Greasy's Journal

If your room is dark during daylight hours (lights off) and you need to work on plants for more than a few minutes… I turn on a green bulb for this.

EDIT: Blackout curtains work very well too.

Another thing I do is stand in the empty sealed dark tent to I’d the light leaks… as helper dabs some black silicone on it.


Yeah, I can do that too, but I just like gazing at my plants fully illuminated!

Guess it’s cold tents all around. I think I want to jump to the conclusion that my lower temps caused my decreased yield last round. I got about 30% less than I do on an average cycle. I was thinking that the cooler temps just slowed down the bulking, but it could probably be any number of factors. Plants were good sized too, so it was strange. I’ve also been doing a lot more pruning/leg shaving than ever before, so in giving up a lot of larf, maybe I’ve lost some weight there as well? Not like it was a terrible harvest or anything, and I think the bud is going to be excellent, so it’s all good.

That is a really cool trick guys! I really like that one!

One reason I’ve enjoyed running my lights during the day is that I don’t have to deal with any light leak herms. I keep the curtains closed in the grow room, but my girlfriend opens them so the cat can sit in the sun. Curtains are a really good idea to combat that! Keeps the room functional and really deals with my largest misgiving.


As I was breaking up a bud tonight, I reached for my jar in the fridge that holds some keif, scissor hash etc…

I found a baggie of little square candies… that a very kind and generous person tossed my way.

It’s been 3 years since I dared eat a piece of brownie.

Livin’ on the edge tonight. :wink:


Hahaha, nice! Wishing you some smooth sailing this evening!


Time sure is flying by this winter. Been a little bit since my last update. Flowering tent is at Day 55. I have something both funny and embarrassing to share with you all. The turkey terps are in my flower tent! Wait, how did the turkey terps end up in your tent, when you are flowering T1000, GMO, Pinesoul, and Skunk Tangerine, where would the turkey terps be coming from? Well, I fucked up my clone labeling apparently, and my so called T1000 is a Tropicana Cherries. I believe something similar happened to @GCBudz recently, so we are brothers in misidentification! I started noticing the turkey terps last week and was like wow, I never knew T1000 would do this, and then as the plant continued to get pinker my suspicion grew, and it’s very clear it’s not T1000. Too funny!

Pinesoul - GMO
Skunk Tangerine - Tropicanna Cherries!



Skunk Tangerine

Tropicana Cherries

Next round of flowering plants are finally starting to perk up after being rootbound and put in a soil mix they didn’t love. 1 of the Tahoe’s has really shown vigor and the other one is right around the the corner. Blue Dream and Church cut still seem like the soil may be a bit too hot, but they are adjusting. This Blue Dream plant is a beast. Going to have to hack a ton of it away to keep it from overgrowing the other plants come flower time.

Tahoe OG - Tahoe OG
Blue Dream - Bandaid Haze

After that I’ll be flowering out my Purple Hindu Kush Bx4 seed plant from AKBB, Giesel, Blueberry, and Afgooey.

Blueberry - Giesel
Afgooey - PHK Bx4

I’ve decided I’m going to try and cull some of my current cuts. I’ve got 14 currently, and I feel that it’s been more plants than I can handle keeping around. Thinking I would like to get my keeper count to 6, and then I can keep bringing in a couple at a time to try out, and who knows maybe pop a couple seeds from time to time. Thanks for following along!


Nice recovery! Looking much happier in there.

Lol, whoops… the turkey terps snuck in! The one you sent back to me was definitely T-1000 haha, but…

Yeah… I feel ya… I don’t mind keeping them around for now, but definitely don’t plan on keeping so many for so long.

Thanks goodness! haha! Hopefully it’s almost over?

Lookin great over here…


HA! I kept thinking that the T1000 can express color… according to the pics at CSI. But that Trop Cherry red is unmistakable as it progresses.

I did not notice the Turkey terps that i remember, the heavy perfumie taste has cured out of my harvest and it’s much nicer now.

That’s alot of cuts to care for, i felt overwhelmed with 6. i’d like to keep the numbers low, pass along the cuts as i no longer need them. Hoping once we go homegrow here i’ll be able to pass along locally. Get a circle like that going and everybody could have access to all. That would be nice…

This round looks fantastic Sir… nice job. The weather looks to break here in a few weeks.


