Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Glad it is going smoothly.

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Sorry been working the week out of town. Everything going good and progressing. I managed to get everything setup and transplanted into the octo. Setup watering and everything about the octos was a breeze. The back row left to right Lemon g × 88g13hp the first two, Snow Caine × Cake fighter and white widow using jacks 321. The front row left to right are Lemon g × 88g13hp are the first two Snow Caine × cake fighter and white widow using kelp4less products. First time octo user seeing what works best for my setup. I received some mammoth myco yesterday at the indoor gardens expo. The rep said it wasn’t out yet but I’m not sure. Top watered with that and recharge for the initial planting and filled the res with 2.5 gal each of nutrient solution. Definitely working on a pump to transfer the solution it easy to do but would be much easier with a bucket and pump. I’ll be out of town again this week but I’ll have updates on the weekend. The three leaf plant def looking like a runt with a odd looking leaf still going to grow it out tho we will see how it goes.


Set up looks very clean. @Mr.greenbee . Gonna be a full tent the way those octos supercharge the growth. Can’t wait for this show, pulling up a chair


Yeah I’m hoping atleast two are males lol. This will be my first experience with octo excited for the ride.

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Quick question whenever you fill your octo res for the first time and the top feed does it soak up a lot of water? I went by the book and I was thinking it would suck alot up but it didn’t pretty much stay at the same level a slight decrease. Just curious is all they seem to be adjusting just fine so far I couldn’t be happier with the octo

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I fill it to the first line. And no it doesn’t take up much water.
You want the roots to search out the water. I packed my medium looser this time and used Jetros turbo method to start. Roots got to the rez faster for sure.


Awesome I wasn’t sure. I think they say to fill to the first but I have to go out of town tomorrow so I went to the second. I packed all of them pretty firmly I used a method my grandpa taught me smoking pipes. Fill and pack your pipe with the hand of a man, then fill a pack with the hand of a woman final pack and fill with the hand of a child. I packed the hydro wick pretty good.


Just got back from working out of town to check the garden. I forgot to increase my light before I left so a little stretch. Res for the front row all sitting at 30% kelp4less grow. Res in the back is 30% jacks 321. All plants are growing pretty even except for the three leaf runt. Temp been pretty consistent 78° and rh 68% I need to reconfigure my exhaust I believe my current setup has my fans pushing against each other rather than exiting the tee. Octopots seem to be performing flawlessly five days outta town and no problems. One plant fell over but got it going in the right direction. I’ll be getting busy done there in the morning and can give a better update


The three leafed pheno doing some weird stuff. Not sure what going on any thoughts


Gave the garden it first drink of tea. Decided to only water about six cups in each. Tea was made of ewc, alfalfa meal and Neptune’s harvest fish and seaweed. No run off into the res.


@misterbee is the hive spreading?? :laughing: :rofl: I’m hearing a buzz!!! Looking great @Mr.greenbee !! Buzz on friend!! :green_heart:


I wanted them for sometime now but once I started getting on og more I had to have them lol

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Whorled phyllotaxy.

I had one, it started at the 3rd node and flipped back to normal about the 7th node. Sometimes they don’t change back and then trimming is more work.



A Distant Relative, but invited to the next Family Reunion for sure!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Alllllllll that honey and no toast!!! Or… actually alot of toast!!! Haha!!! Man I love marijuana! @misterbee


It a reg seed what I’ve read there more likely to be male so this one will probably get tossed out. Hoping for a male lemon g but not with those traits lol.

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Filled the res this morning before leaving town. Wasn’t empty yet but probably would of been Tuesday or Wednesday. The back row all got 2 gallons each jacks 321 at 50% strength and mammoth silica at 25% strength. The front row all got kelp4less grow pack at 50% strength and mammoth silica at 25% strength. So far the jacks and kelp4less are pretty even in growth. I will say tho the jacks dissolve a lot faster than the k4l. The jacks is clean and clear. K4L you can’t even shine a flashlight through it. Day temps are 77-78° RH 62-68. I’ve also been foliar feeding K4L extreme blend on Monday mornings optic foliar with atak on Friday evenings. The octopot have been great very easy to use and they look good in the tent couldn’t be happier I can leave for five days and not worry about a thing.


Had the queen give me an update on the octopots and all is good. Tent exhaust is back to proper operation. Temp 79 rh 65 Going to start lst Friday. Growth seems to be ramping up not sure if the roots have hit res yet or the alfalfa in the tea they was givin I know it not a octopot thing but that why I use it.the plants love it!


Looking good so far @Mr.greenbee, interested to see how the plants like the alfalfa. Can’t wait to see how the octo’s work for you.