Greasy's Journal

lol, funny you guys mention that… I’ve picked up a bunch of orchids for my girl at TJ’s… we were just there last night looking at them. We just finished this setup for some of them this past weekend. She does a great job at caring for them, but they’re nowhere as needy as cannabis :wink:

That’s pretty sweet! Needs to be like that on a federal level…

Not a bad problem to have!

Cool, I’m debating what I want to do with mine. I think y’all convinced me to run the Afgooey in the SIP next, instead of the Banana OG, but I may still throw her in a smaller pot and flower her out.

Latest harvest looked killer! Good luck with rooting the Plumeria!


I gotta get myself a buddha statue some day…


Finally got to use my Magical Butter Machine. I infused some honey from a family members bees. I hadn’t ever experienced honey as the vehicle for thc, and it’s interesting. For reference, I’ve only really messed around with butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and tincture. Butter would be my favorite as it seems to bring on the strongest body high. Least favorite would be coconut oil. I just can’t really get very stoned from coconut oil edibles for some reason. Honey is unique in that it seems to have a really fast and strong come up, but then tapers off into more of a background high that when you smoke rears its head up again. Grabbed an ounce of Pure OG from the dispensary to infuse and here is the result!

This was right after it was done, so very liquid still. Honey fully liquefies under heat which makes it really easy to pour.

Wanted to try one of the recipes that came with the machine, blueberry cinnamon fruit leathers.

Spoiler alert, mine did not come out looking nearly as nice as those. I didn’t emulsify them as much as I should and using the oven without any special silicon pads, my leather came out varied in thickness. To make sure I don’t overindulge unintentionally broke them into little balls, hash style, and weighted them on a scale to make sure they were all 25mg. They taste delicious. The lemon really shines, but you would be disappointed if you bought something like this from a vendor. I can’t wait to keep practicing with these!

Also started the trimming today, and the Mac 1 sure is a photogenic plant. Smells wonderful too!


I should have bought one of those Magical Butter Machine back when I had cash. :laughing: You’re right though that Mac1 looks niiiice!


Eh, anything you can do in the magical butter machine, you can do on your stove top with a double boiler, or crockpot, or rice cooker, it’s just the magical butter machine does it with less mess and manual labor. Don’t need to have a fancy device to make dank edibles! I will say it’s awesome how easy it was to clean up after.


Got the last harvest all trimmed up this week! Can’t wait to smoke some soon!

Flowering tent is at 39 days flowering. My grow room has been running very cool recently with our winter weather. I really need to switch my lights to be on at night, I just enjoy being able to look at them during the day, and water them in the mornings rather than waiting til bedtime. I feel like my last harvest was a little bit on the light side because of the cold. Buds all just felt a little smaller than usual. Temps got down into the high 50’s this last round.

Pinesoul - GMO
Skunk Tangerine - T1000

Other complication I’m experiencing is my compost is out of whack and younger plants aren’t enjoying it at all. Had to go out and buy some bag soil to transplant until I get that figured out. You can see in my plants their color is all wrong. Part of it is waiting too long to be transplanted, but I also feel like the nutrient ratio is out of balance in my compost. I don’t get nearly as many browns in my new yard and I think that’s showing.

Tahoe OG- Tahoe OG
Blue Dream - Bandaid Haze Church

I’ve used this soil brand before and it seems to be pretty light. A lot nicer than fox farms or roots organics from what I’ve experienced. Prefer to make my own mix, but with my base compost off I’m at a loss.

Having a little fun in the backyard, gonna make a couple seeds just because. I popped a handful of AKBB’s Purple Hindu Kush Bx4, and ended up with one female. I randomly picked one male, to pollinate with it. I’ve got a rooted cut of the female to run indoors to see what she’s all about. Just seems too easy to make seeds in the yard during the winter that I can’t help myself.

Female - Male

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I’m stoked that the rain has finally stopped and I can get out and about. I didn’t move to southern california for all this weather!


Sow some beans, then you’re sure the Nitrogen levels will be fine.
Also topdress with a little horsemanure and I’m sure they’ll get their shit together, cold or not. :smile:

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I would like to gather some feedback. I think I will have cooler temps low 60’s, maybe some high 50’s in my grow room for then next month or so with lights off in the tent. Plants are currently at 40 days, and will probably go 12/13 weeks with the GMO and Skunk Tangerine taking the longest. Would you guys change your flower light onset time mid cycle of flower? I figure if I did I would leave them in the dark for 24 hours to kind of reset their clock, then change the lights on to the evening.


I have actually done this mid flower. I forget how far into flower it was but they had some good buds forming already. I also went with 24 hrs of dark over light, and they were just fine. I think if you have plants that aren’t too sensitive, there will be no issues. :+1:


Should be fine!


I dunno, but I’m gonna be doing that in about a month or so myself, just because I’m gonna be flowering straight through until mid-June or so and I think it’s gonna be too warm to be running my lights during the day in five or six weeks. I hope it is, anyway.

So I guess we’ll find out together haha.

What’s the plant in the bigger pot behind those Purple Hindus?


Thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and put them in the dark yesterday, and will bring back their lights tonight. It gets pretty chilly in there and I want to give them the best. Not very comfortable with in tent heaters.

I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. I’m not really looking forward to having to water after work, but then again, maybe it’ll be more relaxing that way, and less of a I gotta get this done, and showered to get the hell out of here feeling that I have now!

That’s an extra Afgooey clone. I figured it sounded like a loosely related plant to throw in for a cross. I have a hard time culling all my plants so sometimes they just get flowered out in the yard for no good reason.


I run my lights at night. Coldest period of the day. It can drop 30 degrees here overnight.

