Greenbee Basement Boutique room #1 octos

Yeah the octopot have definitely been a blessing with my schedule. I need to bump the nutes just a bit I believe in the white widow

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Definitely feed the roots it pays off in yield
Bigs roots big buds

I use rhizotonic , ( it’s expensive), but only use it in veg and at transplanting works great

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First off I want to apologize for this terrible grow log. I’ve just been to busy with work. I’ve only been home Friday night till Monday and haven’t got to do much in the basement. Kids, girlfriend and taking care of everything else when I am home takes up my time. I do believe this is my last week out of town so more updates should be coming. Started the 10-30-20 feeding today following jetdro forward growing schedule. I tried my hand at collecting pollen and didn’t turn out so well. I believe having the male under a very weak light wasn’t the best idea. Going to switch gear for awhile and work my way through a few seed pack keeping only females till I find the girls I’m looking for.

Interested to see the final outcome of this run. They honestly look pretty damn good just feel the could of used some extra tlc. But for what I’ve done just filling the res and the light training I’m happy. The octopots carried this grow on there backs the whole way. Anyone looking for a low maintenance set a forget system this is the one.

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Plants are looking good @Mr.greenbee . Really am impressed with the octo’s

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Fill the res that more or less all they have had. Environment is pretty dialed in so that a plus but it been all octo doing the heavy lifting


Home early this week so quick update. checked on the girls real quick and everything running smooth. Day 24 or 25 I believe of flower.


Any tips or advice is more than welcome. I’m still in the beginning of hopefully a long journey and welcome any wisdom I can get.


Your plants look great. Are you still top feeding now and again?

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Yea I’ve top feed once a week when I fill the res I’m up to 6 cups. I did the compost tea and recharge in veg and flower I’ve used recharge the first two weeks and roots terp boost the third. This week I’m thinking insect frass and crab meal guano tea. I may of done more tea if I would have had the time. These octopots rock and I recommend them highly for the beginner to the pro.

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I do have a ? Are the praying plants good or bad. I’ve always understood it as a good thing but I’ve also read it from having to much light? From lights on to lights off there praying pretty good till the far red turns on at light out and you can see them start falling

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It is a sign of a bit to much light, might want to back down a tad

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Much appreciated will do I’m sitting at 70% so I’ll bring it back to 60%

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Sounds good, they will be more comfortable and happy, probably drink more water also


If the plants leaves are praying :pray: it’s a sign they are way to close to the light And protecting the plant from the heat

Increase air flow and raise light if you can

Also did you say you top feed your Octopots once a week ( only at transplanting otherwise not recommended by manufacturer)
Inhibits rood growth ( stops downward root movement

Plants do look very healthy and happy


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I’d suggest a cheap lux meter (the cool kids use PAR meters) for checking the light intensity.
I found a meter really helped me.



Cool a new octo grower! I’ll follow along!

My suggest is

  • Get some TPS1 liquid nutes. TPS1 and Octo’s go hand in hand and 1/3 of all your problems will go away.
  • @Papalag is right, don’t water top down, never.
  • Dont pack the dirt super tight in the pots.



Yeah I’ve top feed once I a week I started at just two cups but now I’m at six cups it not much but I think the microbes from the recharge and tea do a lot for the final product. I was doing only have my garden so four without top feed and four with but a rookie mistake and ended up with five males so I only have three females left all getting weekly top feed. I haven’t really looked at the res roots besides through the holes in the corner but there a lot from the looks of it. I decreased my light by ten percent last night and that seemed to do the trick.

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The octopots are a time saver and been impressive the whole time