Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

No these are temp sticks. I have been 100% satisfied with them. Set alarms etc for email and text. Saved my ass one night when some breakers tripped and my humidity shot up really high.

Cost a little money but no monthly fees to host your data etc,.


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Thanks I’ll check them out

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Back from the holidays the lemon gx88g13hp has signs of deficiency some fans turning yellow from the tip in. The white widows are looking good a stacking up.


By the looks of the green veins I would say you are in need of mag, or if is being locked oed out

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The white widows are doing great and look healthy but the lemon hash plant is having issues. Last Friday I flushed it with 6.4 ro and cal mag drained and checked 5.4 flushed until drained water was at 6.3 I’ve up the ml of cal mag 8ml a gal sensi cal mag jacks 10-30-20 .75tsp a gal and .75 tsp a gal 5-12-26 following the forward growing schedule


Still having slight issue with the lemon hash plant but it seems to be heading in the right direction a now. I believe I had to strong of a fan to close and they was getting windburn along with a deficiency that my thought anyway. Going to try and get buy a ec meter. I have a blue lab pH pen but I’ve been looking at the blue lab truncheon any thoughts on a good ec meter and is anyone else using ro water with the octos?


A couple more weeks. Going to bring in the new year on a good note. I appreciate all the help you really made it a lot easier switching over to the octopots and I’m happy with the results. Can’t wait to get the next one going. I think I’m going to run fem seeds and use all eight octos I picked up some bmr,g13 and oreoz from Dr blaze at shn never heard of him and could only find a little info on the web but figured I’d give it a shot. After the holidays I’ll pick up a extra light and can start going through the reg seeds I have to start the process to cross my own strain.


Looking good @Mr.greenbee . Im planning a eight octopot grow myself. Hoping to finish whats flowering now within the next couple weeks. I have plenty of clones and a couple of sexed plants ready to go. I actually filled four octos yesterday with promix so they are ready to go when needed. Other four are in use. Will be the first time using all eight at once. :grin:


Received the shn Dr blaze seeds. Was leaning towards the scam side before receiving now I’m pretty damn sure. Two packs the g13 and the blue moon rock s1 had been resealed the oreoz s1 looked more legit and appear to not have ever been opened. Still going to grow it out and see what comes of it. I contacted seeds here now asking info on Dr blaze and haven’t heard back but it only the third day.


Ill be starting the seeds this week. Still undecided what fem I’ll be running. I have five different strains in fem seeds so maybe run all five strains. 8 octo in a 4×8 should be a great challenge and give me enough time to purchase a light and cloner before I start going through the reg seeds I have.


Loved the read through. Nice work @Mr.greenbee. The octos are something else. The 6gall were a bit large for my setup. I scaled to the 3 then homemade one gallons. It’s a great system.

If you want to explore a further level of set and forget, consider the autofill ad on, and either homemade or the official.

It really makes a difference. All the rez on the same constant waterlevel. Stable ph and ec a cross the board.

Either way, this was a pleasure.



I appreciate it! There still some learning to do with the octos but I’m happy with the first run. Going to pick up a ec meter I think that would help alot



Very nice @Mr.greenbee , nice size colas, some foxtailing going on, great job

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7 out of 8 of the Dr blaze seeds popped in two days one g13 didn’t pop at all so I’m letting it sit a few more days

Is foxtailing a bad thing does it hurt potency? I actually like the look lol but if it a negative would like to figure out what causing it

Here is a great link that explains foxtailing, it can be bad if stress is the cause of the foxtailing

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Popped 8 seeds ended up losing two so sitting at six now for the next run. Think I’m going to stay with six instead of eight and see how that does in the 4×8. Strains are two oreoz, two g13, one blueberry and one blue moon rock


It can be signs of stress possible heat or light intensity

But it could be genetics some sour d’s and chem’ s
Will foxtail naturally


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