Greasy's Journal

Yeah, in retrospect, changing the lighting intensity during flower at 8 weeks was probably a bad call, so it’s hard to blame the plant. But yeah, next time, drop it down an inch a day or something. Enjoy plant heaven my Skunk Tangerine friend, your tortured life has come to an end.


My wife says I’m torturing all my plants in the basement. I guess she’s not wrong. We’re causing them to defend themselves by essentially torturing them. Gotta have that sticky, stinky resin, right? She’s not wrong. :person_shrugging::crazy_face:


Skunk Tangerine sounds really nice - I had a bubba x bag of oranges plant that had a similar sounding smell. Savory citrus… reminded me of some of those hops that are so strongly citrusy they end up almost oniony - Summit hops are notorious for it. Too bad its a diva - it’s not fun dealing with plants like that, especially as a mom. Once is ok haha.


With me it’s because I grew up with skunky funky piss smelling weed and it reminds me of when I first started smoking. The nastier the better.


Spring is here and it feels good to be motivated getting stuff done around the house. Trying to do some multi tasking and our little kitty snuck a few bites off my rooting clones! I’m not sure if she loves it because she isn’t supposed to or she just likes the leaves, but it cracks me up every time.

In other news the latest tent in flower is looking happy at 13 days in.

Blue Dream in the front left wants to take over whe whole tent!


Man, how do you keep humidity levels acceptable in that tent with all those plants crammed in there like that? I barely ever use my 3x3 for flowering, but the couple times I have it got pretty humid in there, even though it’s in the same room as my 5x5, which is always too dry, no matter what I do haha.

Yeahhhhh, I love it when our dogs eat the leaves. But only when I’m in the process of chopping the plants down haha. They’re not allowed near any living plants. I think animals just like the leaves, though, seems like they’re almost “drawn” to them. The new pup’s even been eating the dried and crispy leaves that fall on the floor when I’m breaking down two-weeks-hung plants on the kitchen table.

She eats everything, though haha…


I think many growers on here would find my humidity levels unacceptable. I’m by the beach so the humidity is already like 70% all the time. I vent the air from the tent outside and keep the fan on it’s highest settings. I’m sure it affect my yields and plants health, but I can get from start to to finish without having PM or budrot, so I’ve never really worried about it too much. It affects my curing too. Hard to get that perfect texture that many of us have experienced in samples that have gone around. I’ve been stubborn about not letting the footprint of this hobby expand too much, so that’s why I just haven’t gone in for a dehumidifier, which would probably help. The other obvious solution would be to grow one plant in a tent instead of four, but I enjoy keeping us almost entirely self sufficient on my own home grown, and variety is key. I remember when I first started growing doing research people would be like no, you can’t grow 4 plants in a 2x2 that won’t work, well turns out it does, it just isn’t optimal. Someday I’ll probably end up moving inland, and then I’ll have the space to get big tents, but I’m clinging onto the dream for now!

I have to keep the tents closed from the bottom up too when watering because she’ll just get in them, and that can’t be good for her eyes! She loves sitting in the room with the tents too. Likes all the heat they give off probably. Can’t find a bud without her hair on them anymore, but she’s a good friend so it’s worth it.


Yeah, I knew you were by the beach, which added to my confusion haha.

Fuck that, dude. Are you crazy? Haha. If you’re gonna be running a light, you might as well maximize it haha. And I dunno that it’d make much of a difference anyway. I flowered that one Ancient OG x AfPak in my 3x3, one single plant, and even then humidity levels were like 65%, couldn’t figure out what the deal was.

Cling to the dream. Stay near the beach as long as you can. You’re not even 40 yet! haha.


It’s a beautiful dream while it lasts. I can ride my bike to surf a few different breaks. Coastal San Diego is slowly but surely getting rid of all the sleepy old cottages, and building multi story condo/apartment complexes, but my neighborhood seems to be holding out as best it can. As long as the older generation chooses to continue owning, and renting property we’ll stay. Once it’s all property management companies, it’ll be time to seek greener pastures. My landlords family has owned our house since it was built in 1920, and sees it as his personal mission to keep the property out of corporate interests. Here’s hoping his health prospers in perpetuity!

Back to growing, my horror run has come to an end. No close up bud shots this round, they are too ugly. Learned a lot of lessons with this grow that probably should have been common sense. Don’t change your light cycles and light intensity mid way through flowering. Really freaked out these plants, but we got some bud out of it. Being less reactive and showing more patience will be helpful in the future. Here are the crispy ladies at 12 weeks of flowering. They are now hanging and hopefully happy their torture is at an end!

Thankfully I can now say that all my living plants are mostly healthy! This batch is at 3 weeks flowering. The Church cut is really easy growing. Blue Dream is vigorous but seems to be sensitive to Nitrogen. The Tahoe’s aren’t quite as vigorous as the other two, but they seem to be very easy growers! Not too stretchy.