I have plenty of other things to do during the day and lights out.

Everything looks good, we all have lil hiccups till we dial in.


I mean… If you can just throw them in a pot outside, that seems like a good reason haha. Better that than trashing them.

Yeah, if you gotta do it early morning in a rush before heading out to work, that does sound a little stressful. I haven’t had a job in years, so I kinda like having a reason to get out of bed. But since I’m unemployed, the watering’s pretty leisurely haha. I’ve actually really liked having the lights on during the day this winter, usually always run them at night this time of year and spend all day watching the clock, waiting for the lights to turn on at 8pm.

It’s annoying… haha.


Looking really good over there Greasy! :slight_smile: Sorry about the shit compost. Hope you can get it turned around soon! :+1:

I honestly wouldn’t worry about low 60s or high 50s in the tent during lights out. Here in CO for the last several years those have always been my lights off temps and I haven’t had any issues whatsoever, no matter what strain or cut.

If you’re going to try to flip the light cycle in the middle of flower, which I’d be very hesitant to do, I guess you could try giving them 24hrs darkness. I hear you about the watering, but I end up just doing it right before bed. With the house heat set at 66-68F day (starting at 9am) and 60F at night (starting at 7pm), I’m pretty happy with a lights on cycle of 845pm to 845am, though I don’t know if I’ll do it in the future.

This cycle means that my lights on temps in the tent stay around 68-70F (with light turned up to 660w as of Friday), and my lights off temps stay around 64-66F. I don’t think it’s impacting bud size too much, but they are definitely a week behind in maturity.

The latest research out of Bugbee’s lab from his grad student Mitch Westmoreland indicates 66F to 70F max under LEDs after week 4 is best for cannabinoid concentrations, and doesn’t hurt harvest weight too much as long as you’re at the top end of that spectrum. So I’m hoping this will mean more potent smoke. This is probably why commercial growers began to use buds from the middle canopy rather than the top when doing lab testing. No scientific indication that lower temps impact terps, at least not that I’ve seen, but anecdotal reports seem to think so…unless it’s sun grown.

:rainbow: :zap:


@Greasy My winter temps can get down to low 50’s at lights out, mostly stays in lo to mid 60’s though. The plants don’t seem to mind, and, sometimes it even seems they do better.

I know this is counter to every other indoor growers practices, but I only garden at lights out. My eyes can’t take bright light. I run the lights at night (7-7 bloom, 7-11 veg), and do all my tending with an led headlamp anytime I want during the day. Sometimes for a couple of hours at a time.

The only hermies I’ve had were from genetics, and back when I was gardening at lights on!

I think we worry about light way too much… try out the dark side, lol!

I am so jealous that you can put plants outside now, or any other time… and that they look so good :slight_smile:


It looks like I’m joining you guys!

I’m envious of your leisurely watering. It’s a great time to really give the plants a thorough look over. Some weeks I don’t really do that and that’s how problems can get out of hand.

Thanks nube! I was spoiled for so long with really great compost that it’s throwing me for a loop.

That’s good to know! Seems like both you and horse have lower temps and they don’t seem to make a difference.

I ended up giving it a shot and will report back on any issues from it as they arise. Always learning with this hobby and sometimes it’s easy to make quick, drastic decisions, which I did this round. Hopefully they won’t mind, and if they do, it’s just a good lesson for me to really try and plan my grows a little more, rather than just flying by the seat of my pants!

Spring and fall my grow room is in the right conditions then!

Appreciate all the thoughtful feedback!

If you ever did want to change it up, I’ve really appreciated my method 7 grow glasses. They are pretty expensive, but my eyes don’t feel strained working on my plants. I’ve been using them for a couple years now and I think they really make a difference. I imagine a lot of home growers get eye damage from all the bright lighting if they don’t have any safety gear.

Haha, I think I’m a better grower outdoors than in, at least in terms of how the plants look. Something about that fresh air that keeps them from getting all upset about the little things. Thanks for stopping by and your kind words!


And I’m envious of your job haha. I’d much rather have to fit the watering schedule into my employment schedule rather than waking up every day like,”Oh, guess I should get out of bed and fill up the humidifiers. That’ll give me something to do for five minutes today…” haha.

I just turn the lights off when I start moving plants out of and back into the tent. That seems like the “safest” way haha… But maybe that isn’t doable in your situation? I dunno.


Just to throw my anecdote as well - my whole grow this year has been in the mid-high 50s after lights out. Seems decent enough, but I think they may perform better with slightly higher temperatures. What I personally don’t like about night time growing is if I have to go into my grow area during say a power outage or for general maintenance it can be really inconvenient during the daytime.


I do this as well sometimes, for the same reason. I have an old eye injury so my eyes can’t adjust to the bright light. I have to wear shade 5 welding goggles if I’m working under hydro lights for a long period of time. the method 7 glasses are actually pretty good for shorter durations and haven’t been giving me migraines. But if you accidentally catch a glimpse of a bulb wearing those, it’s brutal.

I often garden during lights off. I actually found a special bulb for lights off gardening that I have been looking for.

Green incandescent bulbs. Years ago I was told that it’s like the horticultural equivalent of red incandescent bulbs in a darkroom. The green leaves reflect all the green light, and it’s like they weren’t exposed to light at all.

So far it’s working well, although they are dimmer than expected. fortunately my cieling fixture takes 4 bulbs so I should be able to fix that problem. Plus, it’s just fun.

incandescent lights in general should be safer to use during dark periods than and kind of flourescent. LED headlamp should also be fine, I had used my cell phone before getting the green bulbs and had no problems.