Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

I bought a mirror less canon set a few years ago I might actually have on of these. I’ve been meaning to get the camera out for awhile now but that just made me remember it


If you find that your plants look like they need watering your pots are packed too tight. I did that on my first and fourth grow and the plants made it down to water very little. it is probably what caused a low yield in purple kush. My Purple Kush prayed a lot when they were young because I was trying to grow in a brick.

Here is the octo after harvest. You can see my mistake.



All well they are designed to keep a Certain amount of moisture in the root zone so there is a percentage of moisture that is needed lower mid and then to keep it completely dry on top ! keeping a dry on top also has some benefits that it does not allow certain insects to live in the soil

The microbe feed can be done from the reservoir it dose wick up :thinking::joy::laughing:


Yeah I’ve thought about trying to apply it through the res but I don’t see the microbes making it past 24hr in the nute solution without an air stone. I’ve also read from octochris that weekly top feeds are no problem just don’t go dumping gallons in the top. I’ll find that page and link it for you. I’ve used infrared thermometer and you can see the different moisture levels up the grow sleeve by the temp filling to line one or line three has no effect from what Ive seen. Next grow I’m approaching a little different and I’ll have all eight rolling and can conduct a better comparison. The octopot is a great system 100% the way to go and I highly recommend

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Brewing up a insect and crab meal tea. Hopefully to trigger the plants immune system to increase trichome and oil production as a defense mechanism against bugs. The high levels of chitin will trick the plant into believing it has bugs and needs to fight them off.

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I use a product for root development called rhizotonic it’s amazing
A bit expensive but I only use it when I trans plant my clones into the Octopots and the first few reservoir fills

Also you can do what I call rez management

When reservoir is empty add the microbes you want to just a gallon add it to the reservoir( don’t fill ) it won’t be there long enough to have a problem then fill reservoir once it’s empty again

I do this wit compost tea or when I add molasses to my feed


I see what your saying and I’ll have to give it a try. i think I’m back working in town now so I’ll have A LOT more time to tinker around and should be posting a lot more updates. It just trial and error it a great system hands down I just have to experiment I can’t help it lol. I’ll post it all though the good and bad for the community to take what they want from it. So do you add compost tea once in veg and once in bloom ?

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I do make a veg tea and when I have seabird guanos I add it for a bloom tea

I’ve always been A bit cautious adding blackstrap molasses to my Reservoir over any length of time I’m afraid that it may turn alcoholic and kill my plants that’s why I started doing what I call reservoir management just to see the reactions I like to experiment to

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Yeah I’d be worried putting molasses in the res. I used southern ag garden friendly fungicide when I ran dtw to keep things cleaned up and been using it in the octos along with jacks and they are staying clean with white roots. I’m following the forward growing schedule by jet do you follow the same schedule

Also does your grow sleeve develop a white fuzz I don’t believe it salt build it I honestly looks like mycelium

More or less ifish and I have tweaked it a bit and I added a few things all in the interest of forward growing

Not sure what it is either I get it myself I’m leaning towards salts myself

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Oh if you feel it dose it feel very wet ? And fungus like

Increase air flow , add a fan to circulate the air

See if it wipes off

If it’s solid and doesn’t wipe off its salts

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It could be but it’s funky lookin lol
Iv had that before when rh was hight

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Up close it looks like tiny pin heads it soft and smells good lol I probly do need to add a fan under the canopy lights are out but I’ll add it to tomorrow list

Out of likes


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I looked back in a few threads I had a similar problem it was due to high RH

It felt wet and fuzzy

I wiped it off the bag and put a fan on it

It went away quickly


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About tens min ago I added a couple fans. I also added another humidity/temp sensor. I was using the AC infinity probe and it been consistent since flower at 76 rh 56-58 for the day but I’m starting to think it may not be right. My dehumidifier set at 50% and never kicks on. it in what I call the lung room basically my tent in a 10×10 room in the basement. So I’m going to clean my equipment up and do a double check on everything.

I use my grow house as the lung room too. I set the de-humidfier on 40 usually and the tents stay between
41-48% RH Humidity. Rainy days I can see up too 55% etc.The closer you can get that to < 50% the more your plants will drink. You don’t want to go below 40.



Do you have one of the pulse meters? I’ve been looking into them and was curious if this was chart was it