Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Lookin good @Mr.greenbee, have they hit the res yet? They will be filling out that room quickly.:grinning:

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I transplanted them Sunday so idk if there yet but I’ll check Friday when I get back. Last grow dried I have it in Grove bags now. Pretty happy with the last run.

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Back home for the weekend and checked the octopot. Roots are already swimming in the res. Transplanted them Sunday and in the res today alot better than my first octo run. Thing are looking good. Got a batch of veg nutes mixing now. That should help turn the boosters on. I’ve have only feed K4L cloning powder up to this point. There also another plant with some type of mutation it the smallest of the bunch but seems to be catching up.


Looking good, roots already in the res, things should start blowing up fast now…

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I’m interested in the octo system. I’m leaving for a week in a few days and am nervous about how my plants get taken care of by others :neutral_face:where can I find such a system because right now I’m growing in three gallon pots that need watering daily. How long will say six plants in a 4x4 last on res?guess it’s strain dependent along with other parameters no? Any info is greatly appreciated and cannabis growing is the best hobby ever :+1::seedling:


I ran 4 Octopots in a 4 x 4 tent

Once the reservoir is filled it could go for a week unattended


I only checked two but both had root starting to come out the cup in the res. Just gave them there first dose of veg feed should start booming soon


Have you seen the budbuster pro other members have been using, the stuff seems like it really works, maybe check into it.


My first octo run I was on the road 90% or the grow and had no issue with watering at all. Even after the res drys you still have a 3-4 days before anything serious happens. I highly recommend them. And you can order them straight from octopot


I have not heard of that I’m looking into now

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Received an email today from shn and they shipped out the same order again. I didn’t really bitch much I just sent an email saying if the seeds were going to be repackaged from a larger pack it should say in the description not sealed. Kinda curious if these come in a sealed package like the one of the three packs came. it been three weeks since I email and today they got back with me and things are already shipped. A little slow but they there working on fixing the issue. I wouldn’t order Dr blaze but I’ll order from shn again.


The lemon hash plant from bodhi I pollinated did good. I unseeded the bud I pollinated and couldn’t believe how many seed there was. For my first time pollinating I’m very happy and should give me some grows to hunt in the future. Lemon hash plant x lemon hash plant would make these seed lemon hp f2 correct?


Great job my brother

Let the hunt begin hope you find the keeper

F2 is what you have as along as the original pack was say f1

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Did a little lst this morning. I gotta go outta town till Wednesday at the latest not sure if that to long to leave them tied over ? There appearance changed over night so I figure now a good time to try and control the power of the octo


I believe so it was bodhi lemon hash plant v2 the male and female used came from the same pack. And are f2 more desirable when it comes to pheno hunting ?

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Like your Bending-style !!

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The paper binders work great with fabric bags. I prefer not to top I’ll just take the highest shoot and point it down. A couple days later I’ll release it let it grow to the highest and tie it down again. Just repeat that until you have the canopy you want. The healthy plants don’t seem to mind it at all


Have you thought about mainline/ manifold , method

In a small area it helps to maintain a good air flow and less useless vegetation


I haven’t ever tried it. I’ve looked in to it some but would need to dive a little deeper to be able to. I just don’t know if I have enough time to do the training for a proper main line. I’ll look more into for sure

The resend on the seeds came idk it definitely a different pack I just hope what growing what it suppose to be