Yeah, I had it right up until this last round of cuts. I sent out a ton of clones this past round. T1000 is never really a popular choice when I offer out cuts, but if you did receive a T1000 clone from me in December or January, you’ve got a Tropicana Cherries on your hands. If that’s the case, I recommend you just grow something else, as I’ve found Tropicana Cherries to be a pretty forgettable strain. Apologies for this mixup!

The days have become noticeably longer which is a big plus. I do admit that the surf in the winter is the best of the year, so I can find some appreciation, and almost sadness that it’s passing, but I am still stoked to get more sun!

Unmistakable is right! It sure is a gorgeous plant. Glad you didn’t get hit by the turkey terps. They are weird!

Thanks guys! Appreciate it!

In other news I made FECO for the first time yesterday. Stuff is pretty intimidating at like 700mgs of thc per ml.


I’m gonna have to check this out. I ate a 650mg nerds rope, and I think it effected me. Lol.

That cherry red is gorgeous. Hope she tastes as good as she looks.:drooling_face:


Boring update today as the plants full in flower are asleep. I have been a one stop shop of comedic errors growing this winter. Figured out why my yields have been lower, and it had nothing to do with low temps lights out. I got a two foot tent extension a cycle and a half back and when putting it in, never re adjusted my light, so they’ve been getting an indoor tents version of distant winter sun… Gotta keep my plants on their toes I guess. Onwards through the fog!

I flipped this tent to flower yesterday after some defoliation and some pinching and twisting. They seem to be cheerful right now!

Blue Dream - Tahoe OG
Church - Tahoe OG
The Blue Dream wants to overtake the tent while the Tahoe OGs are just much slower plants so far.

Little veg tent everyone is happy as can be.

Afgooey - Blueberry
PHK bx4 - Giesel

Happy growing!


That one looks cool! The leaves tucked under another another like that… wild looking.

haha, that’s funny! Plants are thinking that it used to be a lot brighter down here…

How’d this come out for you? I occasionally grab some around here, but it’s been a minute, it usually knocks me on my ass.


Yeah, she’s almost a little bit mutanty. This same cut outdoors is pretty much like a bean pole, so I topped the indoor one today to try and get it to bush out a little more. Can’t really judge a plant for how it grows during the winter anyway. Could be totally different under more optimal conditions.

Pollination was successful, so I’ll have some f2’s!

I know! I was really pulling my hair out thinking how did my buds get so small! These plants have great frames, and are being fed pretty well, what the heck is happening!? I haven’t really been giving growing the time and energy it deserves to have flawless runs, so this is the result. Now that I’m pretty much back in an office setting during the week, the plants are not getting cherished in the way they did those years I was home all the time. I think the long term solution is to try and pair down my activities, and to just find some really easy going, set it and forget it type cuts, to grow out.

Turned out fantastic! I even used my already vaped bud as in the input, and it’s still really potent. I made the ugliest batch of gummies you’ve ever seen, and while they are monstrosities to look at, they sure do leave us feeling good! I’ve had a number of nights going to bed at 9pm because I’m too high to stay up since making them! I’m going to make another batch of gummies this weekend now that I’ve gotten some extra tutelage and hopefully improve them!


GMO Smoke Report - Farmer Joe Cut

Bud Shots:
At 91 days flowering




Smell and taste:
This has to be the grossest plant that I’ve done a smell and taste for, but somehow I don’t hate it? GMO has hints of garbage, baby poop, or sweaty socks. Mmmmmmmmm. Taste is more of a savory funk thankfully.

Potency and effects:
I am an indica man at heart, and this stone is what I’m seeking when I bring in new plants. It cuts through anything you’ve been smoking and dominates your experience. I really like this kind of MJ when I need to quiet the mind. It can take my focus off of any frustration or physical soreness and just melts me into a deep, physically heavy, cloudy mind stone where reality is gone. While it is very potent, my big criticism is that I don’t think the high lasts as long as I would expect it to. I find that about an hour into it, it dissipates. Great for an end of the night smoke, or to ease stress, but I just want a little bit more out of it.

If this plant didn’t take 13 weeks to mature, and overgrow everything else in the tent, I would keep it around in perpetuity. It is a very easy growing plant, but it just stretches and stretches, and when everyone else is done stretching, she still keeps going! The smell is not my cup of tea, but the flavor is savory and the high delivers the effects that I enjoy most in weed, it just doesn’t last as long as it should. I think long term my Bubba cut will beat this one out, but it’s been fun to grow 2x. Definitely my favorite GSC hybrid I’ve grown. Worth giving a grow if you haven’t had it before, but not the end all be all for me.


