Greasy's Journal

Huge shoutout to @Greasy for going above and beyond on they holiday contest package! I wasn’t even trying to win, I just listed my favorite track on that album :sweat_smile: I was blown away by how well packaged and professional everything looked… then I got to eating some!! Everything is killer dude! I had to put it away last night, so I would stop munching… that toffee is trouble, it’s too damn good! The caramels too! You guys have a real knack for the confections over there, I’m continually impressed with your creations. Thanks again for sharing, and let me know when you start your edible company, I’ll be the first customer!


Thanks buddy! I think the toffee is definitely the best thing in the box. No business here, just a couple potheads making candy. Now that we are getting the candy itself down, need to find ways to make more at once and reduce the workload. One small pot at a time is not the way! Happy holidays!


It is the way if you enjoy what you’re doing! More time doing what you love! :smile:

How wonderful of you to bake all them goodies right there, marvellous!

Have an amazing time all involved!


I did pretty well for Christmas this year and got a magical butter machine! I’ve been making stove top butter forever, but will be fun to see how this self cleaning product goes. Pretty nice it strains the weed from the butter too. Any of you guys have experience with one of these?

I also got myself a Saguaro cactus in Arizona. I see them occasionally in San Diego so am very excited! It’s the front right

Merry Christmas!


I’ve got one great kitchen tool . Makes several different things from butter to oils . I’d made infused maple syrup last year that was dangerous on pancakes .


Oh, that’s awesome. The butter thing’s okay, too haha.


Nice Merry christman man! I was eyeing the magic butter machine but havent taken the plunge - it seemed really nice for reducing alcohol extractions which Im still cautious on doing. Im sure youll put it to good use!


I didn’t even think about maple syrup or honey! I got some home made honey for Christmas that I’m going to infuse now!

Yeah, I’m as excited about the Saguaro too. They are the coolest! We drove back home today and I tried to point out good examples of what it could grow into! My Dad has one in his backyard that he got at my size, that a decade later is about four feet tall.


I always try and forage his yard for any other cacti bits that have fallen off and found some nice cholla pieces to root.

I’ve got some nice mature cacti that all started that way.

Here is my prickly pear that started with one paddle.


I’ve always just put a mason jar in a rice cooker to reduce my tinctures, but will be cool to try something meant for it! It comes with a little recipe book on stuff you can make, and the two things that really stood out were fruit leathers, which are made with infused honey, and ketchup! I don’t think I’ll be getting particularly high from the small amounts of ketchup I use, but the novelty factor is just too much!


Got a little update on my cranky vegging plants. Turns out it was me, not the Skunk Tangerine that was the problem. I had stopped using my homemade compost for a while after I moved as I needed to replenish it, and used some organic bagged soil for a few grow cycles, amended with Malibu compost. For these vegging plants I swapped out the bagged soil, and used my compost, which in the past was very light in nutrients as I turned it over so quickly, paired with the Malibu compost This batch though has been sitting for a good 6 months, and I’m thinking might be a lot stronger than previous ones. I decided to give the plants a flush before going out of town and I think they have really improved


After flush

Still cranky, but I can tell that it was self inflicted at this point

Flower tent is looking good though!



Mac 1


And my little tent is full of happy veggers. Time to get to clone them and reset. After the GMO, T1000, Skunk Tangerine, and Pinesoul, I’ll be flowering out two Tahoe OG, Bandaid Haze “Church”, and Santa Cruz Blue Dream.


Haha, yeah, they take a while to grow.

We have this area in the “Palm Springs” part of our backyard haha with a line of plants, but the new pup ripped out the middle one a while back when I wasn’t paying attention and we wanna replace it with a cactus. I’m not sure what kind we’ll get, though. It’s on the north side of our house, only gets sun for six months a year (if that), so I dunno.

Plants look good! Haha.


I noticed in the desert so many cacti start out growing under bushes in almost full shade, so I bet you’ll be able to find something that will work. People working at nurseries can probably point you in the right direction!

On another topic, anyone have any interesting pollen laying around? I’ve put outside some extras that might be fun to chuck at. Got Blueberry, Bubba, Afgooey, and Mac 1.


