Greasy's Journal

That is a fair question. He has never mentioned marijuana explicitly in the lease which is why I was comfortable growing at all. On the other hand, we have a clause in our lease which says "no immoral behavior ". This is a ridiculous lease clause, but reading between the lines having spent some time with the guy, I’m feeling like growing weed would fall under his idea of immoral. We have a great house in a neighborhood that is incredibly challenging to find affordable or not run down homes, so I can’t risk it. He also works for my employer, which is definitely not MJ friendly, and while we have our new law that I can’t be fired for MJ use off the clock, it’s just more than I want to deal with. Might ask him if he is cool with me growing a plant in the yard as he is doing work around the house. He seems like a stand up guy, just has an old school world view. Didn’t raise our rent after our first year, so that sets him way ahead of other landlords by the beach!


Or you can ask him about CBD plants, then proceed to grow a 1:1 strain so you wouldn’t be lying. :slight_smile:


Not the end of the world to take a break from a hobby that you could always come back to later. Nice that you have other hobbies to pursue and that you don’t rely on Cannabis medicinally. Seems like it would be foolish to jeopardize it if you like where you’re at and it sounds like you have a good read on him & the situation you’re in. Looking forward to your return!


That is ridiculous haha. Anybody could say anything is “immoral” if they want. “I don’t like those roses in the front yard; they’re against my religion!!! They’re immoral!

Sounds like a boilerplate lease agreement that was written in, like, 1959. But whatever.

For sure, dude. I get that. You know your landlord better than I do haha! This does feel like the beginning of the end for your presence here, though… haha.

Just kidding. You gotta do what you gotta do. I was sooooo reluctant about buying a house when my girl started talking about it years ago, but I’m really glad she bought us one when she did. Our landlord at the last house was super-chill, but that kind of shit, the “walk-throughs” and the,”Hey, I’m gonna do a bunch of plumbing stuff for the next month, so be prepared,” was definitely annoying.

Anyway… God speed, Greasy… haha!


I’ll miss your journaling, but glad to hear you’ll be hanging around. If you need anything when you wind back up, just holler. Good luck practicing early retirement :slight_smile:


Yeah it’s always good to shift up your patterns if you fall in a bit of a rutt. I’ve been only toking in evenings lately and trying less sleepy / heavy types so I don’t just fall into the watch TV, end up drooling asleep, go to bed early routine that heavy indicas bring for me haha.


I’ve been cutting back on my consumption and drinking lots more water and eating more fresh fruit and veg and going for a walk more often and doing short sprints to get my heart pumping and more oxygen into my system. Feels good man!


Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind words. My perspective is that I’ve got my whole life to grow weed, and if I ever own my own home, it’s going to be a jungle!!! It’s not like I’m getting rid of all my grow stuff, just putting it in tubs for storage. In the meantime I’ll live vicariously through you all!


@greasy "was a good bowler, and a good man. He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors… and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and… up to… Pismo.”


Haha!! Good one, Crunch.


@Greasy the blue dream is a fast finisher and a producer. The berries are smelling so good I think I’m going to take her a week or two longer. I did take a couple lowers that were being shaded but damn they were really good. I can’t wait for the church to finish lol it has a gassy nose and sticks to your clothes lol I was in line and people thought I just smoked :joy: all I did was accidentally rub up against her. Thanks again bro and I appreciate everything more than you know. :raised_hands:

Blue dream

The church


Nice grow, those are some textbook looking blue dream flowers.
Early harvest from blue dream is actually really good.

here’s a couple of blue dream grow photos from a long time ago.
a little blue dream clone from harborside oakland flowering in my flourescent seed starter cabinet. and an early harvested blue dream bud.

It’s a very flexible plant. Obviously this isn’t the full potential, but pretty good considering the size and the cfl lights.

I thought it was cool when I found these old photos.


Thanks buddy I appreciate that. And thanks for sharing the pics nice job especially with cfls :exploding_head:. I was going to scrog it next time and I heard that a lot pull them early but I like my couch lock :joy: I can’t wait to see what she does outdoors. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers::pray:


Hey all, turns out my suspicions about my landlord and his feelings towards growing in our house are true. He put in our latest lease a no growing clause and when I asked him if I could grow as a medical caregiver for a family member he still said no. Place is awesome and he maintains it great so it looks like growing is done for me for the foreseeable future. I’ve got a couple hlg 135 lights, one spider famer sf1000, a couple ac infinity fan controllers and fans, a gorilla grow 2x2, and an ac infinity 2x2 that are up for grabs. Don’t have a ton of storage space so I’m looking to give this stuff away or maybe trade for something in the southern California area. If anyone is interested or knows anyone who may be interested reach out and I can hook em up! Hope you all are growing healthy, beautiful plants!


I’m sorry to hear that @Greasy.

I really appreciate what you brought to Overgrow and I hope you check in here frequently. If the situation changes please let us know. We love seeing your grows.

I’m still running four of those Sun Ra f2s. I can’t get enough of that smoke.

Thanks for everything @Greasy


Dang it!!! Can you still grow tomatoes?

Sorry about the sad news. Growing stuff is something I couldn’t live without.

Hope someone nearby can use your setup and grow some stuff for you. :crossed_fingers::sunglasses:


Thanks @Uprangewilly ! I really enjoyed my active participation here. The generosity and kindness among members helped reinstate some of the faith I lost in humanity through covid. Life is long, and this is a short term hurdle that I can put up with, but I’ll be back here growing and logging someday! Dispensary weed just isn’t the same after you’ve had homegrown!

I can still grow stuff in pots in the yard. Actually took this summer off from tomatoes for the first time in years. I’ve been having fun with orchids and my succulents, as well as getting into plumeria. Here are my first rooted cuttings springing into action!

I’ve always been dissapointed that I didn’t find any connections in San Diego. A few growers up around LA, but it would be fun to be able to still be around healthy growing plants. I would love to offer my support in trimming for felllow local growers just to be around fresh plants! It’s a pain when they’re yours, but when you don’t have em anymore, I reflect back fondly on the process!


Yeahhhhh, I knew you were getting ready to bounce… haha.

Just kidding. That sucks, but if the house is sweet, I guess that takes precedence.

Message me next time you’re up in LA and I’ll give you some of mine. I still have a BUNCH from the last grow, just gave the chick who cuts my hair like an ounce and a half. And I’m gonna be chopping five more plants in the next week or two, so…


Hey man, maybe you can grow some Freak Show. :grin:
Just surround it with a bunch of brightly colored flowers. :white_flower: :sunflower: :hibiscus: :tulip: :cherry_blossom: :rose: :four_leaf_clover: :+1:
They’ll never know!

Whatever you do, thank you immensely for your contributions to the community, you are dearly loved here!!!


Awesome man! I’ll definitely do that. Happy to donate some extra lights to you if you feel like you could use em too! I’ve even got a couple clone domes that I know you just need to have :wink:

Thank you, very kind!