particularly good shape to be in the water all the time, but now it seems like I have to take better care of myself to get that same level of youthful energy.

Sorry you are having that experience too. I’ve seen a few others grow her out on OG and they’ve looked like very productive plants, so maybe we are just missing something?

That’s awesome you found something you liked enough to keep it around! My favorite pheno had the effects of the dreamy blueberry, but the blueberry flavor ended up being overwhelmed by a competing lavendar that as it cured became stronger and stronger. Someday I’ll run a bunch of those and try and find a replacement for the Blueberry I currently have. You finding enjoyment in them makes me feel like it was worth my time to make those seeds! Thank you for sharing!


Very cool smoke reports! I also really like the TK. It’s potent but enjoyable, no white knuckles like you said.

This is a good description. Chem D makes me tense, not relaxed. It’s not anxiety, but it’s just general unpleasantness. Somehow it doesn’t seem very strong to me. The 91 is a better effect and flavor. Also, the D tends to be stinkier in flower than in jars, at least for me. I definitely get the same earthy wet leaves smell - I describe it as a dry sack of potatoes left in the corner of an unfinished basement.

That’s pretty interesting - for me, the 91 is all around better than the D too, but it doesn’t throw me for a loop. Maybe I’m just not smoking enough of it! :triumph: Would love to hear your thoughts about the 91’s smell and flavor.

That’s so funny! I like weed effects like what you describe, but I get a completely different effect from this Pinesoul. In fact, this is what I always expected in a Goji, but have never experienced from the B cut and the Queen Mother cut grown by a local buddy. It’s both relaxing and motivating and clear headed for me. It’s the first Goji I’ve actually enjoyed. Compared to a jar of coffee beans, I failed to get a distinctive nose on this end, but she opened up with a little pine when ground up. Thought she would be louder? Didn’t have a ton of flavor. What about the smell/flavor on your sample? I’m also gonna give her a spin in my garden.

:100: Couldn’t agree more.



Unfortunately I’m out of that one to sample further. Clearly it was enjoyed!

To me the smell really lives up to the name Pinesoul. Very piney with a little bit of lemon. The pine almost gets buried by the lemony aspect as that part is louder, but it’s definitely in there! Flavor wise that didn’t come through as strong as it smelled, but followed the same pattern. The f2’s I had grown before were more berry and spiced flavor, so very different flavor profile. I think what gets me into trouble with these clear, uplifting strains is the high is so often so invigorating, that I think, wow, I feel great now, if I smoke more I’ll feel even better! So, I kind of chase it, and then end up over consuming and getting some of the effects that I’m not after. Per Iamyou’s guidance, all the stem crushing really keeps her stretch under control, which was a nice tip for my grow.


I never fully threw in the towel on the Banana OG after it had gotten sub par smoke reports. Giving it a chance outdoors. It’s growing like a champ without much sun! Not much odor to her so far. Biggest upside to throwing plants out this time of year is that caterpillars really aren’t much of a problem like they are in warmer months.