Greasy's Journal

I ran the Bubba for like 60 days, but I think she could go a little longer. Gonna flower that one again soon and let her go to 65-67 days. The Pinesoul I let go to 75 days, but I think she was done at 70. Gonna have to run again though to be sure. Thinking about putting her in a SIP.

For sure, those sex test are expensive compared to root riots!

Yeah, sucks they block some light on the poles, I wish there was a better mounting method for them. I’ve seen people use plywood to mount them on the tent walls, but I don’t think your tent is big enough for that. Maybe som zip ties around the pole/mount or something to keep them from sliding down? I use those GearTie things you can find at Home Depot.

Garden’s looking great over here! MAC1 always grows so strangely… but she is frosty! I haven’t smoked any MAC1 in a long time, I think it’s one of the more unique ‘cookie’ style plants.

Hope 2024 treats you and your garden kindly!!


Thank you! Same to you!

Thank you for the info! She is a unique plant and I’m excited to smoke her!

I think I may be running my plants longer than I need to. I notice I often grow my clones longer than others. I think it’s always in the hope they’ll keep on chunking out but I may be sacrificing flavor and potency for no reason. I can say this as I’ve been able to sample other growers earlier harvests and they are always excellent!

Appreciate all the advice!


Somebody on OG, can’t remember who now, was using a 3D printer to make pole mounts for their clip-on fans. I dunno how many people have access to one of those, but they seemed to work well. My best friend’s husband uses a 3D printer to make elaborate costumes for tv shows and shit and I asked her if he could make me some; she said he could, but then I lost interest haha.


Tropicana Cherries #8 Smoke Report -

Bud Shots:
At 66 days flowering



Smell and taste:
Herbal with sweet orange aftertaste. No real sweetness to the smoke based on the smell. Savory weed with a hint of orange. Very apt for the winter and holiday season. Very loud flavored strain. It’s fun to smoke. Really the best part about this cut. One negative though is that it seems to give me cottonmouth which is unusual for me.

Potency and effects:
Medium stone in the head and body. Mind a little fuzzy, and scattered, but uplifted at the same time. Can fight the high to motivate to do and think if you want, or sink into whatever your doing and relax, and get into the flow. It’s a very enjoyable high, but it just doesn’t go the distance. I find this to be great weed when you want to get a smoke in, but have plans later. It brings you into a nice 45 minute to 1 hour stone, and then it dissipates, leaving you either wanting to smoke more, or ready to do things that you didn’t want to do being overly baked. Very upbeat and positive feeling for a GSC cross, not that lethargic, numbing type high.

This is one of the better GSC crosses I’ve grown myself. I like it more than Double Dosidos and Rainbow Belts, but not as much as GMO. The flavor is really the standout. I’ve gone through it pretty fast because it turns out I am a sucker for overly flavorful weed. I don’t want to grow only plants that are flavor bombs, but I really do like growing one of these hype GSC crosses at a time. I find that it’s the novelty of the flavor that I really like, and with the Rainbow Belts have grown bored of the flavor after a second grow. The plant grows really easily, yields well, and makes beautiful purple flowers with great flavor. My big complaint is the length of stone, and if it had that it would really be a keeper for me. I can see why it’s popular, and I enjoyed growing it. I did let her go, but would grow her again if she came back to me in the future if I needed a bright flavored strain in my lineup.


Nice write up dude! Definitely agree that she’s a pretty plant, the contrast of her deep purple against the white trichomes really catch the eye. I keep referring to her as “thanksgiving weed”, haha, I still can’t get the smell of turkey stuffing with cranberry sauce outta my head when I smell her. I think the flavor on her is pretty good too, not quite as tasty as the Rainbow Belts, but on par with most of those flavorful cookie crosses. I do agree that the stone is nothing too spectacular, but it’s OK… if it’s all I had, I’d still smoke it!


She had that smell for me after harvest, but now after curing for four months are so, I don’t get the turkey/cranberry terps at all. Earlier I would get the turkey big time opening the jar, but it’s faded, which I appreciate!