Nice report…

Had me laughing and cringing simultaneously.


Skunk Tangerine - Farmer Joe Cut

Bud Shots:
At 91 days flowering




Smell and taste:
Skunk Tangerine is LOUD! Intense orange/tangerine rind flavor mixed with a real funk in the back end. I haven’t found it to taste like armpit, and enjoy it’s flavor, but it has an acridness to it that might be hard for some, but I love it!

Potency and effects:
This plant creates a delightful upbeat buzz that can’t be beat! It is very mood enhancing and a day brightener that leaves my eyes more wide open than they were before smoking, but is not racy by any means. I can smoke it and still work if I need to and it lends itself to social settings. Has a slight body high to it, but is mostly a head high. Not particularly potent, but given how flavorful it is, it’s fun to smoke more of it anyway!

This would be an easy keeper for me based on flavor and effects, but unfortunately she has been one of the finnickiest plants I’ve ever grown. I just can’t get her happy and vigorous. I’ve seen others grow her with salts and they get these big, bushy beautiful plants, whereas when I’m growing her she just looks sad. Admittedly, the 2x I’ve grown her I have had issues with pests or my soil, so she hasn’t ever been given a good run, but I’ve already let her go because I just don’t want to keep cranky plants around. If anyone gets her, you should grow her, and see if you can find her happy place because her smoke is truly exceptional. It makes me feel happy to be alive and that I have my own little ray of sunshine on my back after smoking it.


Man, I enjoy reading detailed grow/smoke reports….thanks for sharing. Would definitely help me make a decision on whether to run something or not.


I love that kind of high…

Interesting smoke report, anyway. This is the cut that a few people were kind of complaining about the smell/flavor, right? I wonder if growing her in soil sort of “nullifies” or whatever those nasty elements.

In any event, sounds like good weed! 91 days, though… Hoowee! haha. That’s gotta be because you had the light too far away, right?


Yup, 100% agree with it being one of the nastier smelling plants I’ve come across. It smells so bad, it starts smelling good? Haha, it’s funky for sure. I wasn’t impressed at all with the Chem D I grew, growing GMO before that I was expecting it to be way stinkier. GMO is a definitely improvement on the Chem D cut that I grew, no doubt in my mind.

Yup, I found the same thing with her, she hits hard, will stone ya to the bone ya, but just doesn’t last as long as some other highs. She also makes excellent concentrates and will straight dump hash, another positive thing going for her. The 13 week flowering time really sucks though…

Great write up man… she’s one of the better Cookie hybrids in my mind too.


Thanks guys! I enjoy writing them. It kind of forces me to really make decision on how I feel about a strain when i sit down and do a write up.

Yeah, she seems to be a love her or hate her kind of smoke. I know schmarm and I both like her, and have grown her in soil, so maybe that has something to do with it?

Yeah, I think that is probably the case. I think she would still be like an 11 weeker with the right light. Speaking of the right ligtht intensity, I ended up bringing my light down after my last post. The Skunk Tangerine plant just straight up died. It was just too much for her. All her leaves curled upwards and browned out immediately. Pinesoul was a little cranky about it, and the Trop Cherries and GMO loved it. Just one more reason I can’t keep that plant around. It’s too sensitive to my erratic growing environment! Thankfully she’s already at 67 days flower so I’ll be able to at least smoke what she grew.

Yeah, somehow the potency of smell makes it appealing. I’m always reading posts from the guys who love nasty plants like there must be something wrong with these guys, but GMO makes me get it. Something about associating chron ass weed with disgusting smells maybe. I have found myself wondering if the guys that are all about nasty smelling weed plants are all about foot fetish porn or something, cause it’s a weird passion haha.

I agree. I find the Chem D high to be a little negative sometimes, and the GMO doesn’t have that at all. But the Chem D really does have that staying power that the GMO doesn’t. I think there are quite a few GMO hybrids out there now that might be worth looking into if they try and breed them for longer power.


Really? That’s pretty weird… Maybe if you’d eased her into a higher light intensity?

That actually made me audibly chuckle. I don’t get either of those things, either, with the gross-smelling weed or the foot shit haha.