GREAT NEWS! @misterbee is OK! šŸ

Iā€™ve been absent for quite a while!! Wonderful news @misterbee!! I am so happy to hear things are well with you. Sorry about the tough time you had to endure!


Good Morning @misterbee

Just a Ray of Sunshine for you here this Morning from the Peopleā€™s Republic of Ontario.

Thanks again for the wonderful Durban Poison Hybridsā€¦ they are stretching their legs right nowā€¦

Take care and Best Wishes comrade !!


Hey @misterbee this seems like a good place to say I hope youā€™re doing okay.
Glad to see youā€™re able to check in regularly, and weā€™ll all be looking forward to your return to the boards when youā€™re feeling ready!


Great to hear you doing well @misterbee

Edit please let us know how you are


@Papalag he hasnā€™t posted in over a month, which is why Iā€™m sending well wishes. Just a little concerned again, but heā€™s gone MIA before, and he, or someone with access to his account, checks in almost daily, and likes a few posts.
I know he was sick or something, so Iā€™m hoping his absence isnā€™t related to that!


I hope heā€™s just laying low until any scrutiny or whatever, is long gone.


I was wondering why I had not seen him around.

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I feel like thatā€™s like last time too. Good security, and I hope thatā€™s all. :purple_heart:

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I DMā€™ed him last week or so, with no reply. first time he hasnā€™t responded. I was about to post again to see whatā€™s up. Iā€™m sure praying and sending the best vibes to him and his wife. Hit me up at any time @misterbee family!!! All love! :pray: :v:


He sent me some beans a couple weeks ago and I sent him my trade in return he liked the post when I asked if he got mine so that was about two weeks ago I think.Sometimes he likes to take a mental break form here and does his own thing for a bit life can be hectic as it is yet alone being one of the Pillars of the community around here with his generosity and good spirit and all those trades and giveaways he does thatā€™s a full time job in itself I donā€™t think there isnā€™t any Overgrower on here thatā€™s knows the scene here that donā€™t know @misterbee Hope you are well Friend-Capn- :cowboy_hat_face::dash::facepunch:


Hey yā€™all @misterbee just shot me a message. Heā€™s okay and wants me to let you all know heā€™ll be back around before you know it.

Heā€™s been ordered to bed rest per his doctor over some heart issues. It sounds like his recent visit to be with a friend as he passed away may have taken a toll. It sounds like heā€™ll be okay, but for now heā€™s been ordered to lay low, per his Wife and doc, lol.

He wanted to let everyone know that he canā€™t wait to get back but weā€™ll just have to be patient until heā€™s better. He said to let yā€™all know that heā€™ll get right back to any obligations he has to anyone. For now, we need to leave him alone, as much as he hates that.

He seems to be in good spirits and sounded like his old B self. If I ever get a note, Iā€™ll be right in here to share it with everyone.

Get Well, @misterbee!! Prayers and vibes sent from your OG fam!! peace :v: :pray:


Thanks for passing along that info @GMan . I know many, including myself, were concerned.

Get well soon @misterbee :v:


Get well soon @misterbee


Excellent update, and sorry to hear about his friend, and his health.
Weā€™ll be anxiously awaiting the return of his vibrant self!


@misterbee, get well soon buddy!


We miss you @misterbee !
Take care of yourself


I hate reading things like this. Having a huge heart like @misterbee has its effects people more than just mentally.
Hope you feel better soon buddy.


Lifts a weight off my heart.Speedy Recovery my friend Thanks for giving us a notice @GMan I hope he gets some rest and Up and at it before you know it.


Ty @GMan for the update

Great to hear heā€™s on the mend :heart:ā€:adhesive_bandage:

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Yeah, over time you get a feel for whoā€™s a regular poster and I wondered the same. I realize some people come and go as life dictates the reasons, but itā€™s nice to know if one goes missing after a certain point the community rallies together to know theyā€™re OK. I donā€™t believe I experienced that from OG1.0 when I just stopped. Sorry to hear about that mistaken identity @misterbee Its really hard to have any trust in the law regardless of cannabis. Personally Iā€™m sick of the maritime law/judicial system and common law SHOULD be what governs the people whoā€™re a responsible society!