Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

I have this on my schedule in the fall to grow. Very interested to see what a “Govt Strain” is like.


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Where did you pick your up? So far it been a great plant really strong stems I’m liking it. I picked these up from seeds here now the breeder Dr blaze never heard of him but figured why not try. There all s1

I get all my seeds from the Netherlands and then breed from them. No US stuff.

A little history on G13.

G13 Strain Origin

G13 is the stuff of legends. According to marijuana folklore, this potent Cannabis was an experimental blend of everything the United States Government could get their hands on in the 1960s. Working in complete secrecy, government researchers tested the boundaries of marijuana’s potential. They created multiple Cannabis plants with various THC content as a way of testing the popular drug.

As the legend goes, samples from the study eventually made it to the public thanks to a rogue government employee. After sneaking some cuttings of the Cannabis plants out of a university laboratory, an expert grower nursed the cuttings, selecting the sample with the best results. Eventually, they produced ‘government 13’.

For years, G13 was only available as a clone. However, the demand for G13 strain seeds never slowed down, until someone eventually bred feminized seeds. Finally, everyone can grow this historic strain.


Yeah I’ve read that it definitely a good story and who knows very well could be true. But that what got me interested in it and when I seen they had g13 I had to give it a try. Idk if it the airborne g13 or something else I just know there calling it g13. I will say it one of the stronger plants I’ve grow I did a little lst and neither wanted to bend. Usually I have no problem when there that small but I was waiting to hear the snap on these. Never happened but it did pull one clip off about two hours after tie her down


Making there way they seem happy to me. I started to get in to a little of the last run last night. Grove bags for the win there awesome at maintaining 58-62 rh going to leave them as long as I can in the basement. Should be good for awhile as the surplus has been building nicely. Couldn’t believe the weigh difference between my dtw setup and the octopot a few ounces more but the mind blowing part for me anyways was the bud structure SO much better and the trimming took about 1/3 of the time it did when I ran dtw could be strain but it was a breeze compared to before. I’m completely in on octopots and can’t imagine trying to grow like before it just easier everything about the octopot has worked great for me and my setup



Glad those octopots are working so well for you, your plants look awesome. Love how clean your tent is. Should be your best run yet

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I’m sticking closer to the book on this one and I believe it should be a good one. Last run 24.2 ounce off three plants


You hit t hem girls with some BPP and they would explode, might out grow the tent thou.:grinning::grinning::grinning:


I’ve been checking it out but haven’t got it yet.


Not alot going on just yet. starting to work the trellis. I should probably flip soon I’m already worried I may out grow the screen. Res fill tomorrow going to bump the nutes up a bit. The octopots are going be full throttle should get interested pretty quick.


The Dr blaze seeds well idk what to think I was very skeptical at first and still on the fence but the g-13 both have this strong funky piney smell that gets on you while doing the training and to me more noticable than any of my other grow. The oreoz stem rub reminds me of chocolate there all growing at a good pace it could all be in my head but

I’m hoping for the best lol. I’ve been trying to compare my BMR to Doug’s I feel it look similar but I’m far from a expert.


Out of town till Friday never fails when I need to be there i am not. started working the trellis over the weekend then made it down there just before I left this morning I tied what I could down just going to have to deal with it Friday and try to get in back in order. Managed to talk my girlfriend into filling the humidifier up while I’m gone but that about as much as she willing to do when it comes to the garden. She did send a couple pictures tho. The octopots are definitely revved up.


Relax , the octos got this :sunglasses:, I leave mine alone a week at a time all the time


With out a doubt they can. my first octo run I was out of town most the grow minus the weekends and the last few weeks. No problem at all the octopots can handle it but that what has me worried it going to be a jungle after five days away lol hopefully it not totally out of control. Your grows been looking great that lost cake looks nice I’m going to have to keep my eyes peeled for that one and your amnesia I think that my favorite plant since joining og


She sent me a update without even asking I was definitely surprised. Everything still under control and looking good. Definitely flipping to flower Saturday I’m ready to see what the girls turn into. I’ve been been comparing the BMR to photo online and I think it starting to look like it actually BMR. I’d love other thoughts as I not as experienced. It the front right side of the tent.


I meant grape pie not lost cake.

My nightly update as she fills the humidifier. I think it time to get a bigger one. It would just make things easier and I know she hates having to do it every night when I’m gone.


LOOKS like @Mr.greenbee has caught my attention :thinking:Once I saw the tent set up, it kept getting better and better. Are you up to the task of running both versions ? If yes, I’ll add you to my 2nd round to send and get your address when ready. Congrats, the grows look solid to me and why I’m offering to test :+1::evergreen_tree::seedling:


Yeah I switched to a 8×4 and octopots. The last go was my first run with the octopots. Are the testers krippy? I’ve read some of your thread but haven’t finished.