Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

The first ones they sent


Octo’s… I won’t grow in anything else.
Grow Shop : “We have these, they are like octos”
Me: Nope they arent Octo’s…

Octo’s take 1/3 of your growing problems away. You know longer need to be a soil chemist.



I let the girls free Wednesday from some lst may of been a little early but there doing good. All seem healthy and moving along. Glad it finally Friday it was a rough work week.


Photo 3 BMR
Photo 4 and 7 oreoz
Photo 5 Blueberry
Photo 6 and 8 G13

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They look very happy and healthy
Great job

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If I may, I started one for a Friend last summer; Step #1 to a Manifold.


plants are coming along very well mr. greenbee , love that BMR gonna be some fat leaves for sure

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I just hope it really BMR goin to try and compare it to Doug Dawson BMR once it gets a little bigger.

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Yeah I’m going to have to give main lining a try sometime but won’t be this run. Just tie and untie till the plant where I like it. Probably tie them down again tonight or In the morning


Thank you. Im doing a few things differently this run. one being the top water I only water at initial planting


Remember in the beginning until the roots hit the res
She may look a little sad

Spray bottle and a dome are your friends



Thanks pap in going to try and stick to the instructions this go and see what I end up with. Everything I do going to happen in the res this time


I have a pack of that strain
How is the smoke?

Nicer setup. I enjoyed the read!



Which one was you talking about? I haven’t smoked any other than a sample bud after the dry the in the Grove bags curing for a few.


Well it for sure now. I most of gotten a little pollen on the white widows. Grabbed a bud to test out and two well developed seeds fell out. It was by accident but I made my first cross lol I’m not sure why but I felt a little spark in me when I heard them hit the tin. Very excited to see what a lemon hp father and white widow mother bring to the table. Think I’ll do some reading on breeding this weekend.


Di you try the turbo method on this run using the dixie cup?. That cross you made sounds pretty darn good. Nice little surprise in the ww buds, like x-mas time


It was definitely a welcomed surprise and I agree I think it sounds pretty damn good. And no I didn’t I need to go back through some of his stuff and find it tho I’d like to give it a try.

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I meant the lemon hash plant v2.

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I think I was under feeding it but it still did decent. I’ve only smoked a couple bowls but honestly a lightly lemon hash like taste not real special but that was just one plant rock hard buds tho

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Getting close to the trellis. All is well