If I get any pollen off of my triple Sunshine males you’d be welcome to any of it if no-one else steps up with anything more interesting. A big IF though, don’t want to count chickens before they hatch and all that.

Love seeing all the succulent stuff in addition to the edible hobby & plant stuff. Very cool. I don’t know too much about succulents and I know that a lot look similar but that front left one in the box looks a bit like an Echeveria that I had a few years ago. Hope you had a good Xmas and it carries through to New Years as well!


Cool, I fully understand the IF. Best laid plans and all… Keep me posted!

Yeah, succulents were my gateway plant. These days I’m more excited about houseplants and cacti, but picked up that Echeveria as they have such pretty purple flowers! It was nice to go have Christmas in the desert. Same to you!

Here is my little succulent collection

And while it’s not a succulent, this coleus is pretty badass. Been really getting really deep purple with the cooler weather and a nice feeding


Gorgeous staghorns greasy!

I want to mount one, but every time I try it fails. It’s too dry here in the winter.


Yeah, I’m lucky being by the ocean with the high humidity! You sure have a happy one non mounted though! They are such cool plants. There are a few people in my neighborhood who have giant ones hanging under trees in chain baskets. I would love to grow a monster one if I ever get a permanent place to live!


That consistent humidity must be nice. The summers here are usually extremely humid minus that couple years because of the drought. and the winter months are so dry. I love it but it causes some plants to require lots of attention. That staghorn is one. It’s been around for about 4 years and I’m afraid to repot it because every time I do I lose them. It’s doing great in that plastic pot in the window, so that where it shall stay. I love those giant mounted ones. They’re cool looking hanging in the trees. Hope you find a spot to hang yours permanently, soon. :crossed_fingers:


Happy New Year all!

Been doing a lot of work in the garden the past week to play some catch up. Feels good to have everything somewhat under control in the new year. Really been doing that all around the house the past week.

I planted a couple Purple Hindu Kush bx4 months ago, and finally sexed them via @ramblinrose 's trick to take cuttings and put under 12/12. I started with 5 seeds popped, but had a couple damp off. Guess I got out of practice popping seeds growing all these clones!

After 3 days in water under 12/12, I have one male and one female.



This is a pretty neat trick. Now that I clone everything it makes more sense. I’m still sitting on twenty or so sex tests, which help to save space if you want to quickly root out males, but don’t think I’ll ever buy those again now. Probably helped that these plants were at their sexual maturity having been popped months ago. Wonder how well it would work with plants a month or so old, and if it would take longer to show that way.

Flower tent at 7 weeks. Gave them their final trop dress today. I’m thinking everyone in this tent should be done at 10 weeks. @schmarmpit how long have you run the Afgooey and Mac 1? @iamyou_youareme What about the Bubba and Pinesoul? I ran the Bubba a or so year ago, and flowered it out to 10 weeks.

Mac1 - Pinesoul
Afgooey - Bubba

Had to move the fans after this photo realizing they were blocking some light. I have trouble getting them to not slide down ever so slowly.




Mac 1 - Flowers on this plants are growing really strangely. They are all frost, but she is probably going to be a terrible yielder. She smells wonderful and is incredibly sticky.

New group flowering Day 1! Defoliated pretty heavily and cracked all the stems. Not as healthy green looking as I would like, but growing well still.

T1000 - GMO
Skunk Tangerine - Pinesoul

Reset a bunch of plants and have these remaining veggers

And a lot of unrooted clones. Might have some extras to pass around soon :slight_smile:


Nice man thats a good trick! Never tried it on mature plants, for me its usually 7-10days or so to show for the clones. Thats when taken off 1ft tall plants or so… usually just top an extra node for the cut to be big enough.


Buds are looking killer friend! Can’t wait to get the pinesoul and bubba into flower. Hope they come out half as good as yours. And that mac1 looks like it’s oozing with resin. :drooling_face:

Hope you have a wonderful New Year! :beers:


I often take both around 9 weeks but they will definitely be done by 10. I like the Bubba at 10 as well.

The Mac is not known for her yield but she does stack pretty well down to the bottom. I get average yields from her. Hopefully she’ll start bulking for you soon. They’re looking nice and healthy!

Happy new year!