Tahoe OG - Tahoe OG
Blue Dream - Church

Veggers will get put in 5 gallon pots and flipped in a few weeks. The Purple Hindu Kush Bx4 seed plant is fairly mutanty, and I’m contemplating culling it, and putting a GMO in it’s place. What I’m searching for is heavy stone like the GMO, but with more manageable growth and shorter flowering time. The PHK grows at 1/2 the speed of other plants, shown below in the top right. Figure there is no point in even testing the flower if she doesn’t meet the grow standards. I love the high of the Purple Urkle, it’s very medicinal and is the effects I love, but I culled it due to painfully slow growth. This PHK seems very similar in structure and growth.
Blueberry - PHK BX4
Afgooey - Giesel

More veggers. Still holding 11 cuts, hoping to get down to 8 by next cycle. Wondering if the Blue Dream will meet the needs of the Blueberry.

Looking forward to some smoother sailing and increased vigilance on my end. I think I would like to try picking up some small SIPs if there are some nice 4/20 sales. Try and do a round of two plants per SIP, and see how that compares. Onwards through the fog!


Blue dream and the church kindly gifted by @Greasy


Looking good man! I love the way she smells like sweet berries!


Thanks bud and it does smell like berries. The church has some funk to it I had to get a new carbon filter. Lol


Cling onto that blue dream, there’s really nothing else like it.


Hey everyone! Want to thank you all for participating in my log and your generosity in sharing of plants and grow advice over the past few years. It’s been really rewarding to learn how to grow my own medicine and to try and become proficient in various styles of growing. My landlord reached out to me recently, letting us know that he wants to do a walk through of our home, and that he would like to do a little work on our place in the coming months. Sadly this means I’ll be shutting down my growing for a while. Figure this will be a good opportunity to take a little break and see what it’s like to free up some time and energy for other hobbies this spring and summer. I’m not saying good bye, just won’t have any plants to share for a while. Still plan on popping in to all your journals to see all the great work you are all up to. Happy growing and thanks again for all the support!


It’s so nice to have a forced break sometimes. Hope the work he’s doing helps you guys out. Usually it’s a nuisance when they just want to come in and do stuff. Hope that’s not your case. :crossed_fingers: Glad your not quitting for good. My heart felt torn out when I started reading and that’s what my brain jumped to. :crazy_face: Excited for your return. Thanks for all the great genetics you’ve shared. :raised_hands:t3:

You probably don’t need it, but I’ve got a whole library of cuts now. (Lots from you). Anything I have is yours. Also if you want me to hold onto anything before you shut down, can do too. :sunglasses:

You rock my friend. Enjoy your free time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Enjoy your break, relax and get active in other interests for a bit.

Like Rhino said above, reach out when you have a start up again… I owe ya.

Look at the bright side, culling a few will be easier now. :wink:


Enjoy your break man! Hit up dem waves!


Definitely not quitting for good. I’m really happy I’ve developed the skill to grow weed somewhat successfully. I prefer what I can grow myself to most dispensary stuff, and the price is right! I really got into growing so that I could control what was going into the weed I’m smoking, so sooner or later I’m sure I’ll be back. I’ve got plenty of life ahead of me, so my time will come again! I’m curious to see if I’ll have some more peace of mind not having a grow set up in the house. As a renter when things go wrong, it’s a curve ball when you’ve got plants that you need to hide. Might be nice to not fear having a landlord pop by haha. Too bad with legalization attitudes haven’t changed, but admittedly, if I was a home owner, I would be hesitant to give my tenants the right to grow weed, as if not done properly, you can definitely cause some damage to a home.

I appreciate that guys! Making the decision to shut down is easier because of all the friends I’ve made on here who will hook it up on my return.

Haha, I know! I’ve spent so many countless hours thinking about my collection of cuts and what I like most, and now they are all trash! That’s just the way life goes.

Yeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I think this will be the biggest upside to the break. I smoke too much weed, and I have wondered for a while if I would have more energy to surf if I reduced my consumption. I’m not quitting smoking or anything like that, but growing your own kind of drives smoking more, at least for me anyway. Always want to try a new plant, or just smoke out of boredom because there’s an endless supply. Curious to see if shifting my habits leads to more time in the water. Be less coughy when paddling out at the very least haha!


I’m all for taking a break when needed to reboot or recharge. I’ve considered it myself. That said, I’ve enjoyed your grow and I’ll likely have everything you passed me when you get back in. No problems passing it back dude when the time is right!


Why do you need to hide them, though? You’re not breaking the law. Did your landlord include a “no cannabis growing allowed” clause in your rental agreement or something?

I’m not trying to convince you to be like,”Fuck the landlord!” haha, I’m just sayin’… Anyway, enjoy the break. I’m gonna take one myself in July and the first half of August, looking forward to getting out and about a little more than I have the past, like, nine summers haha…