I think what I’m learning is that I’m not too tough a critic on weed. I tend to like most everything I grow, which may be why I’ve been so satisfied growing pretty much all clones I’ve received. I would have liked to think that I would be a purist grower, who only wants to grow for the best effects, but I think I often enjoy novelty, and admittedly, plants that grow easily, and since I tend to like them all, that may be a way of me determining who stays and who goes.


I feel this way as well, and that even extends to most of the seeds I’ve grown. I love the novelty and trying new things but usually the effects are either agreeable with my body chemistry or they aren’t.

I think there’s an attitude in the cannabis community that comes across as if putting down a strain that people enjoy suggests a level of connoisseurship by the reviewer. Appreciating the finer differences and not just sorting things into categories of dirt - mids - high grade is probably a step in the right direction.


Like syzygy said, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I tend to enjoy most everything I’ve grown, too. I can count on one hand the stuff that I just really, really did not like and had no desire to ever smoke again after a few samplings. But I usually enjoy it all, to varying degrees.

Tropicanna Cherries #8 looks good! Haha.


Damn fine review of the Trop Cherries!

And I’m with ya on liking everything I grow. In my hunt for elite clones I found that I pretty much enjoyed anything I ran. Go figure.


Too true, and I often steer what plants I grow to those that I’ve had a history agreeing with my body, so I haven’t really come across many plants I’ve grown myself where I’m like this stinks, I’m not smoking it.

I like that that perspective!

Too funny, turns out the pot smoking, pot growers all like all the weed they grow. Who would have guessed haha? I’m glad that I’m not the odd man out on this one.


I had a whole crop of known good smoke that got tossed couldn’t smoke any of it . Did a Sulphur burn to late into flower everything tasted like crap . Remember it well sept of 2022 total fuck up.


That’s on you, though, right? Haha.

I mean, there really have been a few that I was just like,”I do not want to grow or smoke this ever again. I don’t wanna look through more seeds of it, I don’t even want the rest of those seeds in my fridge,” haha.

But yeah, in general, it isn’t surprising.


All cuts sent out


I’ve got access to it locally (and already made several hybrids with it because it’s so good)

for anyone who doesn’t live nearby, I can’t recommend that archive blueberry highly enough.
Indica leaning blueberry with a bright dreamy cerebral high… Elation and relaxation at the same time.

Makes excellent concentrates.

It is on the leafy side, and somewhat difficult to grow outdoors because of its susceptibility ot mildew and bud rot. I’ve always run it outdoor, I imagine it would be a breeze to grow indoor.

as greasy said it’s not a modern instagram photo type plant, it’s headstash.


Sounds awesome! I have this one probably 7-8 weeks out. Excited.

Thanks @Greasy. Super solid of you to offer up such a classic. Really pumped and luckily I hooked up a buddy with a cutting. He flowered his first and just chopped. He will have samples for me in a week or so. :drooling_face:


Great journal @Greasy , not sure how I’ve missed it til now. Gonna set up a hay bale chair in the corner, and go back and read the rest :slight_smile:


Yeah Im psyched to try the archive blueberry after you and greasy have both raved about it. Got delayed on flowering it after it died off to a fungus on the stem from a strong top dress doh! Always liked the blueberry high. Curious how you think it compares to sc blue dream? BD is nice but for a daytime high it does crash a little hard.


I think the two are comparable, the Blueberry is more chill, and relaxing than the SCBD. The SCBD is more dreamy feeling to me, the Blueberry is more anti-anxiety. But they share certain qualities too.

Thought this bit of info from one of Archive’s new crosses was interesting:


“Modernized resin coverage.” That’s all I have to say and I won’t say no mo’ haha…


lol, yeah the hype words and marketing are laid on thick with all the Archive descriptions… I just thought the info about the Oregon Blueberry clone was interesting, I don’t care about the cross, haha!